Trump Counterattack Decapitates One Of Most Powerful Democrats In America While Muller Farce Nears End
The long anticipated counterattack against “Deep State” forces by President Donald Trump has begun with the takedown of John “Johnny Doc” Dougherty, who is one of the most powerful Democratic Party leaders in America in total control of the pivotal swing election State of Pennsylvania—but whom yesterday was slammed, along with 7 of his co-conspirators, with a massive 116 criminal count 153 page indictment filed yesterday against them by feared First Assistant US. Attorney Jennifer Williams, who served as the Chief of the National Security and Cybercrime Unit, and continues to serve as the Office’s National Security Cyber Specialist and its Crisis Management Coordinator—with this Democrat Party leadership decapitation to be particular noted as it comes within days of acting-US Attorney General Matthew Whitaker signaling that the farce Trump-Russia collusion investigation being conducted by Special Counsel Robert Muller is nearing its end. […]