Wall Street neocon and neoliberal propaganda assets in the New York Times, NBC, CBS, FOX News, CNN, ABC, are selling you World War III by propagandizing a painfully transparent, and failed, false flag against Russia for oil and shale gas interests in the Ukraine. Actions are not being dictated by national security concerns, the entire impetus is a push to make oil men and bankers wealthier. It is for this reason we are siding with what John Kerry admits is an “apartheid state” in Israel, and a neo-Nazi state in the Ukraine.
We will only have one chance to stop World War III and the nuclear exchange it entails. It should be clear, by anyone with a little insight, that it is unheard of for key intelligence agencies to defy the State Department and present no press briefings, no satellite images, no physical evidence, to back what is clearly a false flag; leaving the war hawks to rely on media assets and social media to fan the flames of war. Be it NATO or any other coalition, no army can prevail when its intelligence agencies are divided.
World War I was the product of Yellow Journalism.It was more than just an Archduke. Somebody had to sell it. There were 37 million casualties. The publishers and editors that promulgated that war were never called into account. This time, they can and will be. We saw the introduction of gas warfare in WWI, just like we saw it in Syria in 2013, but the latter against civilians. Syria was another false flag that failed.
Senate Bill 2277: Outlining the Ukrainian propaganda campaign, and the focus of the psychological “programming.” The anti-Russian hysteria campaign had been planned months before the downing of MH17. US intelligence officials now admit the downing was not linked to the Russians.

Senate Bill 2277. This bill makes it clear why we’re so concerned about the Ukraine.
[easyrotator]erc_29_1425340722[/easyrotator]German journo: European media writing pro-war, pro-US stories under CIA pressure (VIDEO)
German journalist fears the media is pushing for a major war against Russia under false pretenses, claims Germany now a “banana republic.”
I’ve been a journalist for about 25 years, I have been educated in how to lie, cheat, and not to tell people the truth. “I was supported by the Central Intelligence Agency, the CIA. Why, because I’m pro-American.”
“German and American media are trying to bring the war to the people in Europe, leading to war with Russia. We passed the point of no return, and I’m going to stand up and say it… is not right what I’ve done in the past to manipulate people to sow propaganda against Russia.”
Udo Ulfkotte, former editor of the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung.
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