Sorcha Faal

Trump Targets California With “Game Changer” City Block Nuke Missile Test 

A foreboding new Ministry of Defense (MoD) report circulating in the Kremlin today examining findings related to the long-duration Tu-160 strategic nuclear armed bombers over flights of the Arctic, notes these flight crews having registered an unannounced ballistic missile test firing from within this region on 29 January—a test firing preceded by an alert message emanating from the United States Navy Ohio-Class ballistic missile submarine USS Tennessee (SSBN-734), that left its homeport at Naval Submarine Base Kings Bay in Georgia-USA in late December-2019 to begin patrol exercises in Arctic waters—and was a test seeing this submarine launching a ballistic missile using the North Pole route to reach its State of California target destination, where upon reentering the atmosphere, its streaking through the sky caused concerns among this State’s citizens unknowing of what was occurring—but instead of these American citizens being concerned about this missile’s reentry into their skies, should more rightly see them becoming panicked—because, for the first time in history, the USS Tennessee set sail with the “Game Changing” new and controversial low-yield W76-2 nuclear warhead—a warhead that detonates on the ground to create a fireball just over 490-feet wide, wherein everything is incinerated—which designates it as a type of “city block” weapon device unsuitable for nuclear armed great-nation warfare—as in this type of warfare, nuclear weapons would vaporize entire cities and large-scale military bases—thus leading to the question as to whom President Donald Trump, who ordered this nuclear weapon to be rapidly developed and deployed, is intending to use it against.  […]

Sorcha Faal

Mysterious “Tic-Tac UFO” Vimana Craft Slices Through Rare US Air Force Communications Plane In Skies Over Afghanistan

A highly-classified “Of Special Importance” new Ministry of Defense (MoD) report circulating in the Kremlin today states that at 12:27 hrs GMT+4.5 on 27 January 2020, a newly launched surveillance satellite under the control of the Space Troops of the Aerospace Force logged the occurrence of an “unidentified aerial phenomena” event emanating from the Tibetan Plateau region of the Himalayas—an event which saw a mysterious Vimana-like aircraft rapidly accelerating from the highest mountains on Earth to reach Mach-10 speed (7,672 miles per hour) as it circumvented the globe to its underwater destination in the Irish Sea off the coast the United Kingdom—a near exact occurrence to the November-2018 event that saw expert pilots reporting the spotting of “supersonic” UFOs over the Irish Sea—an Irish Sea many UFO experts have long believed contains a “secret alien base” lying off the coast of Northern Wales—and in yesterday’s event, saw this mysterious aircraft entering the skies over Afghanistan where, at 13:10 hrs GMT+4.5 (1:10 PM local time), it “sliced” through and destroyed a US Air Force E-11A Battlefield Airborne Control Node aircraft, of which there are only four in existence—the second known such destruction of an American military aircraft operating in the skies of Afghanistan that follows the 2017 attack on a US Predator Drone taken down when one of these mysterious crafts targeted it with a laser weapon—a mysterious craft the US military has admitted the existence of and the public has labeled as a “Tic-Tac UFO”—one of whose US Navy pilots described them as “not behaving by the normal laws of physics”—further information about, though will not be forthcoming as the US military has just cryptically declared it will say nothing more about these mysterious crafts as to do so “would cause exceptionally grave damage to US national security”—a declaration standing opposed to a United Kingdom whose naval forces control the waters of the Irish Sea—and who within a few hours of this mysterious craft downing the US Air Force aircraft in the skies over Afghanistan, made a shock announcement that, for the first time in history, they’re making all of their once top secret UFO files public. […]

Sorcha Faal

Trump Trial Hoax Veers Towards World War III After Schiff Warns Russia Is Preparing To Invade America

An alarming new Security Council (SC) report circulating in the Kremlin today discussing the just completed 100-kilometer (62 miles) forced march multiple launch rocket system drills carried out this week by the Central Military District’s large artillery unit stationed in the Kemerovo Region in southwestern Siberia—says this combat drill being conducted to confront, if need be, the about 20,000 pieces of military equipment and supplies and 20,000 US troops being deployed from the United States to the borders of Russia in the largest such war move in 25-years, should be immediately expanded to include all land, air, naval and nuclear forces under the command of the Ministry of Defense (MoD)—a grave move towards World War III necessitated by socialist Democrat Party House Impeachment Manager US Congressman Adam Schiff “launching himself into a crazed Putin-Russia tantrum” yesterday after the legal team defending President Donald Trump in a hoax impeachment trial presented their opening remarks—a “crazed tantrum” which follows by days Schiff warning at this hoax trial that Russia is preparing to attack and invade the US mainland—both of which are insane delusions causing Schiff to now be labeled as the “Warmongering Stooge Of The Deep State”—but do defy Schiff’s past friendly relations with Russia—best exampled in 2013 when Schiff held two fundraisers for his reelection campaign with Russian-Ukrainian arms dealer Igor Pasternak—in 2016 when Schiff flew with the Ambassador of the Russian Federation to the United States Sergey Kislyak to the CNN-sponsored Aspen Security Forum—and in 2017 when Schiff gleefully accepted an offer of foreign dirt on Trump offered by what he thought were top Russian officials—but were actually pranksters out to prove how hypocritical Schiff really is when it comes to American politicians using foreigners to dig up dirt on their opponants.   […]

Sorcha Faal

“Schiff Lies” And “Nadler Cries” As Senseless Murder Begins Trump Impeachment Death Toll Count

disturbing new Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MoFA) report circulating in the Kremlin today discussing the cutting down in Davos-Switzerland of globalist-socialist ideology, while celebrating economic nationalism, barely 18-hours ago by President Donald Trump in what is being described as “One Of The Best Speeches Of His Presidency”, states that more than words will be needed to kill off this failed socialist ideology that’s now turned both dangerous and deadly—best exampled yesterday when a French socialist controlled-court sentenced intellectual Renaud Camus to a suspended 2-month prison term for his daring to tell the truth and say that mass immigration into Europe represents an invasion—an actual thought-crime conviction followed an ocean away, and a few hours later, by deranged Florida socialist maniac Mason Toney senselessly stabbing to death his pro-Trump boss William Knight, and then mockingly covering his victim’s body with an American flag—a senseless killing that begins what can be rightfully called the “Trump Impeachment Death Toll” whose numbers are sure to grow in an American nation now setting a new standard for political polarization and is currently under siege by “the predetermined end of a partisan crusade”—words that describe the socialist Democrat Party battle-to-the-death war to remove Trump from the 2020 Presidential Ballot as they’ve openly admitted they can’t beat him in this election—is a socialist crusade to destroy Trump by impeaching him from power, however, that’s just hit a stone wall called the United States Senate—where yesterday its Republican Party majority quickly sailed through the rules for this impeachment after modifying its trial day length from 12 to 8 hours a day—but not before socialist Democrat Party House Intelligence Leader Adam Schiff lied to the US Senate telling them he gave Republicans equal time during his sham hearings when no such thing happened—shockingly told the US Senate that Trump mounting a legal defense is evidence of guilt—and while lying to the US Senate, saw new evidence being discovered proving that Schiff illegally leaked classified information, as well as new documents being discovered showing that he mischaracterized and distorted key evidence—atrocities against the rule of law followed by socialist Democrat Party House Judiciary Leader Jerry Nadler issuing a threat to the US Senate and crying: “So far, I’m sad to say, I see a lot of senators voting for a cover-up…Voting to deny witnesses and obviously a treacherous vote,..A vote against an honest consideration of the evidence against the President…A vote against an honest trial…A vote against the United States”—a threat immediately responded to by White House Counsel Pat Cipolline, who turned to Nadler and snapped: “This Is the United States Senate…You’re Not in Charge Here!”—that then caused Chief Justice of the United States John Roberts to intervene and tell both Nadler and Cipolline: “I think it is appropriate at this point for me to admonish both the House Managers and the President’s counsel in equal terms to remember they are addressing the world’s greatest deliberative body…One reason it has earned that title is because its members avoid speaking in a manner and using language that is not conducive to civil discourse”—a critical reminder issued by Chief Justice Roberts as he well knows this conflict isn’t only about these socialists trying to destroy Trump, but their trying to destroy the American presidency, too—thus making it understandable why the National Republican Senatorial Committee has just sounded the clarion call “The Senate Exists for Moments Like This”.   […]

Sorcha Faal

Democrats Plot Horrifying “Hunger Games” Future For America And Its “Unruly” Citizens

An absolutely beyond horrifying new Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MoFA) report circulating in the Kremlin today noting Acting Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov castigating the United States for its reluctance to speak openly about bioweapons with other nations, states that the more than valid fears about the Americans’ plan to do with these weapons of mass destruction have been heightened by the growing signs their socialist Democrat Party is plotting to turn their nation into one resembling that seen in popular book and movie series “The Hunger Games”—which depicts a dystopia set in Panem, a North American country consisting of the wealthy Capitol and 12 poverity stricken Districts, and where every year, children from these 12 Districts are selected via lottery and forced into the Capitol to participate in a compulsory televised battle royale death match—a reducing of human life value to nothingness the American people remain unaware that their elite socialist Democrat Party leaders have already branded them with—as all of these elite socialist Democrats are devoted followers of Professor Woody Holton—a radical leftist professor of history at the University of South Carolina whose socialist guidebook “Unruly Americans And The Origins Of The Constitution” being followed by these elite Democrats dementedly claims that “the primary purpose of the Constitution was to make America more attractive to investment…And the linchpin to that endeavor was taking power away from the States and ultimately away from the people”—a call to take all power from these “unruly” American people that’s now been joined by the elite socialist indoctrination center called Harvard University having just published its Democrat Party masterplan titled “Pack the Union: A Proposal to Admit New States for the Purpose of Amending the Constitution to Ensure Equal Representation”—that describes a terrifying plan for the Democrats to take control of the US Congress and then pass legislation to reduce the size of Washington, D.C. to an area encompassing only a few core federal buildings and then admit the rest of the District’s 127 neighborhoods as States—which would give these socialist Democrats 254 additional US Senators and 127 more members in the US House—numbers that would overwhelm the rest of America and make Washington the singular power center of the United States—and in turn make its States nothing more than vassal districts to its socialist Democrat overlord controlled Capitol as “The Hunger Games” envisioned—and whose grim future for the American people living in these vassal districts, was this past week described by a field organizer for the leading socialist Democrat Party presidential candidate US Senator Bernie Sanders—who said that after President Sanders is inaugurated, all Trump supporters will be placed in re-education gulags. […]

Sorcha Faal

Opening Episode Of Season Four Of Trump Presidency Sees Bomb Fuse Lit On Dems And Leftist Media

A fascinating new Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MoFA) report circulating in the Kremlin today discussing the just completed arms control talks held between Deputy Foreign Minister Sergey Ryabkov and US Assistant Secretary of State Christopher Ford in Geneva-Switzerland, says their mutual “decision to continue the Strategic Security Dialogue and begin expert-level engagement on particular topics in the near future” was predicated upon American assurances being given regarding the long-term stability of their government—a government currently embroiled in a state of seeming chaotic uncertainty due to the looming impeachment trial of President Donald Trump set to begin in the US Senate next Tuesday on 21 February—a trial, however, US experts are likening to the opening episodes of season four of the Trump presidency he’ll rule over like the master showman he truly is—with the first episode of this high-stakes political made for television drama having seen Trump light a slow-burning fuse to a truth-bomb soon to explode in the faces of both the socialist Democrat Party and their leftist mainstream propaganda media lapdogs—a truth-bomb whose explosion of will finally reveal to the vast majority of the American people how both the socialist Democrats and leftist media have been manipulating them with lies—and whose true facts of about to meet the unblinking and unforgiving eyes of a worldwide television audience, Trump himself exposed with his declaration that this so-called impeachment trial is in all reality “an illegal partisan attempted coup”—with Trump further stating the truth to these liars: “By proceeding with your invalid impeachment, you are violating your oaths of office, you are breaking your allegiance to the Constitution, and you are declaring open war on American Democracy…You are the ones interfering in America’s elections…You are the ones subverting America’s Democracy….You are the ones Obstructing Justice…You are the ones bringing pain and suffering to our Republic for your own selfish, personal, political, and partisan gain”. […]

Sorcha Faal

Virginia Begins Massive Gun Grab Of Its Citizens—As Gunless People In New York Are Now Allowed To Rob Banks

A stunning “You Just Can’t Make This Stuff Up” new Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MoFA) report circulating in the Kremlin today discussing the just completed historic meeting between President Putin and German Chancellor Angela Merkel, states these leaders expressed perplexity as to why American socialist forces led by US House Speaker Nancy Pelosi destroyed its own case for the Trump impeachment—a nonsensical impeachment process neither Putin nor Merkel can understand anything about as it doesn’t make any sense because President Donald Trump didn’t break any laws—and now sees Pelosi turning this impeachment into a “woke event” to be prosecuted by women and those of colour—that joins these demented socialists with their deranged comrade counterparts in the Commonwealth of Virginia who this past week took over this State’s legislature—and upon taking power, then saw them immediately ordering that all journalists covering the Virginia Statehouse reveal what race they are—that these socialists then quickly followed by banning legally authorized concealed carry guns from the Virginia Statehouse building—a move made because of the fears these socialists have of the over 100,000 citizens of Virginia bombarding them with phone calls and emails to protect their Second Amendment rights—which these socialists then responded to by proposing a law to ban all of the shooting ranges their citizens have used for countless decades and another one making the owning of gun suppressers a felony crime—a noise suppression device for firearms near exclusively used by those having hearing impairments, has never been used in a crime in all of modern American history, and is due to the fact the US government regulates suppressers to the point that each owner of one goes through the strictest background check imaginable—facts and realities being ignored by these socialists whose total disarmament of the citizens in Virginia is what the Democratic Party envisions for all of America—now sees these socialist Virginia lawmakers further stating that any of their citizens supporting the Second Amendment have “mental issues”—thus leaving it no wonder that the Second Amendment supporting citizens in Virginia are now talking about civil war—but before they do so—they might want to examine the benefit of living in a gun-free socialist America—being best exampled in the socialist Democrat Party stronghold of New York that just enacted a law making it a minor misdemeanor to rob a bank if one uses a note instead of a gun—and after robbing a bank with just a note, sees those committing this misdemeanor crime being released as fast as police arrest them—a joyful socialist law being celebrated by New York State criminal Gerod Woodberry—who after being arrested and immediately released five times this past fortnight for robbing banks, gleefully proclaimed “I can’t believe they let me out”.  […]

Sorcha Faal

Trump Walks Mideast Tightrope To Achieve Historic Iran Peace Moves World Thought Impossible

An insightful new Security Council (SC) report circulating in the Kremlin today discussing critical agenda items for the talks in Moscow between President Putin and German Chancellor Angela Merkel, states that foremost among them is the rapidly deteriorating situation in France leading towards open revolution—a grave situation being belatedly recognized by the United States whose Secretary of State Mike Pompeo yesterday affirmed his nation “seeks constructive relations with Russia” as the entire globe continues to be rocked by repeated seismic events needing multi-national solutions versus blunt military and/or economic force—a reality well known by President Donald Trump, who spent this past week secretly using an encrypted back-channel fax machine via the Swiss Embassy in Iran to bring the world back from the brink of war—a war which threatened to explode when Oman’s Sultan Qaboos bin Said suddenly died yesterday—the only Sunni Muslim leader in the Arab world maintaining peaceful relations with Persian Shiite Muslim Iran—and whose death threatened to cause even more conflict between the US and Iran—that is until Trump personally urged Oman’s Minister of Heritage and Culture Haitham bin Tariq al-Said be sworn into immediate power—after which Haitham vowed to uphold his Persian Gulf country’s foreign policy he said was built on “peaceful coexistence and friendly ties with all nations”—then barely 7-hours afterwards, astonishingly saw Iranian Supreme Leader Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei ordering the swift release of Ukraine plane downing details showing that this aircraft was unintentionally shot down by Iranian missile forces—a stunning admission quickly responded to by the leftist American social media giant Twitter restricting the Supreme Leader’s account so this news could not be seen by the world—and whom the day prior, as well as the rest of the US leftist mainstream propaganda media, also kept hidden from the American people the bombshell news that Iran had invited into their country US government officials for this first time in this Islamic nation’s history—an historic invitation Trump accepted while he walked this Mideast tightrope to the amazement of a world believing such a thing was impossible—to include the leftist New York Times who grudgingly admitted the fact:  “Love or hate him, Trump has used military force less than any other president since Jimmy Carter”. […]

Sorcha Faal

Trump Initiated Iranian Chaos Theory Masterplan Sees Terrified Families Of Saudi Princes Fleeing To Europe

A grimly fascinating new Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MoFA) report circulating in the Kremlin today discussing Russia and China blocking yesterday a United Nations Security Council resolution condemning the attack against the US Embassy in Iraq, states that Russia’s Permanent Representative to the UN Vasily Nebenzya directly told his American counterpart supporting this resolution: “We were not discussing that yet, especially today, and you perfectly well understand that the prospects of such statement are zero”—a statement based on the fact of President Donald Trump having unleashed what can rightfully be described as a “Chaos Theory” masterplan to end his nation’s endless wars, which makes such a resolution pointless until a final endgame outcome can be visualized and achieved—and is a chaos theory style of leadership slammed by Trump’s enemies—most particularly because in the midst of this deliberate chaos Trump has initiated to achieve his final goal, nothing is what it appears to be—best exampled by those believing that the chain of events leading to Trump’s ordering the assassination of Iranian General Qasem Soleimani was begun about a fortnight ago, on 27 December 2019, when several American troops were wounded and a US contractor killed in a rocket attack on their base located in Kirkuk-Iraq—but whose true beginning of started a fortnight earlier when the United Nations was preparing to announce that they were “unable to confirm Iranian involvement” in the largest attack in history on a Saudi Arabian oil processing facility—an announcement causing an elite Saudi Arabian military officer training at a US base in Florida to open fire and kill 3 American military officers—which then caused the Pentagon to lock down the over 800 other elite Saudi Arabian military officers training at this base—and whose chaos theory ripples of have now reached Iranian Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei—who while tearfully weeping at the state funeral for General Soleimani, was met with numerous chants from millions of Iranian mourners—the most important of these chants being “Death to al-Saud”— a reference to the Saudi ruling family—and is why thousands of family members of Saudi princes are secretly fleeing Riyadh, Jeddah and Mecca airports for European countries today as they know what is coming next—with everything else occurring being able to be placed in the “theatre of the absurd” category whose logical construction and argument give way to irrational and illogical speech and to its ultimate conclusion, silence—best exampled by US-Iran war fears devolving into the farce spectacle of Chairman of the Iranian parliament’s National Security and Foreign Policy Commission Mojtaba Zonnouri threatened to strike 6,236 US targets, which is the number of verses in the Koran—that was quickly followed by Trump ordering 52 fully armed stealth fighter jets to do an “Elephant Walk” at their Hill Air Force Base in Utah, which is the number of American hostages Iran held in 1979. […]

Sorcha Faal

Hillary Clinton “Safe Harbor” Maneuver Ignites Israeli-Irish War Within Epstein Extermination Event

A riveting highly-classified “Of Special Importance” new Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR) report circulating in the Kremlin today updating factional maneuvering within the “Epstein Extermination Event”—a survival of the fittest conflict pitting under impeachment threat President Donald Trump and under indictment threat Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu against international criminal mastermind Hillary Clinton—states that Clinton’s sudden acceptance yesterday to be the chancellor at Queen’s University in Belfast-Northern Ireland has ignited a war between the globally feared Israeli assassination organization The Institute for Intelligence and Special Operations (MOSSAD) and the terrorist organization known as the Real Irish Republican Army (New IRA/NIRA)—a Northern Ireland terrorist organization whose top international pariah commander Gerry Adams was shockingly granted a visa by President Bill Clinton to visit the United States in 1994 over the objections of the entire diplomatic, intelligence and military establishments in America, and that overturned 200 years of British oversight on American policy towards Ireland—and whose New IRA terrorist forces will protect both of the Clintons should Hillary’s “Safe Harbor Gambit” fail—a desperate gambit being attempted by the Clintons to keep from being extradited to America from  Northern Ireland to face soon coming criminal charges—which is actually getting a boost as the European Arrest Warrant (EAW) that would normally be used to capture and extradite an American citizen from Northern Ireland will be lost as a result of the UK’s withdrawal from the EU—thus leaving the only governing law pertaining to the Clintons being the Extradition Act 2003 agreed upon and ratified between the US and British governments—which contains a provision declaring that “extradition shall not be granted if the competent authority of the Requested State determines that the request is politically motivated”—and beyond all doubt, the Clintons will use against Trump to keep him from extraditing them—but with both of the Clintons failing to note that this gambit places them in direct conflict with a MOSSAD that’s already discovered the New IRA has been training Palestinians on how to blow up Israeli soldiers, and are enraged over these Northern Irish terrorists having turned Ireland into the most extreme Israel-bashing country in the West—and of all the enemies the Clintons could have chosen to pit themselves against, MOSSAD is absolutely the worst one—most particularly because one of murdered child sex slaver Jeffrey Epstein’s closest associates named Steven Hoffenberg has revealed that Epstein was a celebrity spy for MOSSAD and was killed because he had become a liability for Israeli intelligence. […]

Sorcha Faal

Virginia Prepares To Unleash “Red Guard Forces” As Prisons Expanded To Hold Citizens Refusing To Give Up Guns

A gravely concerning new Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MoFA) report circulating in the Kremlin today noting the Western media hysterically hyperventilating over their nations’ looming destruction because of President Putin’s announcement that Russia has just deployed its first unstoppable hypersonic nuclear armed missiles able to go at 27-times the speed of sound, says their failure to combine this news with the fact that Russia and the United States are both developing plans to deal with incoming asteroids presents a distorted view of what is actually occurring—a distortion of fact and truth by the Western media now all too common—but in America itself, now sees it about to erupt into an all-out civil war due to its lying leftist mainstream propaganda media—who lavished praise last year on now socialist Democrat Party multi-billionaire presidential candidate Michael Bloomberg when he used his vast wealth to literally buy the 2018 election in the Commonwealth of Virginia—an election Bloomberg bought by flooding money into Virginia’s election through his anti-gun group—with none of the peoples living in Virginia even being allowed to know that Bloomberg is a staunch defender and admirer of Communist China—where, in 1966, its communist leader Chairman Mao Zedong unleashed his mass student-led paramilitary social movement called the “Red Guards” to kill up to 20-million Chinese peoples not bowing to socialist ideology—an exact repeat of which is now occurring in a Virginia whose socialist leaders have just mandated that all school students forget their studies to begin training in mass protest actions—and whom these socialist leaders in Virginia intend to throw against their own law abiding gun owning citizens—a threat of socialist mob violence so fearful, more than 100 Virginia cities and counties have declared themselves gun sanctuaries, and sees its rebel leaders comparing what is now occurring to the American Revolution—a resistance quickly met by socialist Democrat Party Virginia Attorney General Mark Herring vowing that the laws to strip away his citizens’ gun rights “will be enforced, and they will be followed”—is a vow these socialists intend to enforce using the military power of the Virginia National Guard to take the guns away from their citizens—and in preparation for, now even shockingly sees socialist Democrat Party Governor Ralph Northam raising the budget for the prisons he intends to throw his own law abiding citizens refusing to give up their guns into.   […]

Sorcha Faal

Trump Accused Of Not Allowing Ukraine To Buy American Weapons Paid For By Russia And Now Sitting Unused In Warehouse

Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov correctly asserted that soberly-minded people in the West have long realized Crimea is Russian as President Putin opened the railroad section of Crimean Bridge linking it to Russia earlier this morning, and states that one such person recognizing this factual reality is NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg—who has just stated his desire to meet with Putin and said “I believe in dialogue with Russia”—but no sooner than these overtures to peace were uttered, the leftist US mainstream propaganda media went into full hysteria meltdown over what they claim is an “explosive email” showing that President Donald Trump withheld military aid to Ukraine barely 91-minutes after his phone call with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky on 25 July 2019—a call wherein Zelensky told Trump his nation wanted to buy more American-made Javelin anti-tank missiles—which Trump approved the sale of to Ukraine on 1 October 2019—but whose additional 150 Javelin anti-tank missiles being sent to Ukraine will join hundreds more of them sitting unused in the warehouse where they’re stored over 600-miles away from any conflict region, and forbidden under US law to be used—as top Pentagon think tank Rand Corporation political scientist Samuel Charap, Ph.D. notes “these are  more symbolic weapons than anything else”—and all of which are actually being paid for from the $2.9 billion just given to Ukraine by Russia for gas pipeline transit fees.  […]

Sorcha Faal

Medical Alert Issued After Trump Drives Nobel Prize Winning Economist Insane

Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS)—a mental virus mainly infecting people in the US to the point that it’s “now being investigated as an extreme social phenomena” by the American Psychiatric Association (APA) for its inclusion into their update of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM–5)—and whose latest grave warning alert about has just been issued by the renowned international monetary expert Sebastian Mallaby from the Council on Foreign Relations—who in his medical alert titled “Cool It, Krugman: The Self-Sabotaging Rage Of The New York Times Columnist”, shockingly revealed that Nobel Prize winning economist and New York Times columnist Paul Krugman “is suffering from an especially public case of what’s come to be known as Trump Derangement Syndrome”—a TDS virus that infected the mind of Krugman and drove him insane on the very night Trump was elected in November-2016 causing him to scream out “the economic fallout of a Donald Trump presidency will be severe and widespread enough to plunge the world into recession”—and equally as worse, then saw Krugman infecting everyone else at the New York Times with this TDS mental disease as evidenced by their stunningly beginning a project to concoct an entire made up history of America and its founding—a project so demented, deranged and distorted it has all of the top historians in America railing against this lunacy—but in an astounding display of TDS insanity, saw the New York Times telling these historians to bugger off in an, in essence, beyond all belief statement asserting: “We are a bunch of ‘journalists’ who twisted history in order to fit our preconceived biases for current political gain, and even though we were wrong, we were still right because we say we are right”. […]

Sorcha Faal

Trump Prepares To Topple Pope Francis In Move Warned Will Fulfill “Doomsday Prophecy”

According to this report, nearly 900-years ago, on 6 July 1199, an Irish priest named Maelmhaedhoc was canonized as a saint by the Roman Catholic Church after numerous miracles were recorded of him, and his being known to be endowed by God with the gift of prophecy—who by his Anglicized name is known today as Saint Malachy, and is the first saint to have been so blessed in Ireland—but whose most controversial attribution is his being the author of the ancient document titled “The Prophecy of the Popes” (aka Prophecy of St Malachy)—which contain short prophetical announcements, in number 112, to indicate some noticeable trait of all future popes from Celestine II, who was elected in the year 1130, until the end of the world—all of whom are enunciated under mystical titles—with the 111th one described by Saint Malachy as being the “Gloria olivæ” coming from the Benedictine order—which, in fact, occurred exactly as Saint Malachy predicted when, in 2005, Pope Benedict XVI from the Benedictine order came to power—but who suddenly ended his papacy on 28 February 2013—thus allowing Pope Francis to become the 112th and final pope on St. Malachy’s prophetic list—whom he named “Petrus Romanus”, and prophesized about with the chilling words:

In extreme persecution, the seat of the Holy Roman Church will be occupied by Peter the Roman, who will feed the sheep through many tribulations, at the term of which the city of seven hills will be destroyed, and the formidable Judge will judge his people. The End. […]

Sorcha Faal

Democrats Approve Trump Buying FBI Spying Warrants Like Hillary Clinton Did To Surveil Rivals

Republican Party US Senator Lindsey Graham states that former FBI Director James Comey did more damage to the FBI than its infamous racist founder J. Edgar Hoover and a further assessment showing it exposing “a scandal of historic magnitude for the United States media establishment”—catastrophically damaging assessments, however, being hotly disputed by the socialist Democrat Party in lock-step leftist American mainstream media establishment who are publishing outright lies in articles such as “Trump Investigation Was Justified, Inspector General Report Says”, “New DOJ Report Debunks Trump’s Conspiracy Theories” and “Trump Is Lying About The IG Report”—but sees none of these Democrat sycophants even realizing that by their whitewash lies about the crimes the FBI committed in the 2016 election, it gives a blanket approval for President Donald Trump to do the exact same thing if he so chooses in the 2020 election—specifically his being allowed to do what Hillary Clinton and her Democrat Party did in paying former British spy Christopher Steele to make up lies about Trump and then use them to get an FBI spying warrant on the Trump campaign—the actual cost of which shockingly shows that a FBI spying warrant can be bought for just $168,000—which explains why Republican Party US Senator Josh Hawley erupted in rage and said:  “What’s worse: is it worse to have a foreign government trying to interfere in our election or is it worse to have our own government?  Because that’s what the FBI did.  Essentially, the Democrat Party bought themselves an FBI investigation.  The Democrats went out and paid for this fake dossier, they fed it to the FBI and the FBI used it to get surveillance of the Trump campaign during a presidential election. This has never happened before in American history”. […]

Sorcha Faal

Trump Clone War Socialist British Massacre Victory Joined By Doomsday Plane Flight When Empire Strikes Back

President Putin wished Prime Minister Boris Johnson “good health and success” after this British populist leader led his conservative forces yesterday to their historic “bloodbath massacre defeat” of socialist-globalist Labour Party leader Jeremy Corbyn and his demented leftist followers—a battlefield victory so profound it sent a “catastrophic warning” clear across the Atlantic Ocean to leftist Democrats in America on the grim fate that awaits them in the 2020 election. It was more than fitting that top socialist Democrat Party presidential candidate Joe Biden was in California yesterday viewing this bloodbath massacre defeat, where he declared Prime Minister Johnson is President Donald Trump’s “clone”, at the same exact time obsessed Star Wars fans in California with sleeping bags and a portable movie projector have started camping outside Hollywood’s Chinese Theatre, more than a week before the next installment of this movie blockbuster begins playing—the comparisons of which between this futuristic science fiction movie franchise depicting freedom loving peoples rebelling against an evil space empire and present day reality are becoming harder to ignore—most particularly because this socialist-globalist election battlefield massacre masterminded by Trump-clone Boris Johnson occurred on the 11th anniversary date of 13 December 2008 when top climate change religious figure Al Gore warned the North Pole would be completely melted and free of ice by 2013—an important fact to note as within hours of Prime Minister Johnson achieving his historic victory yesterday, the “evil empire” European Union threatened to slam the United States with crippling climate change tariffs—a threat quickly responded to by President Trump ordering his nation’s feared Doomsday plane to begin nuclear war exercise flights—a Doomsday plane sure to be placed under the command of the new Space Force military command the US Congress just gave money and authority to Trump to create this week—which comes during the same week veteran NASA astronaut Michael Collins posted a shocking Tweet hinting at alien life and its being reported the US Navy is covering up new technology—advanced space technology further alluded to this past week by retired US Air Force Lieutenant General Steven L. Kwast stating that “fantastic technology exists that could transport a human anywhere on earth within an hour”—which one knows would be developed at the highly secretive Area 51 base where its been revealed all of its visitors now have to wear “Foogles” to severely limit their vision when moving about.   […]