July 17, 2016
By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers
A stunning Security Council (SC) report circulating in the Kremlin today says that during President Putin’s just completed telephone conversation with President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, the embattled Turkish leader praised the Federation for saving his life and agreed to meet President Putin in the next fortnight—but, also, vowed “revenge” on President Obama for staging a failed coup d’état against his regime. [Note: Some words and/or phrases appearing in quotes are English language approximations of Russian words/phrases having no exact counterpart.]
According to this report, the Obama regime plot to kill President Erdoğan was first discovered by the Ministry of Defense (MoD) seven months ago—and that we reported on in our 2 December 2015 report titled Putin Orders “Doomsday” Plane Into Air After Military Warns US-Turkey Plot Is “Beyond Staggering” which, in part, said:
[Note: This report should be read in its entirety to understand the Obama regimes full plans and motivations for staging this coup against Turkey.]“The Ministry of Defense (MoD) is reporting today that President Putin has ordered the Federation’s Ilyushin-80 giant command and control aircraft designated for use during nuclear war (otherwise known as the “Doomsday plane”) to prepare for worldwide war operations within a fortnight after military intelligence analysts discovered a “beyond staggering” plot by United States and Turkish government factions to bring down Turkey’s President Recep Erdogan and replace him with the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) “designated figurehead” Fethullah Gulen—while at the same time utilizing Islamic State terrorists as “leverage”.”
Russian “Doomsday” Plane
Immediately prior to the MoD’s discovery of the Obama regime plot to kill President Erdoğan, this report continues, relations between the Federation and Turkey had been shattered when on 24 November 2015 a defenseless Russian bomber was shot down over Syria by Turkish warplanes killing its pilot—but which, a fortnight ago, President Erdoğan apologized for in a personal letter to President Putin.
Upon President Putin receiving President Erdoğan’s apology on 27 June, this report notes, the MoD “activated/authorized” its previous “personal defense” operation for Turkey’s leader activating an elite force of the 25th Spetsnaz Regiment of the Main Intelligence Administration (GRU).
25th GRU Spetsnaz soldiers, call sign “Ramzes”
Fearing that President Erdoğan would soon be protected by these elite Spetsnaz forces, this report continues, the Obama regime “accelerated” their coup plans against him—but failed to “understand/comprehend” that they had already formed a “proactive barrier” around him, his main communication links to his government, police forces and loyal media outlets.
In the Obama regimes failing to know that these elite Spetsnaz forces were already in “combat operation” protecting President Erdoğan, this report explains, the US Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) directed coup plotters began their attack on 15 July in the Turkish Riviera port town of Marmaris on the Mediterranean coast by attacking the Grand Yazici Club Turban where Turkey’s leader was vacationing.
The attack itself, this report continues, consisted of “at least” 8-10 CIA directed Turkish military troops landing a helicopter on the grounds of the Grand Yazici Club Turban, rushing towards what they believed was President Erdoğan’s private chateau, and then hurling grenades and automatic gunfire into it.
Not known to these attackers, however, this report says, was that President Erdoğan’s elite Spetsnaz “protectors” had previously removed him to the Casa De Maris as they knew it was about to occur—and though the “furious battle” did cost the lives of many Turkish police forces, Turkey’s leader was saved from harm with these coup plotters fleeing in their helicopter across the sea straight to Greece—and who hours ago appeared before a Greek prosecutor with Prime Minister of Greece Alexis Tsiprasvowing to extradite them back to Turkey.
In the aftermath of the Obama regimes failed coup against President Erdoğan, this report grimly details, over 6,000 have been detained as suspected coup plotters with the main CIA-directed leaders—Chief military adviser to the Turkish President Colonel Ali Yazici, Commander of Turkey’s western Balikesir airbase Brigadier General Ishak Dayioglu, and General Akin Ozturk—all now in custody too.
Of the gravest concern to the MoD, this report warns, is the control of the estimated 90 B61 gravity nuclear bombs at Turkey’s Incirlik Air Base. Fifty of these nuclear bombs are reportedly assigned for delivery by US pilots, and forty are assigned for delivery by the Turkish Air Force.
With the commander of the Incirlik Air Base, General Bekir Ercan Van, now in custody too, this report concludes, US military forces have gone on their highest alert while local authorities have blocked all access to it—with no clear direction being shown by the Obama regime as to how they are going to respond to their “failed adventure”, or protect these nuclear weapons.
July 17, 2016 © EU and US all rights reserved. Permission to use this report in its entirety is granted under the condition it is linked back to its original source at WhatDoesItMean.Com. Freebase content licensed under CC-BY and GFDL.

Putin Orders “Doomsday” Plane Into Air After Military Warns US-Turkey Plot Is “Beyond Staggering”
By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers
The Ministry of Defense (MoD) is reporting today that President Putin has ordered the Federation’s Ilyushin-80 giant command and control aircraft designated for use during nuclear war (otherwise known as the “Doomsday plane”) to prepare for worldwide war operations within a fortnight after military intelligence analysts discovered a “beyond staggering” plot by United States and Turkish government factions to bring down Turkey’s President Recep Erdogan and replace him with the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) “designated figurehead” Fethullah Gulen—while at the same time utilizing Islamic State terrorists as “leverage”.
According to this report, this “beyond staggering” plot by the CIA to overthrow the current government of Turkey was first started in 2008 by the US military-intelligence establishment supported think tank American Enterprise Institute (AEI) whose board members are a “whose who” of American military connected individuals, including former US Vice President Richard Cheney, and whose research papers advocated the United States creating what they call a “moderate Muslim” majority in the Middle Eastto battle Islamic extremists and whose target nation for this action was Turkey.
Aiding this CIA in this effort, this report continues, is the Turkish imam Fethullah Gulen who came to the United States in 1999 due to “health problems” and has stayed there since after gaining his visa with help from former CIA officials.
The US Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), however, this report notes, resisted granting permanent residency status to Gulen and, according to secret US leaked cables [Warning: It is illegal under US law for US federal employees or military personal to click on these red links], parts of the American government have long believed that Gülen “is a ‘radical Islamist’ whose moderate message cloaks a more sinister and radical agenda.”
Shortly after the CIA got Gulen into the United States, this report further explains, President Erdogan established in Turkey the Justice and Development Party (AKP) in 2001 as the “moderate Muslim” platform desired by the AEI to effectuate change throughout the entire Middle East using part of Gulen’s massive wealth estimated to be between $22-50 billion.
In 2013 though, this report continues, then Prime Minister Erdogan discovered the CIA-Gulen plot against himself and Turkey which he publically labeled as an “international conspiracy” vowing revenge on Gulen and threatening Francis Ricciardone, the US ambassador to Turkey, with expulsion.
Fearing their “moderate Muslim” project would be destroyed, this report grimly states, the CIA then transferred out of Turkey “selected” military and intelligence officers, before Erdogan could arrest them, to Iraq—and where on 8 April 2013 they declared themselves to be the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/Islamic State).
With Gulen being described as nothing more than the projection of an idea from Langley Virginia CIA headquarters, an idea from essentially stupid people there who believed they could use him and they could abuse religion as a cover to advance their design for global control, this report continues, a duel arrangement was then brokered by US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton between the Erdogan and Gulen factions in Turkey to split the illegal oil wealth captured by Islamic State terrorists in Iraq and Syria—and which Hillary Clinton has been paid by Gulen, to both her families foundation and presidential campaign, an estimated $1 million.
As the MoD began just hours ago publishing the details “of Turkey robbing its neighbors”, this report notes, the continued mounting evidence of this massive CIA plot is now being openly supported by the Obama regime who announced yesterday they were sending more American troops to Iraq to protect their Islamic State allies—and which Iraq’s Prime Minister, Haider al-Abadi, said were not welcome and whose powerful Shiite militia leaders vowed to kill the moment they set foot on Iraqi soil.
And with the MoD today reporting that 2,000 fighters, 250 vehicles and hundreds of tons of ammo have been sent in the past weeks from Turkey to Islamic terrorists in Syria, this report grimly states, Britain’s plan to enter this war, along with NATO rushing air defense weapons to Turkey, more than make understandable US Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard’s warning to the American people yesterday about the Obama regimes actions when she said:
“Russia’s installation of their anti-aircraft missile-defense system increases that possibility of — whether it’s intentional or even an accidental event — where one side may shoot down the other side’s plane, and that’s really where the potential is for this devastating nuclear war.”
Also, this report notes, as National Defense Management Center Lieutenant-General Mikhail Mizintsev today stated that the size of the illegal Erdogan-CIA-Gulen oil trade is impressive, and more information will be presented about it next week, Russian airstrikes have nevertheless destroyed 32 Islamic State oil production facilities, 11 refineries, and thousands of fuel trucks leaving MoD experts to wonder about whom the exactly the Obama and regime and its allies are going to attack and questioning their true motives.
This is critical point to note, this report says, especially when viewed in the light of international law where Russia is the only military force currently to allowed to be operating in Syria, and which US Defense Secretary Ash Carter admitted to yesterday before the US Congress when he acknowledge that the claim of legal authority to make such a deployment under the terms of the 2001 legislation that authorized the use of military force (AUMF) in Afghanistan and Iraq (the only such congressional authorization on the books) did not exist to send American military forces into this war zone.
With the Iraqi government already knowing that the Obama regime is supporting the Islamic State, and having videos showing US military forces dropping weapons and supplies to these terrorists, this report continues, the “true agenda” of the CIA’s plan to install Gulen in power is there for anyone to see if they so wished.
But to what the Obama regimes “true agenda” actually is, this report claims, may to be to actually ignite World War III—particularly when seen by the evidence that the over 14,000 Islamic refugees reported completely vanished by Sweden have, in fact, been transported to the United States—most specially to the more than 100 radical Islamic charter schools owned and operated by “King of Madrasas” Gulen in the United States set up by a maze of dubious NGO’s—including George Soros’ Center for American Progress NGO which joined with Gulen, and which after this “beyond staggering” plot was discovered this past week caused Russia to label George Soros as threat to national security.
And as to how these over 14,000 Islamic refugees in Sweden were able to gain Swedish passports to assure their visa free travel to the United States, this report further explains, began this past spring when Margot Wallström, Sweden’s foreign minister,became the first Western official to publically denounce the subjugation of women in Saudi Arabia—and which aside from being met with the vast and powerful US-led propaganda machine used by this barbaric monarchy, also resulted in Sweden’s “surrender” thus giving the Saudi’s de facto veto power over Sweden’s foreign policy — and perhaps its domestic policies too.
To what exact purpose the Obama regime has in secreting these over 14,000 Islamic refugees into the United States, this report concludes, can, perhaps, be seen more clearly in the massive military actions currently underway in America (specifically in the regions occupied by Gulen charter schools), and when combined with the actions currently being observed in the Middle East, shows a nation preparing for total global war.
December 2, 2015 © EU and US all rights reserved. Permission to use this report in its entirety is granted under the condition it is linked back to its original source at WhatDoesItMean.Com. Freebase content licensed under CC-BY and GFDL.
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