September 30, 2018
Trump Forces Assassinate CIA/Democrat Fundraiser In Retaliation For Plot To Murder 3 US Senators Needed For Kavanaugh Supreme Court Vote
By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers
A chilling new Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR) report circulating in the Kremlin today states that the battle now occurring in the United States between radical leftist Democrat Party operatives and President Donald Trump backed Republican Party forces over the appointment of US Federal Judge Brett Kavanaugh to the US Supreme Court took a deadly turn this past Thursday when the home addresses and personal information of three top Republican US Senators (whose votes are vital to Kavanaugh’s appointment) were dangerously released to the public endangering their lives, should leftist murderers find them—and that loyal Trump forces quickly retaliated against by assassinating a CIA-linked Democrat Party fundraiser named Philip Trenary. [Note: Some words and/or phrases appearing in quotes in this report are English language approximations of Russian words/phrases having no exact counterpart.]
According to this report, with the Foreign Intelligence Service being a vital part of Russia’s security system aimed at protecting the individual, society and the state from external threats by using the means and resources stipulated in Federal Law, one of their longest ongoing investigations has been the Reagan-Bush-Clinton drug running connection that’s been firmly linked to the CIA, and one of whose main bases of operation for illegally funneling guns and ammunition into Central America, in exchange for drugs then distributed and sold by the CIA throughout America, was Mena-Arkansas—and whose “Air Cocaine” flights were over watched and managed by then Arkansas Governor Bill Clinton.
Shortly after the Bush Regime took power in 2001, this report continues, this CIA-backed “Air Cocaine” drug operation moved across the Mississippi River from Arkansas to Tennessee—and whose gun and drug running flights the SVR determined were being conducted by the Pinnacle Airlines Corporation based in Memphis-Tennessee—one of whose largest shareholders include Chicago based LSV Asset Management that was one of the major donors to both President Obama and Hillary Clinton gaining them hundreds-of-millions of dollars in gun industry profits—and whose operations were overseen by Pinnacle Airline CEO Phil Trenary.
Want to know more? Click HERE.
As the SVR had documented last week, this report notes, concerns were being raised by the large number of CIA-linked intelligence and military operatives currently running for the US Congress under the Democrat Party banner, one of whom was former CIA-linked Pinnacle Airline vice president Nikki Tinker—but who lost her Democrat Party primary after former President Obama came out publically against her, and after which she was consoled by her employer and chief financial backer Phil Trenary.
In the early hours of Thursday evening, 27 September, this report details, CIA-linked Democrat Party operative Phil Trenary was contacted by the office of Trump’s Secretary of Transportation Elaine Chao (the wife of the powerful Republican Party US Senate Leader Mitch McConnell) to meet with one of her top staff members in downtown Memphis—but while traveling to this meeting, saw an individual exit the passenger side of a white truck and approach Phil Trenary from behind and assassinate him—and that wasn’t an out of the ordinary meeting to take place as, the year prior, Secretary Chao had appointed him to her Federal Aviation Administration management advisory council.
Secretary Elaine Chao (above with husband US Senate leader Mitch McConnell) is refered to in Democrat Party circles as a “Stealth American Nightmare”
With Memphis police officials arresting McKinney Wright Jr., 22; Quandarius Richardson, 18; and Racanisha Wright, 16, for the assassination of Phil Trenary, this report notes, SVR analysts noted with puzzlement as to why they had been charged with first-degree murder in perpetration of criminal attempted robbery and criminal attempted especially aggravated robbery as the witnesses all described this as an act of assassination with nothing being stolen, or even attempted to be stolen.
This puzzlement, however, this report continues, was cleared up by SVR analysts who noticed that the mothers of three men were Tangela Jackson, 49; and Lakata Johnson, 45—both of whom loyal Trump forces swept up last year in their crackdown against the CIA’s vast drug running operation in Memphis—and whose sons, it’s surmised, were given a secret “deal” to assassinate Phil Trenary in return for leniency being shown to their mothers—all of whom will then be “disappeared”.
To why Phil Trenary had to be assassinated, this report explains, was due to Democrat Party operatives releasing the home addresses and personal information of members of the US Senate Judiciary Committee—Senators Lindsey Graham of South Carolina and Mike Lee and Orrin Hatch, both of Utah—in the hopes that radical leftist revolutionaries would find and murder them before they can vote on Judge Kavanaugh’s appointment to the US Supreme Court—and whose suspected leaker is believed to be racial leftist anti-Trump US Congresswoman Maxine Waters.
Should US Congresswoman Waters, or anyone else for that matter, have contacted the SVR before trying to have murdered some of President Trump’s most loyal US Senate allies, this report says, Russian intelligence experts would have quickly warned them not to even try such a thing—as Trump, aside from his sounding exactly like a mob boss, has had more business dealings with New York City mafia dons than politicians of either political party in America—and whose lifelong mentor, Roy Cohn, was not only one of the most feared political operatives in the US, but was, also, an expert on how to use assassinations as means to instill fear in your enemies—just like the Clinton’s had done.
Donald Trump with feared political operative, and mob enforcer, Roy Cohn in late 1970’s
Further information from President Trump’s personality profile Russian intelligence analysts would have warned his leftist Democrat Party enemies about, should they have asked, this report continues, is that he not only ran to become the leader of the United States, he created a new mafia structure that he now rules over—and who views himself as the “godfather” of the American people he means to protect by ever means necessary—with his further demanding loyalty and respect from all who server under him.
With President Trump being guided at all times by his “mob mentality” of strict loyalty and respect, and who richly rewards all of those supporting him, this report explains, he is guided by no loyalty to the American people as a whole, but only to those who belong in his “gang”—and that, most certainly, does not include the leftist Democrats he views as a rival “gang” he must destroy before they can destroy him.
Though these leftist Democrats continue to believe that they’re fighting a political war against President Trump, wherein public perception and personal image are the battles being fought over, this report further explains, they continue to fail to understand that the real fight they’re engaged in is a “gang war”—and whose rules of warfare do not contain such words as compromise, partisanship or surrender—only complete and total destruction of ones enemies—and whose weapons to use in now sees Trump commanding the full and awesome power the entire US government.
In viewing himself as a “godfather” protecting his “gang” against its enemies, this report notes, President Trump, as all mafia leaders have done for decades, knows that the quickest route to victory is in getting your rival “gangs” forces to defect to your side—and in this case, once they defect, are able to enjoy the spoils of Trump’s “Make America Great Agenda” that’s already benefited his “gang members” with untold riches now only able to be counted in the trillions-of-dollars—as opposed to their leftist Democrat “gang” enemies who are being taken apart piece-by-piece.
Just one example of the ruthless “gang warfare” tactics being used by President Trump to destroy his rival Democrat “gang” enemies, this report concludes, is on full display in America today—and began when these leftist Democrats began smearing Judge Kavanaugh with vile and false sex crime allegations to the point of USA Today shockingly calling him a child sex predator—and that they knew the Republicans would expose themselves as women haters in their trying to defend against—but that, instead, saw these Republicans not even questioning Kavanaugh’s accuser—that the Democrats responded to by their then crying for a one week FBI investigation—and who got exactly what they wished for when a smiling Trump agreed to their demand—with Trump calling it a “blessing in disguise” because of his knowing:
Judge Kavanaugh accuser Christine Blasey-Ford having had her Stanford University webpage altered right before she testified to the US Senate—and that now reflects the truth that she lied under oath by claiming she’s a doctor, but that the California database of all the doctors in their state shows is completely untrue.
Christine Blasey-Ford further lying under oath by claiming that she “remembered” Kavanaugh attacking her when her house was being remodeled in 2012—but whose documented records now show was remodeled 4 years earlier in 2008.
Judge Kavanaugh accuser Deborah Ramirez being refuted in her claims by one of her closest classmates who said she never saw Kavanaugh be sexually aggressive as he was more interested in impressing the boys than he was in impressing the girls.
Judge Kavanaugh accuser Julie Swetnick now being discovered to have filed false sexual allegations against other men in the past in so she could get lawsuit settlements from the companies she worked for.
September 30, 2018 © EU and US all rights reserved. Permission to use this report in its entirety is granted under the condition it is linked back to its original source at WhatDoesItMean.Com. Freebase content licensed under CC-BY and GFDL.
[Note: Many governments and their intelligence services actively campaign against the information found in these reports so as not to alarm their citizens about the many catastrophic Earth changes and events to come, a stance that the Sisters of Sorcha Faal strongly disagree with in believing that it is every human beings right to know the truth. Due to our missions conflicts with that of those governments, the responses of their ‘agents’ has been a longstanding misinformation/misdirection campaign designed to discredit us, and others like us, that is exampled in numerous places, including HERE.]
[Note: The WhatDoesItMean.com website was created for and donated to the Sisters of Sorcha Faal in 2003 by a small group of American computer experts led by the late global technology guru Wayne Green (1922-2013) to counter the propaganda being used by the West to promote their illegal 2003 invasion of Iraq.]
[Note: The word Kremlin (fortress inside a city) as used in this report refers to Russian citadels, including in Moscow, having cathedrals wherein female Schema monks (Orthodox nuns) reside, many of whom are devoted to the mission of the Sisters of Sorcha Faal.]
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Other reports in this series include:
Daughter Of CIA Assassin Paymaster Tries To Bring Down Trump Supreme Court Nominee Kavanaugh