Trump Drops Turkish Sanctions, But Allows Them To Keep Mysterious NASA Expert In Custody
According to this report, one of the greatest enduring mysteries of the 21st Century is why the United States illegally invaded Iraq in March-2003—whose cause of was foisted upon the American people as being due to Iraq having weapons of mass destruction which every nation in the world knew wasn’t true—and whose US military forces upon invading, placed as their highest war objective the capturing of the ancient city of Babylon—a UNESCO protected world heritage site the US military wasted no time in nearly completely destroying in an effort that can only be described as their trying to find something. Apparently failing to find whatever they were looking for during their initial invasion of Iraq, this report continues, in 2011 the Obama-Clinton Regime created the barbaric radical Islamic terror group ISIS—whose reign of terror throughout Iraq and Syria saw these Islamic barbarians invading, capturing and than destroying every single ancient historic site they could in their effort to find something. […]