Q’s Latest: MKULTRA, Warning to Jack Dorsey, SEPT 7, 1776
@Jack. Civilian Puppet. Player in the game? We play for KEEPS. Need help sleeping? How was your meeting w/ Pelosi? Protection offered? Life Lesson: Be smarter than those controlling you.
@Jack. Civilian Puppet. Player in the game? We play for KEEPS. Need help sleeping? How was your meeting w/ Pelosi? Protection offered? Life Lesson: Be smarter than those controlling you.
A breathtaking new Security Council (SC) report circulating in the Kremlin today states that President Donald Trump has heeded the Ministry of Defense (MoD) warning that he was about to be assassinated by his abruptly cancelling his 16 January visit to London—where he had planned to be when the bombshell 15 January Office of the Inspector General report explodes across the entire US political landscape—with Trump, also, stunningly allowing, for the first time in history, an aerial photograph to be released of the mysterious white hypersonic aircraft “that saved America” on 11 September 2001—and that has now been stationed mere miles away from Trump’s vast Mar-a-Lago Florida compound as a demonstration of the wrath he intends to bring against his “Deep State” enemies seeking to overthrow him. […]
“We at the APA call for an end to psychiatrists providing professional opinions in the media about public figures whom they have not examined, whether it be on cable news appearances, books, or in social media,” the group wrote, adding “Arm-chair psychiatry or the use of psychiatry as a political tool is the misuse of psychiatry and is unacceptable and unethical.” […]
This report concludes by noting that the Democratic Parties main funder of terrorism, the Southern Poverty Law Center, is urging its “mob masses” to destroy every single monument in America depicting the Democratic Parties past leaders in Confederacy before the masses of black peoples discover what’s been done to them, and further learn that only the Republican Party has tried to keep them free—and whose valiant anti-slavery heritage was displayed yesterday by nearly all of the Republican Party members of the Tennessee Historical Commission stopping this historical carnage from taking place—and who are guided by the Tennessee Heritage Protection Act that swears them “to protect, preserve, interpret, maintain, and administer historic places, and to encourage the inclusive diverse study of Tennessee’s history for the benefit of future generations”—and in the case, their warning their future generations of how demonically dangerous and racist the Democratic Party really is. […]
An alarming Ministry of Defense (MoD) report circulating in the Kremlin today states that the US Pacific Command (PACOM) has issued a “war warning directive” to the Federation’s Pacific Fleet notifying them that anti-submarine combat operations have begun in the Sea of Japan that “could/may” “negatively impact” Russia’s 22 submarines transiting this region to their home ports in Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky and Vilyuchinsk—and that follows by 48 hours US Marine Corps General Joseph Dunford, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, preparing America’s missile forces in Alaska to strike North Korea—and, also, has fears growing within the MoD that the US is preparing to blame the attack on one of their warships on Russia too. […]
The Endgame for Global Corporatists & Bankers : “Exploitation of populations, unfettered by national protections and notions of personal morality and piety.” This is not politics as usual but rather political warfare at an unprecedented level that is openly engaged in the direct targeting of a seated president through manipulation of the news cycle. It must be recognized on its own terms so that immediate action can be taken… […]
According to this report, barely a fortnight after Rush Limbaugh (the most listened to radio broadcaster in all the US) warned that his sources were telling him that the “Deep State” was recruiting retired US military generals to lead a coup against President Trump, a “Deep State” operative named Philip Mudd, just yesterday, loudly proclaimed on the CNN news programme The Lead With Jack Tapper that his forces were preparing to kill America’s new leader. Philip Mudd, this report details, is an ex-deputy director of the CIA’s Counterterrorist Center who, in 2005, was appointed by then FBI Director Robert Mueller to serve as the first-ever deputy director of that intelligence agencies newly established National Security Branch—with Robert Mueller, also, being the Special Prosecutor appointed to lead the “Deep States” Russia hysteria “witch hunt” against President Trump. […]
And to the “Message of God” delivered to the Bilderberg Group barely a fortnight ago by CERN Director General Fabiola Gianotti that caused such terror among these Western elite master rulers, this report concludes, was an image produced by the Large Hadron Collider-LHC that formed a single word in the ancient Hebrew language תקל—that’s pronounced as “TEKEL” and, basically, means, “you have been weighed on the scales and found deficient”. […]
As the corporate press continues fecklessly insisting the public ‘just trust’ the unnamed officials and anonymous sources it perpetually cites when running shock reports on the inner dealings of government, Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein — acting authority in the Russia probe, thanks to Jeff Sessions’ recusal — stunningly warned the public it must remain “skeptical about anonymous allegations.” […]
A stunning new report issued today in the Kremlin by the Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR) says that a joint terror operation with Britain’s Secret Intelligence Service (SIS/MI6-Military Intelligence, Section 6) has resulted in the capturing of an Islamic State (ISIS/ISIL/Daesh) terror leader employed by a private mercenary firm hired by former US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton—and that information obtained from “Hillary’s spy” has resulted in INTERPOL, this morning, issuing a top secret Red Notice as a major “terror event” is now feared imminent. […]
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