
Be Wise as Serpents, Part 2

Because the center of power is in Great Britian, a great deception has taken place. Great Britian has “given up” her empire, has seemingly lost her power. The Masons in Great Britian try harder not to be seen associated with revolution, and not to be associated publicly with the occult. The British MI5 and MI6 operate under far greater secrecy than the American CIA. The power in Great Britian that issues directives has been kept very secret. Under the disguise of conquering nature, of protecting us from enemies (which they themselves created—sometimes real sometimes fictitious) they have built powerful systems and technology to enable a few hundred men to rule over the billions of mankind. […]


Revelation Prophecies Fullfilled in World War II?

“Whoever today still doubts the real existence of demonic powers has widely misunderstood the metaphysical background to this war. Behind the concrete, behind material perceptions, behind all factual, logical considerations stands the irrational, i.e. the battle against the demon, against the emissaries of the Anti-Christ…” From 4th of 6 White Rose leaflets. Members of White Rose, a German anti-Nazi student movement, were beheaded for distributing these leaflets. […]