Sorcha Faal

Russian Spy Poisoned In UK Offered To Give Evidence That MI6 Created “Trump Dossier” So He Could Return Home

In early February (2018), the Federal Security Service (FSB) was contacted by Yulia Skripal—who is the daughter of the former Russian spy Sergei Skripal, has lived in London since 2011 [English], and was preparing to return to Russia to marry the son of a high-ranking Russian security official—but whose father, already despondent over the death of his son last year, and his wife in 2012 [English], wanted to return to Russia with her—and in exchange for his being allowed to do so, would, in turn, provide proof that MI6 had entirely created what is now known as the now discredited “Trump Dossier” in cooperation with the Obama-Clinton regime designed to destroy the legitimacy of President Trump.


Sorcha Faal

Trump Prepares To Declare California “In State Of Rebellion”—Then Establish New Government

President Donald Trump met secretly with top officials of the US military, CIA, FBI and Homeland Security at the San Diego based Marine Corps Air Station Miramar—thereafter making a visit to the Los Angeles area so secretive that local police officials were not allowed to know anything about it—but where he met with the founders of the “State of New California” who just weeks ago declared their independence—all moves, this report says, show clearly that Trump is preparing to declare that California is in “ a state of rebellion”—that then gives Trump unlimited power under the United States Constitution’s “Guarantee Clause” to extinguish California’s current government and establish a new one. […]

Sorcha Faal

Russia Rejects UK Ultimatum Over Fake Nerve Gas Attack, Followed By Trump Firing Tillerson For Backing This Lie Too

A blistering new Security Council (SC) report circulating in the Kremlin today states that Britain’s “midnight deadline” for President Putin to answer the fake allegations that a Russian chemical weapon was used in Salisbury (UK) to attack a former Soviet spy and his Russian citizen daughter has been totally rejected—with Foreign Minister Lavrov stating that Russia won’t respond to this British ultimatum until samples of the alleged chemical weapon were received as the protocols of both the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) and Chemical Weapons Convention (CWC) explicitly demand—and that was nearly immediately followed by President Trump firing Secretary of State Rex Tillerson who had inexcusably thrown his support behind these fake British allegations before any investigation whatsoever had been made. […]

Sorcha Faal

“Deep State” Issues Non-Subtle 9/11 Attack Warning To Trump With Massive Explosion

The American shadow government “Deep State” sent a “non-subtle” warning message to President Donald Trump yesterday when it imploded by massive explosions the 28-story Capital Plaza Tower in Frankfort, Kentucky, using the exact same demolition methods used to implode the World Trade Center buildings on 11 September 2001 (9/11)—and that included their exactly duplicating the explosive “boom-boom-boom” sounds reported by New York City fighters occurring in the World Trade Center buildings while they were collapsing, along with their, also, exactly duplicating the “squibs”—that are puffs (or jets) of dust emerging from buildings during a demolition caused by the detonation of explosive charges. […]

Sorcha Faal

Evidence Warned Growing That Gulf Of Mexico “Supervolcano” May Be Preparing to Erupt

A disturbing new Ministry of Defense (MoD) report circulating in the Kremlin today states that scientific analysis provided to the Naval Main Command (NMC) from its research vessel RFS Viktor Leonov CCB175(NATO designation SSV-175) this past week provide growing evidence that the “bizarre/mysterious” high temperature readings emanating from the Gulf of Mexico might, indeed, be linked to a deep underwater supervolcano—that may be preparing to erupt, but at the very least, has violently altered normal global weather patterns.  […]

Sorcha Faal

Putin-Trump Begin Emergency Talks After Top US Nuclear Commander Disappears 

Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov and his American counterpart US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson (both of whom are on the African Continent, with Tillerson have cancelled all events today and have established a secure communication channel enabling advisors of both President Putin and President Trump to maintain continuous contact while investigations are taking place into the whereabouts of US Navy Vice Admiral Charles Richard—who is the Deputy Commander of the United States Strategic Command (USSTRATCOM) that controls Americas nuclear weapons in time of war—and who, for reasons unknown, has not had his presence accounted for in the past nearly 24 hours.   […]

Sorcha Faal

Russia Begins Feeding Half The World As Fears Grow Over American GMO Plot To Alter DNA

This year’s grain harvest is the largest on record enabling Russia to now feed half the world—and could not have come at a more critical moment in time as chilling evidence shows that the DNA methylation process used by the American’s to create their genetically modified (GMO) foods has been found to be accumulating in GMO maize (corn)—and that many experts believe is causing de-masculinized boys and young men whose sperm counts among the world’s male population have declined as much as 40-50%.  […]

Sorcha Faal

Slain FBI Agent Was Investigating Hillary Clinton Links To Baltimore Detective Suicide

According to this report, this past June (2017), Hillary Clinton visited Baltimore, Maryland, where she spoke before students associated with an Israeli youth programme established by US Congressman Elijah Cummings—and one of whose local police protectors was Baltimore Police Detective Sean Suiter—but who, just 5 months later, on 15 November 2017, was killed during a “violent struggle” with his own gun—and whose death remains the only unsolved line-of-duty death in the that police agency’s history. […]

Sorcha Faal

Russia Rescues Millions Of Americans As New England Region Warned Faces Coming Blackouts

A stupefying new Ministry of Industry and Trade (MIT) report circulating in the Kremlin today reveals that for the second time this year, emergency supplies of Russian natural gas had to be shipped to the American region of New England whose nearly 15 million overwhelmingly Democratic Party citizens were facing an imminent shutdown of their entire electrical grid due to what can only be described as stupidity—and whose future remains bleak as rolling blackouts are predicted to hit them all by 2024. […]

Benjamin Fulford 

End game for cabal as Nuremberg II tribunals loom

Pentagon sources explain that, “Trump signed Executive Order 3/1 to amend the court martial manual to get civilian legal help and prepare the public for Nuremberg II military tribunals of the cabal before truth and reconciliation.” It appears that at least some mass murderers are not going to get away with just saying “sorry.” […]


FBI Files: George H. W. Bush’s Top Secret CIA Drug Running Empire

On the anniversary of Robert F. Kennedy’s death, on June 5, 1989; Sen. Edward Kennedy asked the FBI to secretly brief him on George H.W. Bush’s history with the drug trade and CIA. The top secret document revealed that the CIA to entered into the drug smuggling business, in a total and complete fashion. Each of the five planners had their own field to handle. Bush would be the secret head of ONA and handle all the shipping of the drugs under forged waybills. [Richard] Armitage would be the “gopher” for the group and the intermediary with any “undesirables”. General Landsdale would handle all the distribution network and collection services within the military in Vietnam. […]

Sorcha Faal

Trump Signs Sweeping Executive Order Clearing Path For Mass “Deep State” Arrests By US Military

Within a few hours of its being revealed that the American shadow government “Deep State” had established its own “shadow” National Security Council, it was quickly retaliated against by President Donald Trump with his 1 March signing of a sweeping Executive Order making the most significant changes to the Uniform Code Of Military Justice (UCMJ) since the Military Justice Act Of 1983—and whose most significant change authorizes, for the first time in history, experienced civilians to take part in the US Military court-martial process—thus clearing a path for mass “Deep State” arrests whose trials and sentencing would not impact the normal flow of the US Military justice system. […]

Foreign Affairs

West Continues to Aggravate Situation in Eastern Ghouta

The situation around Eastern Ghouta continuous to be intense due to the regular mortar shells of Hayat Tahrir Al-Sham and Faylaq Al-Rahman militants. At the same time, the humanitarian corridors are daily fired by snipers to prevent the civilians from fleeing Eastern Ghouta to Damascus.
However, the Syrian army units continue to initiate new assaults on the positions of terrorists to recapture the area and liberate the local population. Tonight, the government forces stormed terrorists’ positions after the several-hour-long daily truce in Eastern Ghouta and managed to cut off one of the main supply routes of the militants in the region. […]