Clinton Foundation

Putin Sounds Alarm After Hillary Clinton “Deal” For Russian Masterspy “N” Nears Total Exposure  

A fascinating Security Council (SC) report circulating in the Kremlin today details a lengthy exchange held during today’s meeting between Members President Putin and Chairwoman of the Council of Federation Valentina Matviyenko wherein “alarms” were expressed relating to recent communications held between Chairwoman Matviyenko and former US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton (Matviyenko and Clinton are long time comrades) regarding the 2010 “deal” made between Russia and the Obama regime for the release of Masterspy “N”—and who was previously identified as being Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR) “deep cover operative” Lidiya Guryev—whose now legendary exploits allowed her to penetrate the most secure regions of the American government to such an extent, a widely popular US television series, titled “The Americans”, was created in her honor.  […]


Trump Orders Feared NGA To “Neutralize” CIA As Massive Child-Sex Scandal Ignites Death Fears

According to this report, the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (called “The CIA’s Big Brother”) is the most powerful and secretive intelligence organization in America, and is, also, the most well-equipped to quell the violence of protesters and track all of those who belong to groups attempting to destabilize the US government—and whom President Trump tapped to lead the massive 15-16 November GridEx IV “war game” the White House has ordered to include banks, Wall Street, and all telecommunication companies—with the NGA’s fears being that the US is ready to come under attack from leftist radical forces who plan to begin a “sustained assault” upon all of America’s largest cities starting on 4 November. […]


CIA Breaks All Ties With UK After MI6 Shock Reveal Proves Las Vegas Shooter Was US Spy

The Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) has severed all intelligence sharing ties with the United Kingdom that had been in force for nearly 75 years since they began during the darkest days of World War II in 1943—and that was in retaliation for Britain’s Secret Intelligence Service (SIS) (commonly known as Military Intelligence Section 6—MI6) “darknet” release of shocking documents proving that Las Vegas “patsy shooter”, and known CIA gun runner, Stephen Paddock’s long time “girl friend”, Marilou Danley, was, in fact, an American spy. […]


Generation Z “Cleansing” Of America Nears As US War Dead Gravestones Face Obliteration Threat

An intriguing new Security Council (SC) report circulating in the Kremlin today supporting President Putin’s blunt statement against the Americans at the Valdai Discussion Club by his declaring that “the biggest mistake Russia ever made was to trust you”, confirms the United States can no longer be relied upon for anything as one of its US Federal Court’s has just turned its back on their nations honored war dead by its threatening to obliterate all of the gravestones of its soldiers containing a Christian Cross—but with this report, also, saying that hope for this country might soon be renewed as its Generation Z population block is preparing for a “cleansing” that will eliminate forever the “liberal rot” threatening this once free nation’s very existence.  […]


Putin Slams America For Its Treatment Of Trump While FBI Director Warns Of Mighty Test To Come

The Democratic Party creators of the fake “Russian Dossier” against Trump refused to answer for their crimes before the US Congress by their “pleading the fifth”—all of which led to FBI Director Wray to alert his forces of the mighty test to come as these forces battle themselves to the death, with his further warning them that “our integrity will be tested”, but who, also, pleaded for their honesty and integrity to guide them through the dark days ahead… […]

Donald Trump

Trump Launches Landmark Attack Plan To End Abortion In America Forever By Proving God Exists

As to why the Western globalist elites have a massive fear of the “quantum world” discoveries of Professor-Doctor Peter Zoeller, Max Planck, John G. Trump, Nicola Tesla, and many other scientists who have labored for decades in secrecy and silence lest they be branded as heretics—and that President Trump is preparing to use in proving that “life begins at conception”—this report explains, is due it no longer being in scientific dispute that “light particle wave packets form atoms…atoms form molecules… and molecules form objects”—“everything we see is made up of things we don’t see”—and “light is the force that holds all things together”. […]


CIA Creates Las Vegas Massacre “Reality Show” As Shooters Info Leads To Takedown Of ISIS Leaders

The psychological “narrative fixing” tactics being employed by the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) to cover-up the true facts behind the Las Vegas massacre has taken its most bizarre turn yet with information being released stating that a once missing critical witness to this mass killing has resurfaced and will appear later today on an American “reality show” programme—while at the same time, the SVR is reporting that two top radical ISIS terror leaders in the Philippines were killed after CIA gun runner Stephen Paddock’s Filipino girl friend, named Marilou Danley, revealed their location to pro-Trump forces. […]


Deadly Car Bomb Blast Follows US Warning To Russia That “America Is On The Brink”

A chilling new Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MoFA) report circulating in the Kremlin today states that just hours after Ambassador Jon Huntsman, yesterday, warned Foreign Minister Lavrov that “America is on the brink” due to catastrophic allegations about to be leveled against Hillary Clinton, a massive car bomb assassination blast killed the renowned international investigative journalist Daphne Caruana Galizia—whose stunning Panama Papers discoveries revealed Clinton’s vast money laundering operation—and that was quickly followed by Clinton failing to appear for scheduled interviews she had in London, and explained away by her aides as being due to her having “broken her toe”.  […]


Deep State War: 4Chan: 650k of NYPD Recovered Files from Weiners/Huma’s Computer

Just want to be clear… you’re not getting 650k of pizza related files. You’re getting 650k of NYPD recovered files from Weiners/Huma’s computer that will mostly focus on their EXTENSIVE international/Terror funding and fueling crimes and as you read through the files, yes, you’ll see a bunch of creepy Podesta-style, back and forth files/communications, sprinkled in between. PLEASE don’t let yourselves get so excited over pizza, that you completely miss the actual fucking happening you’re being given in this release. […]


Attack On FBI Convoy In Las Vegas Leaves 3 Dead As Wikileaks “Bombshell” Prepares To Explode

A distressing new Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR) report circulating in the Kremlin today states that during the late evening hours of 14 October, an FBI convoy carrying what was believed to be a critical “Pyramid Sacrifice” massacre witness was attacked near Las Vegas leaving, at least, 3 dead—and that SVR intelligence analysts are linking to a mysterious “bombshell” information release expected from Wikileaks sometime today. […]

Cloak and Dagger

Russia Issues Feared “Firebird-Gray Wolf” Order Against US As Syrian War Endgame Nears

Important to understand about these types of secretive and elite Russian forces, no matter what name they go under, is that they are rooted in a decades long MoD military doctrine that, basically, calls for “equal-to-equal” force being utilized against enemies, no matter how repugnant or barbaric—and as exampled during the 1980’s when these types of secretive Russian forces were directed against the Hezbollah terror organization in Lebanon who kidnapped four Russian diplomats, killing one named Arkady Katkov. […]