New Zealand “False Flag” Massacre Phases Into Gun Grab And Coverup Exercise Against Americans
Trump has now cryptically struck back against the United Kingdom by his re-Tweeting a post from William Craddick, founder of Disobedient Media, warning that “Russiagate was designed in part to help the UK counter Russian influence by baiting the United States into taking a hard line against them. Leaves us all with a more dangerous world as a consequence. Just another episode of the Great Game.”—that in intelligence circles the world over shows Trump agreeing with the SVR’s assessment that the New Zealand massacre was a “false flag” operation designed to see how fast the assassination of Trump could be covered up—and whose “false flag” operation has rapidly entered its next phase with New Zealand censoring all true news about this massacre, including their outright banning and threatening to jail their citizens if even dare to visit the highly influential American news site Zerohedge and read their article titled “Evidence Indicates Link Between North Korean Embassy Break-In And Christchurch Attacks”—that is being followed by New Zealand’s master plan to disarm all of their citizens—both of which are preludes of what is expected to occur in the United States once President Trump is assassinated. […]