Maxine Waters Challenges Trump to IQ Test, Misspells “IQ”
“I will challenge you, President Trump, to take an I Koo [sic] test, and we’ll see who is smarter than who!” Waters wrote in a letter to the White House. “Impeech 45! (sic) […]
“I will challenge you, President Trump, to take an I Koo [sic] test, and we’ll see who is smarter than who!” Waters wrote in a letter to the White House. “Impeech 45! (sic) […]
Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov and his American counterpart US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson (both of whom are on the African Continent, with Tillerson have cancelled all events today and have established a secure communication channel enabling advisors of both President Putin and President Trump to maintain continuous contact while investigations are taking place into the whereabouts of US Navy Vice Admiral Charles Richard—who is the Deputy Commander of the United States Strategic Command (USSTRATCOM) that controls Americas nuclear weapons in time of war—and who, for reasons unknown, has not had his presence accounted for in the past nearly 24 hours. […]
Within a few hours of its being revealed that the American shadow government “Deep State” had established its own “shadow” National Security Council, it was quickly retaliated against by President Donald Trump with his 1 March signing of a sweeping Executive Order making the most significant changes to the Uniform Code Of Military Justice (UCMJ) since the Military Justice Act Of 1983—and whose most significant change authorizes, for the first time in history, experienced civilians to take part in the US Military court-martial process—thus clearing a path for mass “Deep State” arrests whose trials and sentencing would not impact the normal flow of the US Military justice system. […]
President Donald Trump has defeated the globalists within his own government by declaring total economic war on both Canada and Mexico—and that he began this past week by breaking off North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) negotiations, and that he followed hours later with his delivering a death blow to this trade pact by announcing new tariffs—and that just hours ago, he reinforced by declaring on his Twitter page “trade wars are good, and easy to win”. […]
President Donald Trump has singlehandedly pulled the world back from the brink of total war after he publically rebuked the American shadow government “Deep State” by declaring that the United States is going to leave Syria with his saying “we’re there for one reason: to get ISIS and get rid of ISIS, and to go home…we’re not there for any other reason and we’ve largely accomplished our goal”—and that by his doing so, enabled, just hours ago, the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) to unanimously adopt the Swedish-Kuwaiti sponsored landmark Resolution 2401. […]
The “Deep State” is now in abject and total fear after US Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein suddenly announced that he was traveling to Seattle, Washington, today to reopen the investigation into the 11 October 2001 assassination of US Federal Prosecutor Thomas Wales—whom the FBI has just announced was killed by a hired gunman—and at the time of his murder, had opened an investigation into the Israeli “art student” mystery—who in the weeks leading up to the 11 September 2001 (9/11) attacks upon America, had attempted to enter Naval Magazine Indian Island, located in Port Hadlock, Washington, where the US military stores its nano-thermite explosives whose residue a peer reviewed Physics Journal scientific article detailed was discovered in the rubble of the World Trade Center. […]
Director Sergey Naryshkin was summoned to Washington D.C. this past week to meet with White House Chief of Staff General John Kelly, US Secretary of Defense General James “Mad Dog” Mattis and CIA Director Mike Pompeo—and who, during this historic meeting, provided SVR Director Naryshkin documentary proof proving that US Army General Joseph Votel, the commander of the United States Special Operations Command (USSOCOM), disobeyed a direct order from President Donald Trump when he shockingly appeared on the American cable news network CNN and threatened Turkish military forces in Syria—and where also during this meeting, these top US officials further stated that Trump is considering ordering the mass arrest of his “Deep State” enemies who are attempting to overthrow him in a coup. [ […]
Former top President Ronald Reagan administration official Paul Craig Roberts—who aside from his many American awards, the French government inducted into their Legion of Honor—explained by his noting that the entire world have now placed their hopes for peace on Trump defeating the coup plot against him—but should Trump fail, “would see this coup as America’s final transition into a police state and then give up their utopian ideas of ever reaching accommodation with Washington”. […]
The American shadow government “Deep State” for its now attempting to smear US Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell as being yet another Russian “spy” over his refusal to sign a scurrilous Obama regime document designed to destroy then candidate Donald Trump that falsely claimed Moscow was interfering in the 2016 US presidential election—but that by his doing so, put Senate Leader McConnell in the company of CIA Director Mike Pompeo who said he could find no Russian interference in this election—German intelligence agencies who said they could find no Russian interference in their election—the head of the French government’s cyber security agency saying Russia didn’t interfere in their election—and, just yesterday, Czech President Miloš Zeman blasting any suggestion that Russia may have interfered in his country’s ongoing presidential campaign and saying such a false claim is “an insult to our voters”. […]
British teenager Kane Gamble shockingly revealed that this lad, when he was 15-years-old, singlehandedly unleashed an eight month reign of chaos upon the highest echelons of the Obama regimes US intelligence services—most astoundingly to include this child’s accessing details of 20,000 FBI employees whose text messages have provided the roadmap President Donald Trump has been using to destroying his “Deep State” enemies attempting to oust him in a “palace coup”. […]
An alarming new Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR) [English] report circulating in the Kremlin today warns that the group of CIA-funded Syrian terror leaders flown into Washington D.C. yesterday have in their possession at least 37 FIM-92 Stinger shoulder fired anti-aircraft missiles just given to them by the CIA under a “secret agreement”—and whose planned use of is a not-too-subtle “Deep State” retaliation threat to begin shooting down US passenger airliners—and is their response to loyal Trump forces exploding their “15 January” bombshell by providing top Republican Party leaders in the US Congress more than 1.2 million documents relating to the crimes committed by the Obama-Clinton regime—with even more expected within the coming days. […]
A breathtaking new Security Council (SC) report circulating in the Kremlin today states that President Donald Trump has heeded the Ministry of Defense (MoD) warning that he was about to be assassinated by his abruptly cancelling his 16 January visit to London—where he had planned to be when the bombshell 15 January Office of the Inspector General report explodes across the entire US political landscape—with Trump, also, stunningly allowing, for the first time in history, an aerial photograph to be released of the mysterious white hypersonic aircraft “that saved America” on 11 September 2001—and that has now been stationed mere miles away from Trump’s vast Mar-a-Lago Florida compound as a demonstration of the wrath he intends to bring against his “Deep State” enemies seeking to overthrow him. […]
Far from Steve Bannon having “lost his mind”, he is, in fact, acting true to his US Naval Intelligence training, and who, without a doubt, was responsible for the 25 December cryptic US Navy “Julian Assange” warning Tweet—and whose only historical companion is his fellow US Naval Intelligence comrade Bob Woodward—who, like Bannon, worked in the White House (between 1969-1970) and was privy to all of the presidents secret communications—and after leaving the White House, went to The Washington Post where he destroyed then President Richard Nixon—like Bannon has done by going to Breitbart News where he, too, is attempting to destroy President Trump in the same way. But with the difference now being President Trump’s being able to have Steve Bannon fired from Breitbart News, unlike President Nixon was able to do against Bob Woodward. […]
An astonishing new Security Council (SC) report circulating in the Kremlin today claims with grudging admiration that President Donald Trump has now become one of the greatest “Machiavellian Masters” of modern political times—and who, while at the same time his elite leftist enemies are incessantly cheering a “fake news” book positing that he has lost his mind—has gathered around himself this weekend all of his top Republican Party and intelligence agency leadership at his impregnable Camp David compound—but that, most importantly, doesn’t include his Attorney General Jeff Sessions—who, instead, is preparing to spring one of the most audacious “traps” upon Trump’s enemies the United States has ever seen—but whose success of is not assured, and is why Trump’s Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has just stunningly announced that it will start preparing the American people for nuclear war. […]
US military forces loyal to President Donald Trump are preparing a daring raid upon the Ecuadorian Embassy in London in order to free Wikileaks founder Julian Assange—who, in 2014, developed a life threatening heart defect and a chronic lung condition due to his forced confinement, and is now reported to be near death. […]
The American-leftist establishment (“Deep State”/Obama-Clinton Supporters/Mainstream Media)—who for over a year have tried to destroy President Donald Trump through a plot to smear him as a “tool” of Russia—are now being warned that all of their lies have now been exposed—and that comes on the heels of shocking new revelations soon to be released exposing the main perpetrators of this plot—and as, also, the US Congress has now turned its focus away from investigating Trump-Russia collusion, to where it always rightfully belonged in the first place—the Obama-Clinton regimes use of the FBI and Justice Department to target a political opponent. […]