Sorcha Faal

Russia-China Prepare After US Activates “Satan’s Fingers” Space Weapon

Chinese Minister of National Defense Wei Fenghe is rushing to Moscow after both Russia and China vowed to maintain global peace and stability—that comes on the heels of Stephen F. Cohen, Ph.D., Professor Emeritus of Russian Studies and Politics at NYU and Princeton, joining the growing global chorus of experts warning that unproven allegations against President Trump and President Putin are risking nuclear war—but with the greatest present fear being a series of what are believed to be activation codes sent yesterday by the US military’s Prompt Global Strike (PGS) programme to its “Satan’s Fingers” space weapon disguised as the Hubble Space Telescope (HST). […]

Cyrus the Stray

Cognitive Biases That Make Us Dumb Asses

We all have them. From psychologists identifying them to marketers who exploit them to manipulate others, we all have them. These are the cognitive biases, the critical breakdowns in logic and reason we are all subject to daily. Which is your favorite, as in, the one you’re most vulnerable to? […]

Sorcha Faal

“Deep State” Blackmail War Turns Deadly Sights On US Military Factions Supporting Trump

Another ominous Security Council (SC) report circulating in the Kremlin today says that the “apologies being whispered into our ears” by Western diplomats who are expelling Russian diplomats in mass over a poisoning charade in the UK that no evidence exists for, proves that this invented crisis is “due to a colossal blackmail and pressure campaign” initiated by the American shadow government “Deep State”—and whose deadly sights have now turned on the USmilitary and intelligence factions supporting President Donald Trump—as evidenced by the “false flag” terror attacks on Travis Air Force Base and, at least, 6 top American military and intelligence agencies over this past week.  […]

Sorcha Faal

“World Will Never Be The Same” After US Enacts Terrifying New Orwellian Law

A truly ominous new Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR) report circulating in the Kremlin today says that in the United States, where its citizens have willfully blinded themselves to the distinctly American internet saying “if a product is free, it means that you are the product”—its Orwellian mass surveillance and control system called Facebook has now been joined by an equally Orwellian, and terrifying, new law enacted in the dead of night this past week called the Clarifying Overseas Use of Data Act (CLOUD)—and that is called a major threat to the freedom of the entire world—none of whose people will be will ever be the same again as they cower in fear of what it is soon to come.  […]

Benjamin Fulford 

It’s time to remind China of its place

The start today (March 26, 2018) of oil futures trading in gold-backed Chinese yuan is being widely seen as a Chinese victory in the ongoing financial war for control of the planet Earth.  It is also a good time to remind China that the world will NEVER swap Khazarian mafia control for Chinese mafia control. […]

Sister Ciara

Ignoring Facebook and Google Control Spells Humanity’s Doom

With a world containing “hidden giants” like Edward Bernays, I would like nothing more than to tell everyone of you that complete “free will” exists, and that “your thoughts are your own”, but I’d be lying if did—because the stark truth is that human behavior is 93% predictable—and when something is predictable, it’s also able to be manipulated. […]

Sorcha Faal

Russia Issues Terrifying “Mercury Retrograde” Warning, Says Strike On America Imminent

The Kremlin today states that during yesterdays war conference held between Chief of the Russian General Staff General Valery Gerasimov and US Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman General Joseph Dunford, the Americans were bluntly told that if they strike Syria, Russian military forces would instantly respond by targeting US warplanes and warships—thus constituting what is in essence the feared “Mercury Retrograde” warning the most secretive branch of the Federal Security Service (FSB) has documented would cause the outbreak of World War III—and that begins with this evenings sunset. […]

Donald Trump

Russia: China Now Has Complete Soviet “Master File” Plan To Destroy America From Within

A disturbing new Federal Security Service (FSB) report circulating in the Kremlin today reveals that the communist ruled People’s Republic of China (PRC) now has in its possession the complete Committee for State Security (KGB) “master file” plan that details how to destroy the United States “from within”—and whose over 37,000 pages of the most highly classified information ever produced by the former Soviet Union were treasonously provided to the Chinese Ministry of State Security by former FSB officer Maxim Kondratyev and his accomplice Namsaray Dambayev—both of whom received 200,000 yuan ($31,500) from the Chinese, but whose convictions for high-treason, yesterday, will not allow them to spend it from their new homes in the maximum-security penal colonies they’ll both now reside in for multiple years. […]

Sorcha Faal

Stephen Hawking Reported Murdered To Stop Trump From Disclosing Truth About Aliens

A stunning new Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR) circulating in the Kremlin today claims it is “more than likely” that world renowned British Theoretical Physicist Stephen Hawking was murdered as his 14 March death came just 10 days after his 4 March revision to his scientific research paper titled “A Smooth Exit from Eternal Inflation?” said to be “the key to unlocking parallel universes” […]

Benjamin Fulford 

The world is about to find out just how horrific the Khazarian mafia’s crimes were

The purge at the very tip top of the U.S. secret power structure is nearly complete, meaning a much larger purge is now about to take place, according to Pentagon, CIA, and other sources.  The top leadership of the White House, the CIA, the NSA, the FBI, the Pentagon, and other U.S. agencies is now composed almost entirely of white hats.  This means that a systematic purge of the lower ranks is now possible.  The result will be that in coming months people are going to find out just how horrific the crimes carried out by the Khazarian mafia really were. […]

Sorcha Faal

German Intelligence Officer Reveals Plot To Remove Children From Christian Parents by Calling Them Mentally Ill

As Joy Behar of The View spreads the “Christians are mentally ill” narrative on one of ABC’s most popular shows, a former German Bundeswehr officer named Markus Bergfeld has applied for asylum in Russia after his accidentally discovering a plot to begin taking children away from their Christian parents by scientists claiming that believers in the Christian faith are brain damaged.  […]

Donald Trump

“Deep State” Electronic Gulag Joins Obama-Clinton “Knife Fight” Against Trump As Russia Prepares US Obliteration

The “Deep State”, this past week, sent a warning message to President Trump to not dare fire ex-FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe, with the former Obama-Clinton regime Attorney General Eric Holder grimly declaring “you want to rumble, let’s rumble…you want to have a knife fight…we’re gonna do it”—but that forces loyal to Trump ignored by firing McCabe just hours ago—and that was quickly retaliated against by the “Deep State” controlled Electronic Gulag whose member Facebook immediately extinguished one of Trump’s top 2020 presidential campaign sites—while at the same time, the Ministry of Defence (MoD) has just warned of the American military forces illegally in Syria: “We’re registering the signs of the preparations for the possible strikes. Strike groups of the cruise missile carriers have been formed in the east of the Mediterranean Sea, Persian Gulf and Red Sea.” […]