He’s President Obama’s Chief of Staff known to curse like a sailor, and yet sing like an angel.
A look at Rahm Emmanuel’s recent moonlighting activities may illustrate why his singing his peerless; a talent so honed it would be defiled by winning on American Idol.
He’s President Obama’s Chief of Staff known to curse like a sailor, and yet sing like an angel.
I knew about the guy who had Obama’s ear that cursed almost as much as me, although I’d never seen my rival in person. During a White House tour, as I ran into the men’s room and sat down in the stall to pinch a steaming Limbaugh, I heard something haunting, very odd, yet beautiful. His voice was vaguely familiar. After cursing up a storm in the stall beside me I made out something along the lines of:
“Gibbs, you motherfucker! You inconsiderate cocksucker! I can’t believe you left a floater in my favorite stall! Fuck you! Fuck you, you bubble eyed sack of dog shit. Fuck! Fuck ! Fuck! I will kill you, you motherfucker, learn how to flush and put that breaking news in your press release!” I heard him light a match and could soon smell its smoke; the hopeless attempt to mask Gibbs’ unflushed offering.
His fist was soon pounding angrily against the stall door and then finally, I heard the seat slam down after a few mumbles and a flush.
Was this the infamous Rahmbo? If so, the rumors were true. He had a mouth that could humble a sailor with Tourettes.
But then it got strange. He started singing. But it was not at all unpleasant. In fact, it was a most haunting, mesmerizing voice that suddenly began to emanate from the stall beside me. I was in awe.
The dude was singing Bach cantatas like an angel incarnate. I could not believe my ears. So when I stumbled across this video, I put two and two together, and formed a fan club, ’cause dammit, Rahmbo can sing. And behold, how can any man of classical tastes listen to this voice and not respectfully ponder the immortal words of Richard Pryor…