Trump Walks Down Path To History—Democrat Train Chasing Him Flies Off The Rails
An analytical new Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MoFA) report states that the biggest winner of this gathering of the world’s top leaders could very well be global peace—most particularly because the United States is beginning to crack under the strain of nearly 20-years of unlimited war—evidenced this past week alone by the US Army warning it’s having difficulty recruiting millennials to up its active forces to 500,000 and the US Navy crashing yet another of its newest multi-billion-dollar warships as it struggles to find new recruits, too—and in response to, saw President Trump leaving this summit to make an historic walk into the territory of North Korea—another step Trump is making on the “path to peace” for an American nation where “forever war is so normalized, opposing it is isolationism”—and whose Democrat Party defenders of continuous war racing to the 2020 Presidential Election deadline to defeat Trump and global peace, beyond belief loaded up a virtual train load of their top 20 candidates this past week and put them on full display before the American people—a display so horrifying and shocking, Joe Scarborough, the rabidly anti-Trump top anchor for MSNBC, was forced to declare to his stunned nationwide audience: “With apologies to our friends and watching, last night was a disaster for the Democratic Party…My only hope is people were not watching”. […]