Fired FBI Deputy Director Tries To Ignite Civil War By Flooding American Cities With 400,000 Leftist Radicals
A stunning new Security Council (SC) report circulating in the Kremlin today states that fired FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe, who is facing a soon to come US federal criminal indictment, has just attempted to ignite a civil war in the United States—that he began yesterday by having the “Deep State” aligned New York Times publish an explosive article claiming that US Deputy Attorney Rod Rosenstein had attempted to launch a coup against President Trump by having him secretly wiretapped, and his then colluding with top Trump Cabinet officials to throw Trump out of office using the 25th Amendment—and whose intent behind was to provoke Trump into firing Rosenstein, after which the George Soros funded radical leftist organization Public Citizen had ordered over 400,000 of its domestic terrorist to flood the streets of 900 American cities to violently protest about—thus causing former Obama Regime official, and current MSNBC national security reporter, Matthew Miller to Tweet “Dangerous game Andy McCabe is playing right now”—but none of which appeared to faze Trump in the least as he went into Springfield-Missouri to speak before his loyal citizens who waited to hear him in a line over two miles long, and in such numbers that over 20,000 had to be turned away as the venue could only hold 11,000, and whom he told: “You see what’s happened at the FBI, they’re all gone, they’re all gone, they’re all gone…but there’s a lingering stench and we’re going to get rid of that, too”. […]