March 8, 2019
On Same Day, Two US Federal Judges Slap Special Counsel Mueller In Face Over Trump-Russia Collusion Hoax
By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers
In what a new Security Council (SC) report circulating in the Kremlin today calls an astounding slap to the face of main Trump-Russia Collusion Hoax investigator Special Counsel Robert Mueller, not one, but two US Federal Judges put flames to this Hillary Clinton bought and paid for scheme to illegally contest her election loss to President Trump yesterday by exposing it for the farce it really is—the first being Senior United States District Judge of the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Virginia Thomas Selby Ellis III, who shot down Mueller’s vile attempt to put former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort in jail for life—who was followed by United States District Judge of the United States District Court for the District of Columbia Dabney Friedrich warning Mueller that she is growing weary of his antics in the Concord Management and Consulting “show trial” (a public trial in which authorities have already determined the guilt of the defendant) –thus leaving it no wonder why Presidential Press Secretary Dmitry Peskov slammed Mueller by correctly declaring that “none of these previously started investigations have brought anything but laughable results”. [Note: Some words and/or phrases appearing in quotes in this report are English language approximations of Russian words/phrases having no exact counterpart.]
According to this report, during the 2016 US Presidential Election, top Washington lobbyist Paul Manafort became one of the shortest lived presidential campaign chairman in history after he was promoted by Trump on 20 June 2016 to this leadership position, but was than promptly fired by Trump less than 2-months later on 19 August 2016—and whose firing was due to Trump receiving a 17 August 2016 security briefing wherein he learned that Manafort had been under US federal investigation for financial crimes in 2006, but were charges US federal prosecutors at the time declined to prosecute.
Following the Hillary Clinton generated Trump-Russia Collusion scheme causing the appointment of Special Counsel Mueller, however, this report details, Mueller dusted off these over decade old charges against Manafort and arrested him for them on 30 October 2017—but in whose charging indictment, salaciously scattered throughout it references to Konstantin Kilimnik—whom Muller claimed had “links” to Russian intelligence and was a known associate of Manafort—but whom in reality is a Ukrainian citizen living in Ukraine—a nation that’s in a state of warwith Russia and is the absolute last place on Earth a Russian intelligence operative would be living openly—and as Kilimnik himself admitted from his home in Kiev-Ukraine last year when he stated that if he was a Russian agent, “I would not be here in Ukraine, I would be in Russia”.
Seeing through Special Counsel Mueller’s blatant ploy to use Manafort as nothing more than fodder for the Democrat Party socialist-aligned US mainstream media establishments insatiable appetite for anything Russian to bash over President Trump’s head with, though, this report continues, was US Senior Federal Judge Ellis—who immediately upon receiving this case, declared in open court that Manafort was only being prosecuted by Mueller to make him “sing”, if not outright “compose” lies against Trump—and during whose trial for Manafort, refused to allow Muller to even mention anything having to do with Russia.
For Manafort’s original 2006 financial crimes, that were never prosecuted by Mueller when he was the Director of the FBI, this report notes, today’s Special Counsel version of Mueller was successful in achieving a conviction against Manafort—and that Mueller solemnly told Senior Judge Ellis that Manafort deserved a defacto life sentence of up to 25-years in prison for—a beyond shocking request Senior Judge Ellis shot down in flames yesterday by his sentencing Manafort to just 3-years and 11 months, with credit for the 9-months he’s already spent behind bars in solitary confinement—that when combined with the 6-months of “good time” he’ll receive, will see him serving 2.5-years—and whose final shot at Mueller before giving his sentence ruling, saw Senior Judge Ellis reminding everyone about Manafort: “He is not before the court for anything having to do with colluding with the Russian government”.
Running concurrently with Special Counsel Mueller’s judicial persecution of Paul Manafort, this report continues, was his, likewise, targeting of Concord Management and Consulting—that’s a member of the Concord Company Group, which is half owned by Yevgeny Prigozhin—a Russian multi-billionaire business oligarch who, for some bizarre reason, the US mainstream propaganda media delights in calling “Putin’s Chef” because one of the smaller companies he owns has in the past done catering services for the government—but who in Russia itself, is best known for his ownership of the paramilitary private company Wagner Group that last year was reported to have fought a 4-hour battle against US commando forces in Syria.
On 16 February 2018, this report details, Special Counsel Mueller filed what is now known as a “joke indictment” against Concord Management and Consulting claiming that, in 2014, they began financially supporting a Russian computer company based in St. Petersburg known as the Internet Research Agency—and whom, Mueller absurdly claimed, interfered in the 2016 US Presidential Election because they ran a “troll farm” that posted anti-Clinton, anti-Trump, pro-Clinton and pro-Trump memes to the internet—and some of whose exact US federal laws Muellerclaimed they violated were “improper foreign influence”, “political activities” and “derogatory information”—none of which are actual US federal laws, and that led their American attorneys to declare in US Federal Court that “these terms have no legal meaning and by virtue of their inclusion in the indictment, they force Concord to speculate what their meaning might be”.
Not just were Concord’s attorneys left trying to figure out what exact US laws they were being accused by Mueller of violating, this report notes, they were, also, left clueless as to the evidence Mueller was using against them as it’s all being kept secret—thus leading to an historic situation in America where a defendant could actually be prosecuted without their even being able to see the evidence accumulated against them—that in this case is over 3.2 million documents Mueller claims he has, but won’t allow Concord to see because they are Russian.
Even more shocking, this report further notes, US District Judge Dabney Friedrich, who is overseeing Mueller’s persecution of Concord, admitted that she, too, wasn’t being allowed to see any of this evidence—thus causing her, yesterday, to tell Mueller that she’s going to begin freeing up evidence—as, beyond all doubt, she doesn’t want to go down in history as being the first American judge to preside over a secret trial that illegally denies a defendant’s US Constitution’s Sixth Amendment right to know what exact laws they’re accused of violating and be able see, and defend against, the evidence against them.
As to why exactly Special Counsel Mueller filed his “joke indictment” against Concord Management in the first place, this report explains, was because after Senior Judge Ellis saw through his 30 October 2017 indictment ploy of using Paul Manafort to keep the Trump-Russia Collusion hoax alive—he needed a patsy to placate the deranged socialist Democrat Party and their mainstream media lapdogs—but with Mueller knowing that whomever he charged, they could never be allowed appear in a US Federal Court, otherwise the entire Hillary Clinton coup scheme to overthrow President Trump could be exposed by yet another US Federal Judge.
Therefore, this report further details, Mueller, on 16 February2018, filed his “joke indictment” against the Russian company Concord Management—that was followed, on 13 July 2018, by his, likewise indicting 12 Russian military intelligence officers—the latter being done in a sweeping and all encompassing US Federal Court indictment document whose comical narrative named each Russian military officer by rank and name, the buildings they worked in, the offices where their desks were located, and the serial numbers of the exact computers they were using—all of which was entirely made up—and if true, would have seen Mueller being prosecuted and jailed for publically divulging his nation’s most sensitive intelligence methods on how they monitor foreign intelligence agencies—that this indictment, in fact, gives any nation a full and complete roadmap to protect against.
Knowing, though, that neither the Democrat Party, nor its mainstream media lapdogs, would even question in the slightest his fantastical made up fairy tale indictments of Russians, this report concludes, Mueller did make one fatal mistake—his failing to remember that under US federal law, a company, no matter if it’s Russian, has the same legal rights as a human being—and was why Mueller was shocked when Concord Management hired one of the top law firms in the United States to defend itself—and whose attorneys have discovered why Mueller is trying to keep everything secret, because everything he charged Concord with, Hillary Clinton was discovered doing, too—that specifically includes:
The Washington Post reporting in 2015 that David Brock’s Correct The Record political action committee (PAC) would work directly with the Hillary Clinton Campaign “testing the legal limits” of campaign finance in the process while relying on a 2006 Federal Election Commission regulation that declared that “content posted online for free, such as blogs, is off-limits from regulation”—and post online, Brock’s PAC did: “disseminating information about Clinton on its Web site and through its Facebook and Twitter accounts”—and is the exact “crime” Concord Management was charged by Mueller for violating.
The New York Times reporting in 2016 in their article titled “Inside Hillary Clinton’s Outrage Machine, Allies Push the Buttons” that described how Clinton operative Peter Daou sat with his team at a long wooden table pushing the buttons that activate Clinton’s outrage machine—an operation Daou called “Shareblue” that flooded the internet with made up anti-Trump hysteria—and is the exact “crime” Concord Management was charged by Mueller for violating.
And The Los Angeles times, in their 2016 article titled “Be Nice To Hillary Clinton Online — Or Risk A Confrontation With Her Super PAC”, that described in full detail Hillary Clinton’s active election interference and stated: “It is meant to appear to be coming organically from people and their social media networks in a groundswell of activism, when in fact it is highly paid and highly tactical”—and is the exact “crime” Concord Management was charged by Mueller for violating.
March 8, 2019 © EU and US all rights reserved. Permission to use this report in its entirety is granted under the condition it is linked back to its original source at WhatDoesItMean.Com. Freebase content licensed under CC-BY and GFDL.
[Note: Many governments and their intelligence services actively campaign against the information found in these reports so as not to alarm their citizens about the manybu catastrophic Earth changes and events to come, a stance that the Sisters of Sorcha Faal strongly disagree with in believing that it is every human beings right to know the truth. Due to our missions conflicts with that of those governments, the responses of their ‘agents’ has been a longstanding misinformation/misdirection campaign designed to discredit us, and others like us, that is exampled in numerous places, including HERE.]
[Note: The WhatDoesItMean.com website was created for and donated to the Sisters of Sorcha Faal in 2003 by a small group of American computer experts led by the late global technology guru Wayne Green (1922-2013) to counter the propaganda being used by the West to promote their illegal 2003 invasion of Iraq.]
[Note: The word Kremlin (fortress inside a city) as used in this report refers to Russian citadels, including in Moscow, having cathedrals wherein female Schema monks (Orthodox nuns) reside, many of whom are devoted to the mission of the Sisters of Sorcha Faal.]
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