Sad. Just sad. No candidate has ever recovered from a death spiral this bad. And her’s is about to get worse.
Tsk tsk. The Clinton camp acts like Bernie told her to break the law and use a private server to act outside President Obama’s authority. Or that he forced her to use the illicit funds in the bottomless Clinton Foundation to pay for the Hillary Victory Fund, possibly implicating the entire DNC in fraud and racketeering. Or that he forced her to somehow show up time and time again in the Panama Papers with at least five major shell companies. Or that he made her engage in so much malfeasance that a Harvard MBA guy is about to expose the Clinton Foundation as a 100 billion dollar charity fraud.
“[Charles] Ortel calls the Clintons’ charity the “largest unprosecuted charity fraud ever attempted,” adding for good measure that the Clinton Foundation is part of an “international charity fraud network whose entire cumulative scale (counting inflows and outflows) approaches and may even exceed $100 billion, measured from 1997 forward.” Ortel lists 40 potential areas of fraud or wrongdoing that he plans to expose over the coming days.”
“In a 2013 New York Times article, “Unease at Clinton Foundation Over Finances and Ambitions,” reporters Nicholas Confessore and Amy Chozick hint that Hillary Clinton’s political operatives are occupying offices at the Clinton Foundation headquarters, writing that they “will work on organizing Mrs. Clinton’s packed schedule of paid speeches to trade groups and awards ceremonies and assist in the research and writing of Mrs. Clinton’s memoir about her time at the State Department, to be published by Simon & Schuster next summer.
“A June 2015 article in the Wall Street Journal by Kimberley Strassel stopped hinting and spelled it out boldly, calling the Clinton Foundation a “Hillary superPac that throws in the occasional good deed.” Strassel explained:
“The media’s focus is on Hillary Clinton’s time as secretary of state, and whether she took official actions to benefit her family’s global charity. But the mistake is starting from the premise that the Clinton Foundation is a ‘charity.’ What’s clear by now is that this family enterprise was set up as a global shakedown operation, designed to finance and nurture the Clintons’ continued political ambitions. It’s a Hillary super PAC that throws in the occasional good deed.”
A Harvard MBA Guy Is Out to Bring Down the Clintons Wall Street on Parade, May 23, 2016
So blame Evil Bernie.
- Three of Hillary’s Mega Donors Are in Panama Papers; Another Tied to $6.8 Billion Tax Avoidance Scheme
Greece was not the first. We were. And not surprisingly, Hillary’s lucrative speeches to Goldman-Sachs remain her greatest, and best kept secret.
Published on May 24, 2016
Attorney Helen Chaitman, who represents victims of the Bernie Madoff $65 billion fraud, contends the big banks are like mobsters. Chaitman says, “There is no question about it. They operate illegally because they can generate huge profits by doing so. They go from one crime to another, and when they get caught committing one crime, nobody gets fired. Nobody disgorges bonuses. They just take those people and put them in a new area where they haven’t yet been prosecuted.”
What will happen to the customers of the big banks in the next financial meltdown? Chaitman warns, “The customers will be destroyed, and if the banks still have enough money to buy Washington, the government will protect them just like it has since 2008.”
Join Greg Hunter as he goes One-on-One with Helen Chaitman, author of the new book “JP Madoff.”
All links can be found at USAWatchdog.com: http://usawatchdog.com/criminal-banke…
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