John McCain is a Communist Vietcong Agent. We Have Proof!
“John McCain’s hands are dripping with Christian blood.” […]
“John McCain’s hands are dripping with Christian blood.” […]
Upon their learning that Attorney General Sessions had ordered the arrest of this Bush-Obama regime TSA criminal drug ring, this report details, “surrogates/accomplices” of former President Obama vacationing with him in the Virgin Islands attempted to contact a Guyana national named Mohamed Nazim Hoseain—whom the SVR had previously identified as being an organizational member of the Islamic terror group known as the Muslim Brotherhood—and that President Trump is now preparing to name as a terror organization too. […]
Morning Joe co-anchor Mika “I Can Read Headlines All By Myself ” Brzinski has just announced a new line of dual use scarves to supplement her struggling fashion line “Mika.” The latter, which was rejected by major retailers, was described by one reviewer as “a diarrhea of visually dissonant color so loud it is impossible to hear her speak.”
Though free of any design or even color, the disposable dual use “sanitary scarves” proved to be a boon, with a marked 300% increase in sales to three units per month, shattering her yearly Etsy sales record in February alone. […]
Important to note about Jonathan Tuan Tran, SVR analysts in this report write, was that he was employed as a Product Engineer at the Germany company known as International Rectifier (INFINEON)—whom Russian intelligence has long refered to as the “Mark of Beast” company for its efforts to have the entire population of the European Union “micro-chipped” with national ID numbers—and who, also, provides electronic access systems to various US government intelligence agencies—including the CIA and Secret Service. […]
What? You a super hero now, fool? You do realize no one gives a fuck about your politics, right? You do realize no one is losing sleep over your disapproval?
It begins with blackmail. A blackmailed politician, set up with an underage honey trap, will easily sell out his country, and intelligence agencies from allied and/or enemy nations know this all too well. The evidence that this has been happening for decades is overwhelming, on a level that dwarfs the Catholic church’s pedophilia scandal. Treason becomes second nature. Think of the country which gets most of our money. […]
These Kremlin fears about the Clinton’s, this report explains, were based on the 2009-2010 Rosatom (Russia’s atomic energy agency) takeover of the Canadian Uranium One company in order for the Federation to gain access to uranium mines in Kazakhstan—but that also gave Russia control over one-fifth of all uranium production capacity in the United States. While US Secretary State, this report details, Hillary Clinton oversaw and approved this transaction—receiving in return for her “favors” four donations to her Clinton Foundation totaling $2.35 million paid by Uranium One, while her husband, former President Bill Clinton, received $500,000 for a Moscow speech from the Russian investment bank Renaissance Capital that was promoting Uranium One stock. […]
As investigative journalist Jerome Corsi writes of Vault 7 and “Umbrage”: This revelation yields a “through the looking glass” possibility that the Obama administration obtained [Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act] permission to conduct electronic surveillance on Russians believed to be coordinating with the Trump campaign based on intelligence the CIA planted to deceive the NSA into thinking there was actual contact between Russian agents and the Trump campaign. Possibly, what the CIA was monitoring was not actual contacts between Russian agents and the Trump campaign, but CIA-created counter-espionage designed to implicate Trump and provide the legal context for the [Department of Justice] to have enough “evidence” to obtain a FISA green-light. […]
Angering President Trump the most, as well as the FSB, this report details, were these top secret CIA documents revealing that this “Deep State” spy agency had created an “exploit” [a piece of software, a chunk of data, or a sequence of commands that takes advantage of a bug or vulnerability in order to cause unintended or unanticipated behavior to occur on computer software, hardware, or something electronic, usually computerized] to falsely implicate Russia in hacking crimes it had never committed, and didn’t have to do as these Democrats had already destroyed themselves. […]
Looks like it’s not just US readers that are dumping the failing New York Times. Now inferior to The Onion, which at least has satirical value, Deputy Director Maria Zakharova has notified all Federation Departments, Ministries and Embassies that they are to immediately cancel all hardcopy and digital subscriptions to The New York Times as this leftist newspaper publication has now been labeled as “fake news” and is, in fact, to now be considered as propaganda no longer able to be relied upon for truthful or accurate information. […]
What CNN, ABC, NBC, and other politicized news assets use to control your perception, which is your reality. Because perception is reality, this is the literal “matrix.” How programmers manipulate moods, foment unrest, hate and fear in the digital age. It’s not just fake news: psychologically, it is designed to induce stress (fight or flight) and in that sense, it is slowly killing you. Here is the science, starting with the stress hormone cortisol… […]
In order to manage all of the illegal monies gained from this vast international money laundering “deal”, this report explains, Obama and Clinton established a hedge fund operation in Wales, England and New York City called Arrowgrass Capital Partners with the aid of two former Deutsche Bank traders named Henry Kenner and Nicholas Niell. The “main/central” intermediary between this shadowy hedge fund and Obama-Clinton, this report continues, was Arrowgrass Capital Partners executive Kevin Bell—and that Kevin Bell was reported to have suicided himself off of yesterday morning prior to his flying to Washington D.C. to meet with Attorney General Jeff Sessions. […]
“What ravenous beast so mauls the body as lack of piety the very soul? Dost thou not see what hosts of ills the impious soul doth bear? It shrieks and screams: I burn; I am ablaze; I know not what to cry or do; ah, wretched me, I am devoured by all the ills that compass me about; alack, poor me, I neither see nor hear! Such are the cries wrung from a soul chastised; not, as the many think, and thou, son, dost suppose, that a [man’s] soul, passing from body, is changed into a beast. Such is a very grave mistake, for that the way a soul doth suffer chastisement is this: When mind becomes a daimon, the law requires that it should take a fiery body to execute the services of God; and entering in the soul most impious it scourgeth it with whips made of its sins. And then the impious soul, scourged with its sins, is plunged in murders, outrage, blasphemy, in violence of all kinds, and all the other things whereby mankind is wronged. But on the pious soul the mind doth mount and guide it to the Gnosis’ Light. And such a soul doth never tire in songs of praise [to God] and pouring blessing on all men, and doing good in word and deed to all, in imitation of its Sire. Wherefore, my son, thou shouldst give praise to God and pray that thou mayst have thy mind Good Mind.” […]
To the dangers of such catastrophic levels of radioactive sulfur being spewed into the atmosphere, this article warns, is due to the airborne nature of algae—most dangerously a marine species of red algae discovered in Japan, in 2014, called “Congracilaria Babae” that when exposed to radiation has explosive growth—and like all other marine species of algae thrive on sulfur. Even worse, this article says, was that in 2010, a discovery was made showing that a marine species of red algae called “Plocamiocolax Puvinata” had lost a key gene to stop it from rapidly replicating—and that was further discovered, too, in the marine species of red algae called “Plocamium Pacificum”. […]
As scientists warned last year that the global water crisis is worse than they originally thought, this report continues, the masses of the American people are still failing to understand why President Trump has named numerous top generals as his closest aides, and is beginning to erect a giant wall along the United States southern border—and as the Pentagon had warned about in 2004, could see tens-of-millions of water refugees seeking to cross in the coming years. […]
When you say and feel “I AM,” you release the spring of Eternal, Everlasting Life to flow on Its way unmolested. In other words, you open wide the door to Its natural flow. When you say “I AM not,” you shut the door in the face of this Mighty Energy. “I AM” is the Full Activity of God. […]