Critical Las Vegas Massacre Witness Found Dead As “Area 51” Warned Was True Target, Not Concert

With Kymberley Suchomel being the latest critical witness-survivor to have turned up mysteriously dead, this report continues, the Las Vegas Police and FBI were said to have  went into “full damage control” yesterday during their latest press conference where they, yet again, attempted to “fix the narrative” of this massacre—but who didn’t allow any questions to asked, and even more astoundingly, ordered all independent journalists to leave before this press conference began.  […]


CIA Director Issues Cryptic Warning After Las Vegas Massacre Security Guard Witness Disappears

To the lone gunman “patsy” Stephen “Lee Harvey” Paddock the CIA is struggling to blame the Las Vegas massacre on, because he was one of their gun runners, this report continues, the absurdities about him ricocheting throughout the US mainstream propaganda media are becoming stranger by the day—and whose latest absurdities being reported include his autopsy showing that the had a “normal brain with no abnormalities”, which would be hard to have after he supposedly blew his brains out… […]


Sorcha Faal Responds To Rochester Democrat and Chronicle Las Vegas “Hit Piece” Article

You’re exactly following the CIA’s discrediting “playbook” in this article, also, saw you outrageously calling the readers of our report “unsophisticated news illiterates whose reality is so muddied they can’t tell truth from fiction anymore”, and that you claimed was “sad and dangerous and undermining our institutions”—but your offering absolutely no evidence to support these shameful, and truly demeaning, assertions as being true. […]


Las Vegas Massacre Declared “Tipping Point” As Russia Orders Nuclear Forces To Full Alert

President Putin has authorized the immediately deploymen to combat alert status of Strategic Missile Forces (SMF) troops and their intercontinental thermal nuclear missiles in response to a Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR) warning that the warring factions of those loyal to President Donald Trump, and those loyal to the “Deep State” opposing him, have now reached a “tipping point” due to the CIA’s “false flag” “Pyramid Sacrifice” massacre in Las Vegas—and whose “official” narrative about this CIA operation has been completely destroyed, thus leaving these “shadow government” leaders in America more vulnerable to exposure than they have ever been before—and who are now fully prepared to lash out with total war in order to protect themselves. […]


George Soros Made $73 Million From Las Vegas Massacre

The self admitted “Nazi collaborator” George Soros made a massive stock manipulation deal that enriched him by, at least, $73 million—thus proving his foreknowledge of this horrific mass killing—and is exactly like what had occurred prior to 11 September 2001 when financial transactions in the days before this 9/11 attack showed that certain individuals used foreknowledge of it to reap huge profits.  […]


9/11 Playbook Followed For Las Vegas Massacre, Including 16 September MI5 Warning

According to this report, with the ever growing list of confirmed “false flag” events documented the world over, one of the most horrific ever devised was “Operation Northwoods” presented to President John F. Kennedy, in 1962, that proposed having the CIA conduct various deadly terror attacks upon the citizens of the United States that would then be blamed on Cuba—thus causing President Kennedy to bitterly state that he “wanted to splinter the CIA into a thousand pieces and scatter it to the wind” […]


Deep State War: 4Chan Chatter Regarding Vegas

“I will confirm that the 3 disclosures have been discussed and vetted thoroughly, for the last several months, here. Ok. fine… and while “pizza” is on the menu, it’s not one of the 3 pending releases. Not in the way you want it to be. It will be discussed and Hollywood specifically will take a MASSIVE HIT in the very near future. Harvey was the first lowhanging takedown so just imagine how high-level this will go. But I assure you. while Hillary, the Clinton campaign/staff, Obama admin, establishment (both parties) and DNC as related to election fraud, etc. will eventually fall for epic crimes, you’ll never see Hillary in an orange jumpsuit, for actual pizza.” […]


Shock Discovery Reveals White House Given One Week Warning Of Las Vegas Massacre

According to this report, at approximately 07:00 -4 GMT (local time) on Sunday, 24 September, an American citizen named Timothy J. Bates presented himself at the White House Southwest Appointment Gate where he informed uniformed officers of the Secret Service that he needed to talk to US Navy Admiral Mike Rodgers (Director of the National Security Agency) about a planned CIA “false flag” operation being planned for later that day on innocent concert goers attending the Life Is Beautiful-2017 concert in Las Vegas,  that then, in turn, would be blamed on “white supremacists”—with subsequent investigations proving that known CIA gun runner Stephen Paddock had, indeed, been planning to attack this concert. […]

Donald Trump

Las Vegas Massacre Witness Kills Self And Daughter After FBI Raid

“Less than 24 hours after his home was raided by the FBI, a ‘major witness’ to this horrific event took his severely disabled daughter out of his home into its backyard where he executed her before turning the gun on himself and blowing off his head off—while at the same time, the investigation into this massacre is being hampered due the FBI’s continuing, and very bizarre, massive search for two piglets named Ethel and Lucy. ” […]


Trump Warns of “Calm Before The Storm” As Links Between Las Vegas Shooter And CIA Grow

President Donald Trump, during a White House dinner with his top military commanders, suddenly turned towards the press cameras and cryptically stated that America was in a “calm before the storm”—and that Russian intelligence analysts state is due to the unstoppable avalanche of evidence proving that the Las Vegas“Pyramid Sacrifice” massacre shooter, named Stephen Paddock, was, indeed, an arms dealer working for both the CIA and Russia Mafia. […]

Independent Press

Instagram- Maddox

“A collection of satirical, crass, comedic essays from famed Internet personality and New York Times bestselling author Maddox of the infamous website The Best Page in the Universe.” […]


Russian Mafia Link To Las Vegas Massacre Confirmed As Accomplice Captured

This report concludes with SVR intelligence analysts expressing their perplexity as to why US police officials don’t admit the obvious fact that Stephen Paddock was a longtime gun runner for both the CIA and Russia Mafia—and as evidenced by the massive amounts of weapons, ammunition and explosives he possessed and his extreme wealth—and that his brother, Eric Paddock, nearly confirmed was true yesterday when during an interview he said the words “Steve was an Arms…”, then fumbling caught himself before finishing the sentence. [Full interview video below, “Steve was an Arms…”starts at 14:50] […]


Russia Identifies Las Vegas Shooter As CIA Arms Pilot; Israel Probes Stolen Weapons Flight To Nevada

Based on documented evidence developed with the aid of both Pakistan’s Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) and Israel’s Institute for Intelligence and Special Operations (MOSSAD), the identity of the person named responsible for the “Pyramid Sacrifice” ritualistic massacre in Las Vegas, named Stephen Paddock, has established his being an arms smuggling pilot employed by the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA)—with further evidence being developed that the weapons and ammunition used in this massacre were likely stolen from an Israeli arms depot sometime during the past fortnight… To the CIA’s motivation, SVR intelligence analysts have determined, is to place the blame of on ISIS terrorists in Iraq—with the end goal being that President Trump would be forced to enter into this conflict nearing its end tens-of-thousands of American troops. […]