Russian Student Warns Of Imminent Leftist “Blood Sacrifice”
On 13 July, a 29-year-old Russian Federation citizen-student named Maria Butina contacted the Embassy of Russia in Washington D.C. to have her fears documented that a communist-leftist “blood sacrifice” terror strike was imminent in the United States—the full details of which she said she had previously related to US Congressman Dana Rohrabacher, whom she had met in Moscow in 2015—and that involved a “Deep State” terror cell organized by a South Dakota political activist named Paul Erickson—and whose revealing of, on 15 July, caused her to be arrested by the FBI, thrown into a “hell-hole” American prison, denied bail and denied access to Russian diplomats—thus causing the Foreign Ministry to declare that she “was being framed” and US Congressman Rohrabacher to further declare that her persecution was part of a “Deep State” plot against President Trump—but with it most importantly to be noted, that the communist-leftist terror cell leader Butina had identified intending to carry out this “blood sacrifice” was, on 17 July, arrested by the FBI—and who removed from this terrorists South Dakota home weapons, ammunition, silencers and a “significant amount of explosives”. […]