Deep State Wipes Out 1/8th Of US Economy Then Warns “Run For Cover”
The rationale for Russia buying these past few months over $28 billion in US debt—as opposed it its having spent the past year selling off nearly all of its US debt and converting it gold, and as China and Japan, likewise are doing by dumping their US debt—states that this economic stabilization measure for the United States was needed to mitigate an attack against President Trump coming from his own “Deep State” who, since October, have wiped out fully 1/8th of the US economy evaporating $4 trillion in wealth—that’s now being followed by “Deep State” anti-Trump economic renegade Alan Greenspan telling his leftist followers to “run for cover”—a timely and accurate warning coming as it does on the heels of the Bank for International Settlements (the “bank of banks”) having just gravely revealed that the pillars of the global financial system are fundamentally unstable and ready to crash. […]