Disgraceful, Awful Man Misleads Viewers, As Does Adam Schiff
Awful, awful man misleads viewers once again, and so does Adam Schiff. […]
Awful, awful man misleads viewers once again, and so does Adam Schiff. […]
18 years prior to Hillary Clinton and her “Deep State” allies concocting the “fake news” Russia-collusion story to destroy President Donald Trump—the only known real foreign government collusion scandal in US presidential election history erupted when The Washington Post shockingly reported that during the 1996 reelection campaign of President Bill Clinton: “evidence gathered in federal surveillance intercepts has indicated that the Chinese government planned to increase China’s influence in the U.S. political process in 1996.” […]
An alarming new Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR) [English] report circulating in the Kremlin today warns that the group of CIA-funded Syrian terror leaders flown into Washington D.C. yesterday have in their possession at least 37 FIM-92 Stinger shoulder fired anti-aircraft missiles just given to them by the CIA under a “secret agreement”—and whose planned use of is a not-too-subtle “Deep State” retaliation threat to begin shooting down US passenger airliners—and is their response to loyal Trump forces exploding their “15 January” bombshell by providing top Republican Party leaders in the US Congress more than 1.2 million documents relating to the crimes committed by the Obama-Clinton regime—with even more expected within the coming days. […]
One sign of this extreme tension came last week when “a missile from a cabal submarine was stopped from hitting Hawaii and the submarine was sunk,” Pentagon sources say. Media outlets around the world have reported that Hawaiian residents all received the following warning on their mobile phones: “BALLISTIC MISSILE THREAT INBOUND TO HAWAII, SEEK IMMEDIATE SHELTER, THIS IS NOT A DRILL,” but later this was reported to be a false alarm. It was not—it was an attempt by “the cabal” to blame the attack on North Korea and use it as a trigger for their long-desired World War III, CIA sources say. […]
According to this report, with the American Civil War—“it’s here, it’s real, its now”—now threatening to engulf the entire world in its flames of hatred against President Donald Trump, late last year Norwegian leaders began to question why US Marine forces were suddenly flooding into their country—but whose true purpose for being there was shockingly revealed by US Marine Commanding General Robert Neller—who, during the past fortnight, arrived in Norway and told his forces “there’s a war coming…prepare for a big-ass fight”. […]
Sources have confirmed that the false alarm today in Hawaii was a cover story. The attack was real. The media had their “North Korea Attacks the Hawaiian Islands” story preemptively ready. The cabal panicked when the attack failed. A cover story was shortly made up and the attack was branded as a false alarm. The Emergency Broadcast System does not lie. Someone pressing the “wrong button” simply does not happen. This was another cabal attempt to derail the transition process by fabricating a war. […]
Reflexive control is defined as a means of conveying to a partner or an opponent specially prepared information to incline him to voluntarily make the predetermined decision desired by the initiator of the action. Even though the theory was developed long ago in Russia, it is still undergoing further refinement. Recent proof of this is the development in February 2001, of a new Russian journal known as Reflexive Processes and Control. The journal is not simply the product of a group of scientists but, as the editorial council suggests, the product of some of Russia’s leading national security institutes, and boasts a few foreign members as well. The editorial council (which is different than the editorial board) includes a member of the Federal Agency for Government Communications and Information (FAPSI), a diplomat, a Canadian, and two Americans, and the deputy head of the Information Security Committee of the Russian Security Council, among others. […]
Within hours of elite Russian Spetsnaz forces obliterating the CIA base in Syria behind a plot to assassinate President Donald Trump—Wikileaks leader Julian Assange posted to his Twitter account the long awaited “Marshall Attack” message signaling his acceptance of Trump’s “terms”—and that has now left the entire world holding its breath in fear as to how the American shadow government “Deep State” will respond. […]
A breathtaking new Security Council (SC) report circulating in the Kremlin today states that President Donald Trump has heeded the Ministry of Defense (MoD) warning that he was about to be assassinated by his abruptly cancelling his 16 January visit to London—where he had planned to be when the bombshell 15 January Office of the Inspector General report explodes across the entire US political landscape—with Trump, also, stunningly allowing, for the first time in history, an aerial photograph to be released of the mysterious white hypersonic aircraft “that saved America” on 11 September 2001—and that has now been stationed mere miles away from Trump’s vast Mar-a-Lago Florida compound as a demonstration of the wrath he intends to bring against his “Deep State” enemies seeking to overthrow him. […]
The Lost Books of the Bible present all sorts of matter before the curious eye. There are stories about Mary and instances of her personal life. There are other stories about the boyhood of Jesus and instances about His crucifixion. All of these become important because of the central figure about whom they revolve. […]
Far from Steve Bannon having “lost his mind”, he is, in fact, acting true to his US Naval Intelligence training, and who, without a doubt, was responsible for the 25 December cryptic US Navy “Julian Assange” warning Tweet—and whose only historical companion is his fellow US Naval Intelligence comrade Bob Woodward—who, like Bannon, worked in the White House (between 1969-1970) and was privy to all of the presidents secret communications—and after leaving the White House, went to The Washington Post where he destroyed then President Richard Nixon—like Bannon has done by going to Breitbart News where he, too, is attempting to destroy President Trump in the same way. But with the difference now being President Trump’s being able to have Steve Bannon fired from Breitbart News, unlike President Nixon was able to do against Bob Woodward. […]
“We at the APA call for an end to psychiatrists providing professional opinions in the media about public figures whom they have not examined, whether it be on cable news appearances, books, or in social media,” the group wrote, adding “Arm-chair psychiatry or the use of psychiatry as a political tool is the misuse of psychiatry and is unacceptable and unethical.” […]
A petition appealing to the DPRK’s authorities to stop testing weapons of mass destruction (WMD) during the Winter Olympic Games in Pyeongchang has recently emerged at thechange.org. A huge number of athletes and sports fans […]
According to this report, modern time fears that our planet was nearing a new ice age period were first raised, in 1975, when Newsweek Magazine published an article titled “The Cooling World”—and wherein its author, Peter Gwynne, cited various US government scientists claiming that they had observed “ominous signs” that our Earth was cooling—but that provided no firm scientific evidence as to how such a conclusion was reached—with Gwynne, also, in 2014, recanting his article and stating: “While the hypotheses described in that original story seemed right at the time, climate scientists now know that they were seriously incomplete.” […]
This ElectroMagnetic Pulse (EMP) satellite was launched as the U.S. government’s January 31st payment deadline looms, and will be used against North Korea, the sources say. Since North Korea is a proxy and is really too analog to be affected by an EMP attack, this is clearly a veiled threat at the Swiss controllers who hollowed out the U.S. and built up China. […]