The sexual undertones of children being encouraged to dance, cross-dressed, in gay bars long before they even reach puberty is creepy and disturbing. Why is this boy even in a bar, if he’s not old enough to drink in there? I’m not sure how many clapped along like seals for fish, or how many slow-clapped, but of the latter I wonder how many felt there was something off with this picture, the sense that this just isn’t wrong, it’s perverted. Literally every cell in the body of such a child bears testament to its true gender identity, but we’re dealing with irrational perverts that are promulgating this imbecility. They are frightened, these political leaders and media titans, they need to normalize the sickening things they did to children, in secret; and they should be frightened, because they will have no time to indoctrinate enough idiots to save them. Pedophilia is evil, period. Healthy, normal people understand this, and even some of the sick ones know it is vile and feel guilty about it.
We can’t have Rudolph anymore but this is okay. pic.twitter.com/BcvnJeWV69
— Amanda House (@AmandaLeeHouse) December 23, 2018

There is something very wrong when public schools teach little boys that their penis is actually a vagina if they so much as click their heels and wish it to be so, their key formative years be damned.
They can take tons of sex hormones and have a sex change operation, but that won’t turn their male chromosomes into female ones or vice-versa. The gender debate is not science, it’s a cry for help from otherwise science-loving people that should know better.
These kids are to take comfort in the fact that society, particularly men and women who “love” little boys, will always love them… until they’re past childhood, of course.
How They Get You to Accept the Absurd or Evil
We need to understand group dynamics to see how the media, in this case Disney, uses sex to market little kids, and the best way to understand group dynamics is to go back to Solomon Asche, and to the famous Asche Experiments in group conformity. How willing was the average person to hold fast to his belief system if everyone around him believed in an absurdity?
You’d be surprised.

Perhaps you gained some insight, now, on why the media uses bogus opinion polls to present the illusion of mass consensus, such as, say, “78% of Americans support pedophilia.” For those who are already on the cusp of permanently damaging the sexual identity and psyche of a child for the sake of their own sexual gratification, they have permission from society if they believe the media and their clarions in compromised universities and public schools. Only it is fake, as of now, and it would be most unwise for those at Disney or anywhere else to continue down this course.

According to internal State Department memos the agency might have called off or intervened into investigations into possibly illegal, inappropriate behavior within it’s ranks allegedly to protect jobs and avoid scandals.
This concerns a time when Hillary Clinton was secretary of state.
“There is an old saying in Washington that the cover-up is worse than the crime. But in this case both parts of it are disturbing.”
Allegations of prostitution and pedophilia, and allegations that those crimes were somehow covered up or not looked into. So the State Department this morning is having to respond to those claims, and those investigations involve misconduct by State Department officials, including an Ambassador and security agents attached to then secretary of state, Hillary Clinton.
The allegations are that these investigations were whitewashed, quashed altogether, and that those orders came from high up.
NBC has obtained documents relating to ongoing investigations into some disturbing allegations involving State Department personnel and at least one ambassador. A State Department memo says, quote, “the Ambassador routinely ditched his protective security detail in order to solicit sexual favors from both prostitutes and minor children.
The memo also says a top State Department official directed State Department investigators to “cease the investigation” into the ambassador’s conduct.” It’s just one of what another document describes as “several examples of undue influence” from top State Department officials.
Why the Media Obsession on the Sexual Objectification of Children?
The urgency comes from industry heads and political leaders that know their crimes against children will come to light soon. Their only counter is to use their strongest asset, the news and entertainment industrial complex, to indoctrinate youth into believing it is okay for adults to sexualize them, and for adults, that it is okay to let others sexualize their children in the name of schooling, fashion, pseudoscience, etc.

The gender debate, the absurdly twisted notion that there is no male and female gender that is now written into law, is designed to confuse and hobble the sexual maturation of children. Why? Population control. Gays don’t have biological children.
The SJWs want a fight, give them one. Science is not on their side. This is a war for the soul of America, and the world. In any ideological or actual war, victory belongs only to those willing to accept simple or hard truths and build upon that foundation for planning and execution. If you can’t tell the difference between a penis and vagina, you’re toast. You will be utterly destroyed.

Your Team, Michael Obama
— United States Space Force Ⓥ (@SpaceCorpsUS) December 28, 2018
According to college leftists… biological facts are now fascist!
College campuses have become ideological battlefields.
We have to FIGHT against activist professors who would rather push an agenda than teach facts
Fact: there are only TWO genders
— Charlie Kirk (@charliekirk11) January 1, 2019