The Smoking Gun
Compelling and terrifying new evidence of Russian aggression released via Twitter by Geoffry Pyatt, ambassador to Kiev.
“I can state with complete confidence that information this important would not be released in this way,” [Paul] Roberts said. “If this was released by the State Department which I doubt, it is so unprofessional; it would mean that the State Department is trying to spread propaganda about Russia on social media. Now the way this type of information would be released would be at a press conference with a high level of government officials addressing the bureau chiefs of the major news organizations …. The US government has been desperate to produce information to back up its claims. It would not release information in this way,” he said, adding that anyone can spread information on social media. Paul Craig Roberts, columnist and head of the Institute for Political Economy Source RT
Here’s a hilarious exchange after the State Department’s Marie Barf accused Russia of firing artillery into the Ukraine but then refused to provide evidence…
AP’s Matt Lee: “Is there a YouTube Video that you can point at?”
After Russia presented satellite imagery of the downing which proved they were not involved, a reporter asks if the United States has any solid evidence, such as satellite data, evidence besides social media. The answer is an embarrassing no, but, she says, the truth is already on YouTube. This may be so, because the questioner then replies that those pro-Kiev videos are also debunked on YouTube. That’s when she gets defensive and flustered, and it suddenly seems to dawn on her that “common sense” dictates that YouTube videos can be faked, and viewers can see opposing or exculpatory evidence and already have. As for the issue of faking videos, all she has to do is have a look at some Hitler “Downfall” parody videos to know that this is true, and that YouTube is the most fertile ground in the world for edited and hoax videos and audio. That is why the satellite data was so important. You can fake that too, but we’re talking about coded data marked so any tampering can be easily exposed.
The US also has satellite imagery and radar data, and you can bet that if it implicated Russia, you would have seen those images everywhere, and the State Department wouldn’t be relying on half-assed YouTube RAND videos. In fact, Google has satellite imagery, in color and with better detail, that anyone can access right now by using the satellite view feature over Kiev, Ukraine. You can even get a street view with Google, albeit it won’t be recent.
Original Unedited Version (For serious!)
Vetted by The Impious Digest as 100% true because it was on YouTube.
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