Sorcha Faal

Europe Stares Into Abyss After Populist Trump Forces Throw Socialist Dutch Government From Power

Barely two-months from the crucial 2019 European Parliament Election due to be held between 23-26 May, this continent’s socialist leaders are staring into the abyss after pro-Trump populist forces in the Netherlands placed into power the Euroskeptic party Forum for Democracy—that is now set to become one of the two largest groups in the Dutch Senate, stripping the ruling socialist coalition of its majority after winning provincial elections yesterday—and that now sees the Dutch peoples joining with Italy, Austria, Hungary, Poland and the Czech Republic, all of whom have placed into power pro-Trump governments—a not so surprising cascade of victories when viewed in the light of President Trump being more popular in Europe than any of its socialist leaders. […]

Sorcha Faal

Edge Of Abyss Nears

According to this report, as global forces align for the final battle for Syria, one of the greatest propaganda hoaxes ever perpetrated upon the American people is that this coming battle has anything at all to do with the Syrian people—that has no basis in reality as this conflict centers on are the estimated over 40,000 barbaric Islamic terrorist being targeted for obliteration in Syria who are foreigners in this country coming from, at least, 100 different nations as the US State Department has itself reported—the most feared of them being Islamic terrorist fighters from Uzbekistan, Russia’s Chechnya and China’s ethnic Uighur minority who cut their teeth in other US wars but then swarmed to Syria under the protection of the Obama-Clinton Regime. […]


Russia Warns “Abyss Has Opened” As “Deep State” Protects ISIS Terrorists Fleeing To Saudi Arabia

The “Deep State” has just “opened the abyss of chaos” by directing their loyal elements within the US military to begin providing air cover protection for ISIS terrorists fleeing the battlefields of Syria—and whom “Deep State” aligned elements within the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) are rapidly funneling into Saudi Arabia (where nearly 4,000 have already returned) and who are expected to soon unleash a bloody civil war to oust Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman from power. […]