Cloak and Dagger

Massive Cover-Up Of ISIS Terror I-85 Bridge Explosion In Atlanta Now Underway

As to how these 3 homeless people were able to ignite hundreds-of-millions of dollars worth of virtually non-combustible and non-explosive HDPE — high-density polyethylene — pipes used in traffic management, cabling, fiber-optic and wire networks for telecommunication companies such as AT&T and Google Fiber, that Georgia transportation officials claimed was stored under the I-85 bridge for over 10 years, this report concludes, no US authority has yet to explain or show any evidence of—with SVR analysts stating that the reason why is simple: “After they got the American people to believe in the 9/11 and President Kennedy assassination fantasies. why should they care about the truth and stop now?” […]

Sorcha Faal

Catastrophe Strikes Atlanta After ISIS Terrorists Blow Up Main I-85 Bridge

Analysis of signal intelligence (SIGINT) intercepts from both the US Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), and at least 7 of the 16 intelligence agencies under the command of the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (DNI), point towards an Islamic State (IS/ISIS/ISIL/Daesh) terror bombing being the cause of the catastrophic collapse of a critical bridge in the American city of Atlanta—and that led the State of Georgia to declare an immediate state of emergency. […]

Cloak and Dagger

Hillary Clinton Spy Ring Unravels As President Trump Orders Arrests To Begin

President Donald Trump has ordered his Department of Justice (DoJ) to begin arresting members of a massive spy ring infiltrated throughout the US government since the 1990’s by both former President Bill Clinton and his wife, and former Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton—and that began, yesterday, with the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) arresting one of Hillary Clinton’s top Department of State (DoS) aides named Candace Claiborne for being a spy for Communist China. […]

Donald Trump

Trump Unveils Secret Weapon to Destroy Dems: “Operation GET HILLARY OUT OF WOODS”

Let’s not forget that the women’s march, as large as it was, excluded Hillary Clinton. That’s how unpopular she really is. She also destroyed the DNC to the extent all of their staffers had to get fired to purge the systemic corruption and Clinton cronyism that ruined it as she attempted a coronation. Surely President Trump knows that her return from the woods is deeply appreciated by independents, Republicans, progressive Dems and most mammals. Outrage fatigue? Not helping. Calling everyone and everything racist and sexist? How’s that working out for you? […]

Sorcha Faal

Facebook Condemns Thousands Of Christians To Death Under Cover Of US Media Silence

Just months after providing the brutal Chinese communistic regime with a “censorship tool” intended to keep that nations nearly 1.4 billion citizens as “subject slaves”, the American-based social media giant Facebook has agreed to aid Pakistan in finding secret Christians—thousands of whom could then be put death for blasphemy against that nations Muslim faith. […]

Cloak and Dagger

BREAKING: CIA Whistleblower Leaks 47 Hard Drives Exposing Obama Administration Spying

Montgomery left the NSA and CIA with 47 hard drives and over 600 million pages of information, much of which is classified , and sought to come forward legally as a whistleblower to appropriate government entities, including congressional intelligence committees, to expose that the spy agencies were engaged for years in systematic illegal surveillance on prominent Americans, again including the chief justice of the Supreme Court, other justices, 156 judges , prominent businessmen such as Donald Trump, and even yours truly . […]

Donald Trump

CNN Chief Reporter Dana Bash Revealed As Top CIA Spy Targeting Trump

Sergei Mikhailov, along with his treasonous co-conspirators Dmitry Dokuchaev and Ruslan Stoyanov, this report states, further revealed that Dana Bash paid them for the information she received, but with them all adding that they knew these illicit funds were being funneled through CNN by the CIA—specifically by Bash’s husband, the CIA operative Jeremy Bash—and with their adding that they believed that no one could ever believe the lies they were telling as it was an American intelligence operation against their own citizens, not Russian. […]

Sorcha Faal

“Miracle Of Russia” Throws American And European Elites Into Total Panic

A very interesting Ministry of Finance (MoF) report circulating in the Kremlin today is warning the Security Council (SC) to expect “swift retribution” from the West after the latest “Miracle of Russia” accomplishment of paying off the entire debt owed by the former Soviet Union is due to occur within 45 days—and that has thrown the entire elite structure of both the American’s and Western Europeans into “total panic” should their citizens discover what the Federations nationalistic monetary polices have been able to achieve. […]

Sorcha Faal

“Nuclear Bomb Is Now In Play In EU” Warns Russia As Historic Troop Alert Begins

Critical to note, this report says, was that the Obama regime failed to notify anyone when this radioactive material was stolen, and the US State Department denied knowing anything about it—but that Iraqi officials responded to by notifying the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) about, but who were then, in turn, forced by the Americans not to request help in finding it—thus causing these Iraqi officials to release this secret information to the Reuters New Service. […]

Fake News

Russia Begins Investigation Into American Media For Grave Violations Of Constitution

As to why this insane nuclear war warning was issued by this Democratic Party Congressman, this report explains, is due to these 6 media giants and their “Deep State” allies using Lenin’s Theory of the Press to plunge all of America into hysteria—and most commonly known in the United States as “Trump Derangement Syndrome” (TDS), and that is even causing people to erect fearful billboards around the US warning that President Trump is preparing to kill them all. […]