Putin Orders Massive Naval Fleet To Atlantic As Trump Prepares For Full Scale Military Invasion Of Mexico
President Putin has ordered the immediate deployment of the entire Baltic Fleet expeditionary force to the waters of the Atlantic Ocean off the coast of the Americas where they are to be stationed throughout the entire Summer prior to completing their other 2018 global training missions—and who will be in “combat preparation” for President Donald Trump’s “more than expected” full scale military invasion of the United Mexican States in response to the now unstoppable election to the Mexican presidency of the socialist-communist candidate Andrés Manuel López Obrador [English]—and whom—while known simply as ALMO, and being called the “Tropical Messiah”—is preparing for after his 1 July landslide victory to unleash on Mexico a communist-socialist economic isolationist agenda that has already put his nations stock market into a tailspin—with his thus becoming “America’s Worst Nightmare” as his nations currency collapses and millions of Mexicans prepare to head north to seek refuge in the United States. […]