Sorcha Faal

Communist Chinese Saboteur Identified By Russia Killed In Texas Naval Base Shootout

An informative new Security Council (SC) report circulating in the Kremlin today discussing some of the latest actions being observed taking place in the “Coronavirus Pandemic War”, says most important of them to notice is what occurred during the 48-hours following the FBI Office-Moscow making an urgent request for aid to the Ministry of Internal Affairs (MVD) on 20 May—an urgent request the FBI made after saboteur-terrorists had destroyed over this past week two US fighter jets worth over $420-million at a Florida military base, and last December killed 3 US Navy soliders at another Florida military base—with the commonality of these attacks being these US military bases were training centers for radicalized Saudi Arabian pilots and aircraft technicians training at them—and whose greatest present fears about were them being devoted followers of the most feared terrorist in the world Masood Azhar, who is best known for being “China’s Favorite Terrorist”—and upon receiving this urgent request from the FBI, saw MVD intelligence analysts coordinating an investigation with the Russian Reconciliation Center for Syria, whose military intelligence assets maintain constant surveillance of all known and/or suspected Masood Azhar supporters in Syria—a list of whom the MVD turned over to the FBI within hours of this urgent request being made—one of whose names upon was a Syrian national named Adam Salim Alsahli who was residing in the United States, was also a student at Umm Al-Qura University located in Mecca-Saudi Arabia, and was training as an aircraft technician at Naval Air Station Corpus Christi-Texas—information provided to the FBI by the MVD that was followed at 6:15 a.m.(local Corpus Christi time) yesterday (21 May) with US news reports saying that a terrorism related shootout with security officers at the North Gate of Naval Air Station Corpus Christi had occurred—followed by Adam Salim Alsahli then being identified as the only person killed in this shootout—the “official story” being that this terrorist began the attack—but has MVD intelligence analysts stating that this terrorist was killed in an ambush conducted by elite FBI and/or US military commandos—as their SOP (standard operating procedure) in dealing with terrorist threats is to lure their suspects into tightly controlled tactical situations, such as guard posts and road blocks, then “shoot first and ask questions later”.  […]

Sorcha Faal

Communist Chinese Saboteurs Destroy US Fighter Jets Worth Over $420-Million At Florida Base

A highly disturbing new Security Council (SC) report circulating in the Kremlin today discussing military related issues occurring in the “Coronavirus Pandemic War”, notes with alarm the Ministry of Defense (MoD) revealing that President Donald Trump has just ordered the emergency deployment of the nuclear armed aircraft carrier USS Theodore Roosevelt to confront Communist Chinese harassment of US spy planes and ships—an emergency deployment so sudden this aircraft carrier has left behind 1,800 of its sailors and is sailing with a scaled-back crew of about 3,000—and came within hours of the Ministry of Internal Affairs (MVD) reporting on an urgent meeting they had just concluded with the FBI Office-Moscow—a meeting that began with FBI officials handing their MVD counterparts a United States Department of Justice document titled “Attorney General William P. Barr and FBI Director Christopher Wray Announce Significant Developments in the Investigation of the Naval Air Station Pensacola Shooting”—that was followed by the MVD being grimly informed by the FBI that two of the most expensive fighter aircraft operated by the US Air Force have been destroyed in the past 5-days—an F-35 fighter aircraft that costs $89.2-million and an F-22 that’s the most expensive fighter aircraft in the world costing over $334-million—both of which crashed for unknown reasons and were destroyed shortly after taking off from Eglin Air Force Base in Florida—and like Naval Air Station Pensacola trains Saudi pilots to fly these fighter aircraft, Eglin Air Force Base trains Saudi technicians to perform maintenance on them—training specifically done by the Field Training Detachment 19, 372nd Training Squadron whose stated mission is to “Train, Inspire, and Develop Higher Levels of Maintenance Competencies in U.S. and Allied Warfighters”—and all of whose currently under training Saudi maintenance technicians the FBI urgently requested the MVD immediately undertake an investigation to probe any possible links they may have with Masood Azhar—the most feared terrorist in the world having ties to both ISIS and al-Qaeda—has traveled throughout the world and Middle East raising funds for his terrorist activities—is known as “The man who brought jihad to Britain” and is “India’s most wanted terrorist”—but most fearful to the United States, is best known in the world for his being “China’s Favorite Terrorist”. […]

Sorcha Faal

US Hospitals Have No More Coronavirus Patients—Hysterical Media Doesn’t Tell American People

A fascinating new Security Council (SC) report circulating in the Kremlin today noting an unusual development having just occurred in the “Coronavirus Pandemic War”, stunningly reveals that while reviewing the latest information provided by the Ministry of Health (MINZDRAV) regarding coronavirus cases in the United States, most critical to be noticed is that the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) failed to give their 16 May 2020 weekly update—with the last one given by the CDC being their 9 May 2020 weekly update that showed a total of 19,637 coronavirus patients in hospital for treatment—broken down into age groups showing: 28 coronavirus patients ages 0-4; 74 coronavirus patients ages 5-17; 4,695 coronavirus patients ages 18-49; 5,851 coronavirus patients ages 50-64; and 8,959 coronavirus patients 65 years of age and older, all of whose cases, across all age groups, had serious underlying health conditions to begin with—a near statistical blip of just 2.1% coronavirus patients occupying the 924,107 total staffed beds in all US hospitals as of 9 May 2020—and due to normal recovery and death rates of in hospital coronavirus patients, means that US hospitals have no more coronavirus patients to treat—which explains why the US Army Corps of Engineers spent over $660-million to build field hospitals that saw only a bare handful of coronavirus patients, the US Navy hospital ships Comfort and Mercy saw hardly any patients, and why the United States has already shipped some 15,000 ventilators to more than 50 countries—200 of which were sent to Russia as a repayment for the plane load of medical equipment Moscow rushed to New York last month—all of which is being ignored by an hysterical leftist media that instead of telling the American the people the truth, is using its time slamming President Trump for sending ventilators to Russia—screaming in panic that President Trump is going to die because he’s taking a drug to fend off the coronavirus they don’t like—and whom they apparently want to live because the socialist Democrat Party has just informed the US Supreme Court that they may want to impeach President Trump again in 2021.  […]

Sorcha Faal

Trump Executes Most Powerful Order In History To Throw All American Companies Out Of China

A bombshell new Security Council (SC) report circulating in the Kremlin today discussing the latest critical moves being made in the growing more dangerous by the day “Coronavirus Pandemic War”, says that after President Donald Trump threatened to “cut off the whole relationship” with Communist China, he was officially asked to force the Chinese to pay a staggering $1.6 trillion debt they owe to a US bondholder group—an official request President Trump followed by issuing a rule to further crush the life out of Communist China’s tech giant Huawei by banning it from being able to purchase semiconductors made abroad with US software and equipment—that itself was followed by President Trump announcing that Communist China’s sworn enemy Taiwan is going to build a $12-billion semiconductor plant to employ over 1,000 American workers in Arizona.  […]

Sorcha Faal

FBI Slams Top Republican Senator With Coronavirus Criminal Warrant—But True Target Is Democrat Leader Pelosi

A stunning new Security Council (SC) report circulating in the Kremlin today discussing the latest battlefield moves being made by President Donald Trump in the still raging “Coronavirus Pandemic War”, says most critical to note about them involves United States Senator Richard Burr, the powerful Republican Party chairman of the US Select Committee on Intelligence—who, a few hours ago, was slammed when the FBI raided his Washington D.C. home to serve on him a criminal warrant to seize his cell phone—which followed the FBI using another criminal warrant to seize Senator Burr’s iCloud account—which means that a US Federal Judge signed off on these warrants after being persuaded by FBI agents and US Department of Justice  prosecutors that there was probable cause that a crime was committed—not just any crime, but a vile “coronavirus crime” making money off of misery and death—as after his having received a top-secret briefing on the coronavirus by US intelligence officials before any of the American people were even aware of it, Senator Burr used it to sell $1.7 million of his stocks before the pandemic crushed global markets—as did Republican Party US Senator Kelly Loeffler use this same top-secret information to sell millions-of-dollars of her stocks, too—but whose greatest perpetrator of this “coronavirus crime” is socialist Democrat Party leader US House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, who used her top-secret knowledge of the coronavirus to buy up to $3.3 million in stocks that have skyrocketed in value since the pandemic began—thus making her the undisputed main target of the FBI and US federal prosecutors—and when charged and arrested by them for her “coronavirus crimes”, won’t be able to convince anyone that President Trump is singling her out while Senators Burr and Loeffler are sitting in the dock right beside her.  […]

Sorcha Faal

Baffling Quagmire To War Strategy

An interesting new Security Council (SC) report circulating in the Kremlin today focusing on events occurring in the United States during this current stage of “Coronavirus Pandemic War”, notes with grave concern the shocking admission just by made by Ambassador James F. Jeffrey, the United States Special Envoy for the Global Coalition to Defeat ISIS, that his role was not to fight radical Islamic terrorism in Syria, rather he said: “My job is to make it a quagmire for the Russians”—a shock admission responded to by Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov questioning US military biological activities in various parts of the world and asking “what is really going on there”—while adding: “We have to state that even in the conditions of a pandemic, our American colleagues and their allies do not abandon their attempts to escalate confrontation, to use the current situation to impose their point of view, their vision of world order, which they call an order based on rules…As you know, they invent the rules themselves”. […]

Sorcha Faal

Four Horsemen Of Apocalypse Warned Are ACTIVE—One Gets New Name: “Trump Derangement Mob”

An in-depth new Security Council (SC) report circulating in the Kremlin today discussing some of the most recent critical developments occurring in the continuing to rage “Coronavirus Pandemic War”, notes with grim concern that 72-hours after President Putin and Prime Minister Boris Johnson considered if the coronavirus was a “assassination by disease” weapon targeting President Donald Trump, a growing chorus of gleeful speculation has erupted among socialist forces in America about this disease taking out both Trump and Vice President Mike Pence to make Democrat Party leader US House Speaker Nancy Pelosi the new President of the United States—chief among them being top globalist-socialist leader George Soros, who says “trying to be a dictator” President Trump “is literally fighting for his life”, and declared about the coronavirus pandemic “This is the crisis of my lifetime…we were in a revolutionary moment”—a “revolutionary moment”, however, Soros knows his globalist-socialist forces are losing after Germany’s Constitutional Court moved to block the European Central Bank from creating money out of thin air to fight the catastrophic economic effects this pandemic is causing—which caused Soros to erupt in rage and proclaim: “If the German court’s verdict prevents the EU from resisting these developments, it will be the end of the EU as we know it”—and further ranted in madness that “I will also say that I have put my faith in Trump to destroy himself, and he has exceeded my wildest expectations”.   […]

Sorcha Faal

Trump Lobs “Satchel Of Terror” And “Bannon Bomb” Into Heart Of Obama-China Stronghold

A fascinating new Security Council (SC) report circulating in the Kremlin today discussing the latest battle moves being made on the various front lines of the “Coronavirus Pandemic War”, says the just pronounced declaration by President Putin that “patriotism means devoting oneself to the development of the country, its progress” has taken on a distorted vision by Communist China and India military forces whose “massive face off” has now erupted into an “aggressive confrontation” between these two nuclear armed powers—a rapidly growing more dangerous by the day conflict being watched over by the nuclear armed United States whose President Donald Trump is himself battling against a coronavirus that’s specifically designed, either by man or nature, to “assassinate by disease” elderly men over 70-years-old like the American leader is—and in fighting back against, is now seeing President Trump having his top intelligence director Richard Grenell “deliver by the satchel full” secret documents to the US Justice Department exposing the Obama-Clinton Regime plot to overthrow him—while at the same time, his top strategist Steve Bannon—who never really left the White House he’s expected to rejoin soon—has launched a withering attack against Communist China for their coronavirus crimes against humanity—both of which the “panicked and unhinged” radical socialist leader former President Barack Obama has emerged from his stronghold to viciously attack—with his first absurdly claiming that “the rule of law is at risk” because President Trump is exposing his crimes—and his then jumping to the defense of Communist China by echoing their vile claim that “Trump’s handling of the coronavirus pandemic an absolute chaotic disaster”.   […]

Sorcha Faal

Trump Gets Green Light To Attack Iran—But Instead Chooses Coronavirus War With California

An informative new Security Council (SC) report circulating in the Kremlin today noting some of the more strategic moves taking place in the still raging “Coronavirus Pandemic War”, says the decision made to approve funds for RT America to hire more US journalists ahead of the 2020 American Presidential Election is based upon the reality that this will be the most critical battlefield front that will decide the fate of this global conflict—a global conflict President Putin and President Donald Trump discussed at great length yesterday—after which President Putin stated: “Russia and the United States are today at the forefront of countering global challenges…Following the traditions of cooperation laid down in the wartime years and acting in ‘the Elbe spirit,’ our countries could do much for ensuring international security and stability”. […]

Sorcha Faal

Trump Declares “Unprecedented Emergency” As Chinese Leaders Told To Be Ready For War With America

A forewarning-centric new Security Council (SC) report circulating in the Kremlin today discussing defensive military actions needing to be considered as the “Coronavirus Pandemic War” spins ever more dangerously out of control, notes that after former top White House trade negotiator Clete Willems grimly assessed the current state US-China relations yesterday with the words: “I know people get uncomfortable with the terminology, but I do think we have to be honest and call this what it is and this is the start of a new Cold War and if we’re not careful, things could get much, much worse”, Communist China announced it was set to unveil its new nuclear stealth bomber that could reach Los Angeles—an announcement followed by the grave revelation of a report that was presented by Chinese intelligence to their nation’s top leaders warning that they needed to be prepared for an armed confrontation with the United States—that itself came 72-hours after President Donald Trump ordered his Department of Agriculture to declare an “Unprecedented Emergency” as meat processing plants in the US began closing due to the coronavirus causing “Dangerously Close” shortages—and are shortages that have now caused meat to be rationed throughout all America.  […]

Sorcha Faal

Fearless US Marine Leads World Out Of Tyrannical Socialist Ruled Over Coronavirus Lockdown Hell

A compelling new Security Council (SC) report circulating in the Kremlin today examining the fallout occurring in global societies due to the still raging “Coronavirus Pandemic War”, says that even though the National Medical Research Center for Phthisiopulmonology and Infectious Disease has stated that Russia may reach the peak of disease spread in the next two weeks, it’s more critical to notice the findings just released by Doctor-Scientist Anna Popova—who as the Chief State Sanitary Physician of the Russian Federation is now declaring: “Today it’s impossible to completely stop the circulation of the coronavirus, no matter how closed the country is”—an obvious truth most astoundingly first noticed by common sense ordinary peoples, not scientists, and exampled as being true by just released scientific data showing people all over the world are rejecting their governments’ shelter in place tyranny—the powerful ripple effects of are now spreading throughout the United States where the City of Oklahoma backed off its mask mandate after its citizens neared revolt, as did the State of Ohio, whose Governor Mike DeWine dropped his mandatory mask order saying “it went too far”, and said: “People were not going to accept the government telling them what to do”—and who were joined by Arizona sheriffs declaring that they won’t enforce their governor’s stay-at-home order for citizens either […]

Sorcha Faal

Suicided New York City Doctor Believed to Have Witnessed Coronavirus Patients Being Murdered

A truly disturbing new Security Council (SC) report circulating in the Kremlin today discussing the latest developments emerging from the front lines of the still raging “Coronavirus Pandemic War”, states that the Communist Chinese threat to economically retaliate against Australia unless it stops its “dangerous” investigation into the coronavirus pandemic, should have been expected by the Aussies to come at them from a China desperately trying to hide its massive 20% unemployment numbers—as also the United States should have expected the Communist China attack slamming the American’s response to the coronavirus and their “desperate” attempts to pin blame on China, and them asking “What’s the US hiding?”—an at first glance laughable question coming from a Communist China that for a single 13-day period hid from the world at least 45,500 coronavirus deaths whose corpses were incinerated and returned to their families—but is a question that now becomes concerning after President Donald Trump himself claimed the socialist Democrat Party stronghold New York City is inflating its coronavirus death toll—a claim supported by shocking new evidence proving that New York City added 3,700 victims to the coronavirus death toll even though these decedents were not tested. […]

Sorcha Faal

Trump-Putin Issue Rare Joint Statement On “Decisive Defeat Of Nazi Regime”—Then Ponder World War III

A fearful new Security Council (SC) report circulating in the Kremlin today discussing the latest events occurring in the growing worse by the hour “Coronavirus Pandemic War”, notes with grim irony that near immediately following President Putin and President Donald Trump issuing a rare joint statement on the 75th Anniversary of the historic meeting between Soviet and American troops on the Elbe River, a meeting that occurred on 25 April 1945 that “heralded the decisive defeat of the Nazi regime”, which was ultimately destroyed a couple weeks after, these leaders of the world’s two largest nuclear armed powers, who in their joint statement said the ending of World War II “clearly showed how the two nations can cooperate”, both had to begin pondering World War III—a nearing global conflict whose ignition point is being fired in North Korea—from where increasingly credible reports are emerging that its reclusive leader Kim Jong Un has died or is brain dead because of the coronavirus—with reliable Japanese news sources saying Kim Jong Un is in a vegetative state and Chinese medical experts have been dispatched to North Korea—that was followed by top Trump ally US Senator Lindsey Graham saying after an intelligence briefing “I’ll be shocked if he’s not dead”—and confirms the reporting by the niece of the Chinese foreign minister who has just told her viewers in Hong Kong that Kim Jong Un is dead—a death being warned could start a series of successive coups or even outright civil war, but at its worse could cause a Communist Chinese invasion of North Korea—an invasion of North Korea by the Communist Chinese the United States would have no choice but to militarily respond to—and comes at the same time President Trump’s top White House advisor Peter Navarro has just ominously declared: “This is a war…It’s a war that China started by spawning the virus, by hiding the virus, by hoarding personal protective equipment during the time it hid the virus”.   […]

Sorcha Faal

US Makes Shock Nuclear Bombing Run On China—Bioweapon Labs Warned To Be Targets

A gravely concerning “Head for the bunkers!” worded new Security Council (SC) report circulating in the Kremlin today noting that the rapidly rising nation-state tensions in the currently ongoing “Coronavirus Pandemic War” are beginning to spin out of control, as evidenced by yesterday’s G20 leaders summit being called off at the last minute, says Indian experts now asking such questions as “Has China Won World War III With Its Biological Weapon?” has led to some former American military defense strategists firing a warning shot at President Donald Trump in their just published white paper titled “Once World War III Starts, There Is No Going Back”, wherein they insanely state “the United States needs to prepare to absorb the first blow” from Communist Chinese military forces—but which the evidence proves President Trump is preparing to do no such thing. […]

Sorcha Faal

Trump Saves World From Socialist Run “Death Zones” In People’s Republic Of Coronastan

An at first appearing to be tongue-in-cheek new Security Council (SC) report circulating in the Kremlin today discussing the “Coronavirus Pandemic War”, quickly evolves into an information goldmine shockingly exposing hidden truths about this disease and its true effect on the United States being kept from the knowledge of the American people—hidden truths that have now caused the socialist-communist-led People’s Republic of China (PRC) to lash out at the US calling it “a primitive society where democracy is dying”—a branding, however, that doesn’t apply to the entirety of the US, but only to its top-ten socialist iron-grip Democrat Party controlled “Blue States” of New York, New Jersey, Massachusetts, Pennsylvania, California, Michigan, Illinois, Louisiana, Connecticut and Maryland —who for want of a better term have broken off from the rest of the US to create their own socialist-communist PRC nation most rightfully called the “People’s Republic of Coronastan”, that even comes complete with its own “death zones”. […]

Sorcha Faal

Socialist Forces Warn Trump “Is Playing With Fire” For Igniting Russian Roulette Coronavirus Rebellion

An informative new Security Council (SC) report circulating in the Kremlin today discussing the latest battle moves being undertaken in the rapidly turning more dangerous “Coronavirus Pandemic War”, notes President Putin assuring Security Council Members at this morning’s teleconference briefing that Russia has enough reserves to protect its people amid this coronavirus pandemic—a needed assurance coming as coronavirus riots and food shortages sweep an African Continent being described as “It’s War Out Here”—and because of the even more globally significant events that are occurring in the United States—a country where this pandemic has exposed the motives of their nation’s self-appointed globalist-socialist political leaders and leftist mainstream propaganda media radicals who are all pushing anti-American policies to give themselves more power—most particularly their slamming the American people with tyrannical coronavirus shut downs and regulations having nothing to do with safety and everything to do with these peoples’ freedoms—and while being led by the maniacally-leftist New York Times, now sees these tyrannical socialist forces viciously attacking President Donald Trump because he won’t become the dictator they demand he should be—a President Trump who, in fact, has become the opposite of a dictator and posted messages to his under socialist siege citizens telling them to “Liberate Virginia!”, “Liberate Michigan!” and “Liberate Minnesota!”. […]