Metro Fire Sparks Fears As Putin Retreats To Bunker, Pompeo Cancels Moscow Meet
The United States may be in the process of conducting a covert “false flag” operation in order to start a war with the Islamic Republic of Iran—the first hints of which began to emerge yesterday when numerous Middle East news reports started claiming that an over-flight of the Port of Fujairah, located in the United Arab Emirates (UAE), by American and French warplanes was followed by multiple explosions—a claim quickly denied by the UAE who, instead, said the billowing black clouds of smoke rising over Dubai were due to a fire near the Abu Bakr Al Siddiqi metro station that damaged three vehicles and a warehouse—a story changed a few hours later by the UAE who then said that four commercial ships off its eastern coast “were subjected to sabotage operations”—which, in turn, caused President Putin to retreat to a MoD bunker to begin new defense consultations—followed by US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo abruptly cancelling his visit to Moscow and rushing to NATO headquarters in Brussels to hold talks on Iran. […]