Clinton Foundation

“Deep State” Coup Erupts Into Open As Iran Readies “Auntie Cockroach” Nuclear Defense Of Shiite World

A petrifying new Security Council (SC) report circulating in the Kremlin today showing how dangerously chaotic our world has become is warning that the Islamic Republic of Iran is in the final phases of preparing its “Auntie Cockroach” nuclear defense of the Shia Islam world as it’s now “the next nation up” being targeted for invasion by the United States and its Western allies, and that comes at the same time the “Deep State” coup d’état against President Donald Trumphas erupted into full public view on US television—with globalist leader Richard Haass first proclaiming to the American people, during an appearance on the leftist-communist cable news channel MSNBC, that “You Need A Deep State”—and who was quickly responded to, a few hours later, by legendary former top FBI official James Kallstrom, while appearing on the rightist-nationalist Fox News cable channel, correctly counter-warning the American people by telling them that that the “Deep State” aligned FBI was now “A criminal ‘Fifth Column’ running an illegal conspiracy to topple President Trump”—with it further to be noted about former FBI Assistant Director Kallstrom that his assessment of what it will take to end this coup d’état against Trump would be to “Shoot Hillary Clinton By Firing Squad For Treason”—and that exactly mirrors the Foreign Intelligence Service warning yesterday that the “Season of Assassins” has begun in the US.   […]

Sorcha Faal

Russia Proclaims “Season Of Assassins” Has Arrived After Feared CIA Executive Joins Forces With Trump

President Trump shows no signs of backing down, with his now throwing out onto “the poker table of this deadly game” his highest card—a direct threat to take personal control over the entire US Justice Department and its subordinate FBI—after which all of the “Deep State’s” crimes against the American people, including 9/11, can be exposed—but that all of the SVR’s most senior intelligence analysts firmly state Trump will not be able to accomplish without bloodshed—as the only way to stop these “Deep State” monsters is to kill them—with it only remaining to be seen as to “whom kills whom first”. […]

Cyrus the Stray

A Study in Projection: Cyber Bully Jeremy Lam’s Claims of Cultural Appropriation

First of all, Jeremy Lam is appropriating Chinese culture by implying all Chinese can be represented by one Chinese man and cyber bully, and that they are enamored of the victim-hood mentality to the ridiculous extent he is. This man actually feels victimized by a white girl honoring the Chinese culture by wearing a prom dress celebrating it! Second of all, you’re projecting your own appropriation of your culture on to an innocent party. Please stop, Jeremy. […]

Sorcha Faal

Russia In Shock After Massive Western Celebration Of Communist Ideology That Murdered 94 Million

The Kremlin today is expressing both shock and horror over the massive Western celebration of the failed ideology of communism during yesterday’s “First of May” 100th anniversary—and whose outright repugnance by Russia’s leaders is due to their having lived under the brutal regime of the former Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR-Soviet Union) whose tens-of-millions of needless deaths make up the bulk of the estimated 94 million humans killed due to communist ideology during the 20th Century—and that “feels the need to kill again”.  […]

Sorcha Faal

Montana Senator Jon Tester Linked To Vile “Honey Trap” Plot Against President Trump

A “Honey Trap” plot initiated against President Donald Trump had as one of its main leaders the Democratic Party US Senator from Montana named Jon Tester—whose purpose behind was to eject from the White House its personal physician US Navy Admiral Ronnie Jackson in order to replace him with US Army Doctor Jennifer Peña—with Dr. Jennifer Peña being a known close associate of the just captured Hollywood actress Allison Mack arrested for her sex trafficking crimes. The plot failed and led to Trump to declare this past weekend “Tester started throwing out things that he’s heard. Well I know things about Tester that I could say too. And if I said them, he’d never be elected again.” […]

Benjamin Fulford 

Big showdown expected in Middle East as end game approaches for Saudi Israelia

Peace in the Korean Peninsula means the Khazarian mafia is now pulling out all stops in an effort to start World War 3 in the Middle East, multiple sources agree. The result is that there is now a huge battle going on there that is likely to determine the fate of Israel and its ally Saudi Arabia, a collective we will refer to as Saudi Israelia. The battle will also determine who rules the West—satanic bloodlines, or the people. […]

Independent Press

Trump is Doing What Kennedy Tried To Do – Kevin Shipp

On Friday, Shipp and other retired top officials at the CIA, FBI, DOJ and NSA held a press conference and demanded Attorney General Jeff Sessions prosecute top Obama era officials for obvious crimes against the incoming Trump Administration. Shipp says, “We have a coup within our government right now at the senior levels at the CIA, DOJ and the FBI attempting to unseat a duly elected President who was elected by the American people and remove him from office. . . .This is, at worst, treason with senior officials in the shadow government or Deep State . . . to attack Donald Trump and remove him from office. . . . We have not seen anything like this since the Presidency of John F. Kennedy (JFK), when CIA Director Allen Dulles attacked him, and we saw what happened there. . . . […]

Sorcha Faal

Hillary Pleads With Top Russian Criminal To Protect Her From Trump

Two Hillary Clinton emissaries—former FBI operative Daniel J. Jones and disgraced former US Congressman Ron Dellums—have made repeated visits over the past 7 months to the “multimillion dollar mansion”, in Rapperswil-Jona, Switzerland, of one of Russia’s most notorious convicted criminals named Mikhail Khodorkovsky—with these visits, and subsequent continuous communications, succeeded in getting Khodorkovsky to join a new Clinton-led $50 million plot to attack President Donald Trump with “fake news” Russian collusion claims—and that coincides with loyal Trumpforces quickly closing in on Hillary Clinton for her massive theft of $84 million from the Democratic Party during the 2016 US presidential campaign. […]

Sorcha Faal

Russia Slams News Network MSNBC For Being “Place Where Journalism Goes To Die”

MSNBC was slammed over its sordid attempt to blame President Putin for the scandal erupting around one of their rising star anchors named Joy Reid—whose recently discovered past internet postings exposed her as being a homophobic racist has led MSNBC (that’s best known for being the main propaganda arm of the Democratic Party and “the place where journalism goes to die”) to launch a “fake news” scheme best described by Pulitzer Prize winning reporter Glenn Greenwald who wrote: “What do Democrats do when hideously bigoted anti-gay posts are found on the old blog of a liberal cable TV host and the liberal host claims they weren’t hers?  Do you even need to ask?  They blame . . . PUTIN”.   […]

Sorcha Faal

Russia Warns Only 18 Days Left Until Apocalypse Begins As It Budgets $162 Billion For Postwar Reconstruction

Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu grimly stated that the United States, “without embarrassment”, has now declared that all international trends they consider to unfavorable to them will be “corrected” through the use of military force, which led President Putin to propose an immediate reduction in military spending by $162 billion and shifting it to achieve a “decisive breakthrough” in raising the living standards of the Russian population—as all Security Council Members agreed that the 18 days left before the 12 May “apocalypse” of President Trump destroying the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) was best spent planning for post World War III reconstruction—as the American’s have overtly declared their intention to totally annihilate the Islamic Republic of Iran—and as so stated by US National Security Advisor John Bolton last year when said that “the policy of the US is to destroy Iran”, with his further declaring that: “Before the end of 2019, we’ll be celebrating in Tehran”. […]

Benjamin Fulford 

Massive Satanist offensive runs out of steam and counter-attack begins

The satan-worshipping elite who hijacked power in the West, fighting for their very lives, have staged a massive counteroffensive in Syria and against U.S. President Donald Trump.  This offensive has now run out of steam and is backfiring on them big time as their lies about Syria and many other things are being exposed.  And, although no word has been given about when the 25,500 sealed indictments will be acted upon, Pentagon and other sources say action to remove the satanists permanently from world power is intensifying. […]

Sorcha Faal

Russia Plans Largest Pirate Heist In History Of World Targeting Hollywood, American Tech Giants

Republican Party US Senator Cory Gardner declared his intention to launch an initiative to determine whether Russia should be labeled as “a state sponsor of terrorism”—with the Security Council Members response to this outrage being their wholehearted support of a new law that would make Russia the largest pirate state the world has ever known—and whose target will be the 81 collective industries headed by Hollywood elites and American tech giants responsible for some $6.6 trillion in value representing 38% of total US GDP—thus making it no surprise when early today UN Secretary General António Guterres warned that what the world is witnessing is another Cold War.  […]