Celine Dion’s New Order Fashion Titanic Dead On Arrival
You see that poor girl modeling these clothes? Her nickname is “Smiley” because she is always happy and her smile is contagious. But then she had to wear this shit for a photo shoot. Yeah, I’d be depressed and embarrassed too. Poor use of color, I mean, black and yellow? What is she? a taxi? And the skull theme? that Illuminati shit still supposed to be edgy? What next? Baphomet horns on a yellow and black hat? This Canadian export (the clothing and designer herself) is so terrible it should, in and of itself, give us cause to reassess our new trade deal with Canada. Honestly, though, the true crime of unisex attire is that it is unoriginal. The vast majority of the world is quite happy with their biological gender, and want to dress accordingly, but this requires originality. […]