Sorcha Faal

Former FBI Assistant Director Andrew McCabe Exposed As Russian Spy 

Americas top nuclear experts are now urging Trump to force the US Congress to pass and then ratify this treaty before it’s too late—but whose likelihood of happening is decreasing by the day as the “Deep State” coup leaders battling to overthrow Trump have now gone beyond insane by their forcing former FBI Assistant Director Andrew McCabe to file suit against Special Counsel Robert Mueller so that he can see the hidden evidence against him in order to defend himself—and that one can only suppose is due to Mueller believing that McCabe is a Russian spy as he’s being treated in the exact same way that the Russian company Concord Management is—and whom Mueller has filed a first in American history action against seeking to deny them the right to see any evidence against them so that they can defend themselves too.  […]

Sorcha Faal

“Deep State” Goes Into Full Meltdown After Historic Trump-Kim Summit

The “Deep State” is, indeed, striking back “hard and dirty” against President Donald Trump after his historic nuclear disarmament summit with North Korean Supreme Leader Kim Jong-un—with the “Deep State” first having Special Counsel Robert Mueller shock the very foundation of the US legal system by his declaring yesterday that defendants no longer have the right to see the evidence against them—and equally as worse, the Ministry of Defense (MoD) reporting that “Deep State” aligned US special operations units are preparing a “false flag” provocation involving chloride gas in the Syrian Deir ez-Zor Province that will enable them to force Trump into launching a new attack on that country’s state facilities—which Russia calls “unacceptable”, and will respond to in full force against. […]

Sorcha Faal

“Grand Commander Donald The Strong” Squashes “Little Potato” Justin Trudeau As “Ice Wall” World Emerges

The Chinese nicknamed President Donald Trump  “Grand Commander Donald The Strong” while at the same time their labeling Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau as “Little Potato”—as Trump at this summit squashed Trudeau, and other Western leaders, like bugs under the massive global economic “ICE Wall” the United States has erected in order to ensure its global dominance—but to which First Deputy Governor of Russia’s Central Bank Olga Skorobogatova warned about by stating: “I have recently seen the movie, The Matrix, it is 15-20 years old already, so it is from a long time ago.  And I have discovered something new for myself: about 35% of what they came up with already exists in our lives”. […]

Sorcha Faal

Top US General Receives Putin Warning: “Stop World Cup War Now, Or Watch Gates Of Hell Open”

Providing an explanation as to why President Donald Trump emerged from the White House yesterday morning to stunningly declare that Russia should be immediately readmitted to the G7, a beyond terrifying new Ministry of Defense (MoD) report circulating in the Kremlin today reveals was due to Trump receiving from Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff General Joseph Dunford (America’s top military leader) President Putin’s “final warning” to the United States to stop Ukraine from launching an unprovoked war against Russia during the 14 June to 15 July 2018 FIFA World Cup, or “watch the gates of hell open”—a grave message General Dunford had been ordered to travel to the neutral nation of Finland yesterday to receive directly from his counterpart Chief of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation General Valery Gerasimov.   […]

Sorcha Faal

Putin Warns Of World War III As United States and Europe Move Closer To Open Conflict—Not With Russia, But Each Other

President Putin has warned that a new world war could become “an end of civilization”, the United States and Europe are moving ever closer to open conflict erupting between themselves after German Chancellor Angela Merkel slammed President Donald Trump for dismantling the post-World War II order, and that she urged her allies to fight back against—with Trump quickly retaliating by slamming Merkel and her allies by his noting that Canada charges a 270% tariff on US dairy products and the European trade surplus with America is $151 billion—with Trump further raging at Merkel and her allies to: “Take down your tariffs and barriers or we will more than match you!”—after which Trump then stunningly announced that he would leave the G7 Summit early and not even pose with Merkel and her allies for the traditional group photo of these Western world leaders—thus creating the exact geopolitical climate that existed a century ago when an international trade dispute between the British and German Empires erupted into World War I.   […]

Sorcha Faal

Democrats Collapse In Terror As Diabolical Trump Plot To Destroy Them Emerges

The American liberal-socialist Democratic Party has collapsed into total terror due to their abject failure to ignite their voters in what they claimed would be a “Blue Wave” that would wash like a tsunami over Trump’s Republican Party in the soon coming 2018 Midterm Elections—but whose grim  reality of played out this past week in the “Reigning Capital of Liberal America” called California where an historic low of just 21.8% of this States voters turned up to vote this past Tuesday—thus exposing for all to see President Donald Trump’s diabolical plot to destroy these Democrats that he’s accomplished by creating more jobs in the US than there are people to fill them, and whose content workers would rather stay at their high paying jobs making money for their families instead of voting for whatever the latest Democratic induced hysteria is—with European nations now also rushing to emulate Trump’s populist policies, but whose liberation from the slavery of globalist elites they’re looking for Russia to accomplish. […]

Cloak and Dagger

G7 Trump Assassination Fears Rise After Plot To Kill Israeli Leader Leads To Arrest Of White House Defense Official

The Shin Bet “security hold” placed against revealing details related to the plot to assassinate Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was due to their needing time until their global “accomplice unraveling” process could be completed—but that was lifted just hours ago after a US national defense worker named Martese Edwards was captured and arrested while attempting to enter the White House—thus leading Russian intelligence analysts to fear that President Donald Trump is being targeted for assassination, too, during his visit, within the next 36-hours, to Ottawa, Canada, to attend the G7 Summit—and is where, in 1972, the American shadow government “Deep State” attempted to assassinate President Richard Nixon—but whose mysterious “lone gunman” assassin, named Arthur Bremer, was “redirected” to assassinate US presidential candidate George Wallace—with Wallace surviving his assassination, though becoming paralyzed, and that led him to later declare: “I have no evidence, but I think my attempted assassination was part of a conspiracy”. […]

Sorcha Faal

Russian Spy Chiefs Joined With Special Counsel Robert Mueller To Trap CIA Operative George Papadopoulos

A transcript detailing a conversation held earlier today between Security Council Chairman President Putin and Chairwoman of the Council of Federation Valentina Matviyenko mind blowingly reveals the approval of “additional expenditures” to be allocated to Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR) Director Sergei Naryshkin, Federal Security Service (FSB) Director Aleksandr Bortnikov and the General Staff’s Main Intelligence Directorate (GRU) Director Colonel General Igor Korobov for their continued cooperation with the United States Department of Justice Office of Special Counsel in “Operation Crossfire Hurricane”—that was joined by these top three Russian intelligence officials this past January (2018) when they made an historic and unprecedented secret visit to the United States to meet with CIA Director Mike Pompeo and Special Counsel Robert Mueller—who were tasked by the Americans to “aid and assist” in the uncovering of a massive Western intelligence coup plot against President Donald Trump by exposing the crimes of a Swiss-German multi-millionaire national named Dr. Stephan Roh—and who in knowing that his links to Hillary Clinton and his crimes are soon to be exposed, has ordered the publishing of a book next month titled “The Faking of RUSSIA-GATE: The Papadopoulos Case” wherein he admits that George Papadopoulos was a CIA operative inserted into the Trump presidential campaign—and for which Papadopoulos had previously been indicted for by Special Counsel Mueller.  […]


LBJ Ordered CIA Hit on Robert F. Kennedy. Who Else Was Involved?

To keep it short, we are operating from the overwhelming evidence that Sen. Robert. F. Kennedy knew President Lyndon Baines Johnson had his brother killed, according to RFK himself. He realized this fully with the Jim Garrison trial of Clay Shaw, when the CIA role in the killing of his brother became clear. Once this was clear, had RFK become become president, as he was certain to do, LBJ and all conspirators would face certain justice.  So they killed him. So here are the other players… […]

Sorcha Faal

Trump-Kim Summit Move To Russia Meets “Deep State” Backlash

The Pentagon has just used a barely noticed legal case to shockingly reveal that the US Department of Defense secretly records and stores every single phone conversation made on their global telecommunications network—and that, unmistakably, includes all of its phone communications that are managed by the US militaries White House Communications Agency—thus leaving nothing to the imagination as to what the Pentagon has secretly recorded from the Obama-Clinton regime in their plot to destroy Trump.  […]

Benjamin Fulford 

Takedown of Israel may be imminent as NATO withdraws protection

Tectonic shifts in the geopolitical landscape continue at a dizzying pace around the world as the satanic Khazarian mob is being systematically removed from all world power centers, multiple sources agree.  The situation has proceeded so far that the Khazarian big Kahuna, Israel, may soon be liberated from the satanists, Pentagon sources say.  In Europe the changes of government last week in Italy, Spain, and Slovenia mean that only a rump of France, Germany, and Holland remain under Khazarian control, the sources say. […]

Sorcha Faal

“Merkel Mouse” Bites “Tiger Trump”—Then Quickly Realizes It Was Worst Mistake Of Her Life

German Chancellor Angela Merkel is quickly regretting her decision to run for another term to “counter Trump”, and funnel $5 million to Hillary Clinton during the height of the 2016 US presidential election, as she has now incurred the full and total wrath of President Donald Trump—who dispatched to Italy his firebrand populist maestro Steve Bannon to oversee the creation of what is being called this countries new government “Fuck You Coalition” whose ministers have just launched a shock attack on Merkel by their calling for Germany to be kicked out of the Eurozone.  […]

Sorcha Faal

Putin Orders Massive Naval Fleet To Atlantic As Trump Prepares For Full Scale Military Invasion Of Mexico

President Putin has ordered the immediate deployment of the entire Baltic Fleet expeditionary force to the waters of the Atlantic Ocean off the coast of the Americas where they are to be stationed throughout the entire Summer prior to completing their other 2018 global training missions—and who will be in “combat preparation” for President Donald Trump’s “more than expected” full scale military invasion of the United Mexican States in response to the now unstoppable election to the Mexican presidency of the socialist-communist candidate Andrés Manuel López Obrador [English]—and whom—while known simply as ALMO, and being called the “Tropical Messiah”—is preparing for after his 1 July landslide victory to unleash on Mexico a communist-socialist economic isolationist agenda that has already put his nations stock market into a tailspin—with his thus becoming “America’s Worst Nightmare” as his nations currency collapses and millions of Mexicans prepare to head north to seek refuge in the United States.  […]