Clinton Foundation

Trail Of Sordid Kavanaugh Sex Smear Attack Leads Straight To Clinton Foundation

An interesting new Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR) report circulating in the Kremlin today detailing events related to the rogue faction CIA plot to destroy US Supreme Court nominee Judge Brett Kavanaugh, reveals that its investigative findings have discovered that a State of Maryland childhood friend of Kavanaugh accuser Dr. Christine Blasey-Ford named, Todd Leasure, was arrested for crimes committed against the National Security Agency by loyal Trump forces just days prior to Dr. Blasey-Ford’s accusations against Kavanaugh were made public—and whose work Leasure was doing for the NSA occurred while he was employed by the giant American defense contractor giant General Dynamics. […]

Sorcha Faal

American-Leftists Warned Trump-Russia Plot Smear Has Failed As Shocking Information Set For Release

The American-leftist establishment (“Deep State”/Obama-Clinton Supporters/Mainstream Media)—who for over a year have tried to destroy President Donald Trump through a plot to smear him as a “tool” of Russia—are now being warned that all of their lies have now been exposed—and that comes on the heels of shocking new revelations soon to be released exposing the main perpetrators of this plot—and as, also, the US Congress has now turned its focus away from investigating Trump-Russia collusion, to where it always rightfully belonged in the first place—the Obama-Clinton regimes use of the FBI and Justice Department to target a political opponent. […]