Sorcha Faal

Fake News US Mainstream Media Falls Into “Sedition Conspiracy” Trap Trump Can Now Use To Jail Them

Under the provisions outlined in this “Seditious Conspiracy” law, this report says it’s important to note, the legal definition of the word “conspiracy” mandates it must be an agreement between two or more people to commit an illegal act, along with an intent to achieve the agreement’s goal—and was a legal standard met just hours ago when the Democrat Party shockingly announced it had barred Fox Newsfrom hosting any of its 2020 presidential candidate debates—a vile act President Trump rapidly responded to by Tweeting: “Democrats just blocked @FoxNews from holding a debate. Good, then I think I’ll do the same thing with the Fake News Networks and the Radical Left Democrats in the General Election debates!”. […]

Sister Ciara

Liberation Day Arrives In Europe As Blockade Falls On US Mainstream Media Outlets

Today, 25 May 2018, will forever be known as the day Europe Was Liberated—and whose liberation was achieved by the coming into full force of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) that is the world’s first rebalancing of power between us, the people who have to hand over data to do transactions on the internet, and the global tech giants and companies that have beaten us into submission to become nothing more to them than digital slaves whose every action, thought and feeling are monetized for their exclusive benefit—and whose catastrophic penalties for breaking this law will see these global tech giants having to pay maximum fines up to €20 million ($23.4 million) or 4% of their organization’s global annual turnover, whichever is higher. […]


FBI Terror Chief Linked To Seth Rich Murder Falls Into “Honey Pot”

One of the central “deep cover” operations conducted by Marcus Dwayne Robertson for both the FBI and CIA, this report says, was the recruitment and training of “patsy” assassins—with one of the most notorious of them being Omar Mateen—who , on 12 June 2016, killed 49 people and wounded 58 others inside the Pulse gay nightclub in Orlando, Florida—and whom Robertson had personally radicalized and trained. […]