The great purge of Khazarian mobsters continues as hundreds of arrests of Saudi princes, generals, and politicians is now being followed up with the 842 sealed indictments against senior Khazarian gangsters in the U.S., confirmed by Pentagon, CIA, and other sources.
Pentagon sources sent the photos below showing Hillary Clinton and U.S. Senator John “Daesh” McCain “in custody wearing orthopedic boots to hide GPS ankle bracelet on their right leg.”
The fact is that most politicians in Washington, D.C. have become very rich since joining politics, in ways that cannot be remotely justified by their salaries. This means most have been bribed, and that is why most of them are going to go to jail. House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi has been deliberately acting senile in public recently in order to have a medical excuse to avoid arrest, NSA sources say.
These same NSA sources are now saying the mass shooting that took place in Las Vegas on October 1 was an attempt by mercenaries working for the G4S security company http://www.g4s.com/ hired by George Bush Sr. to create a distraction in order to kill U.S. President Donald Trump and Saudi Crown Prince Muhammad Bin Sultan (MBS). Trump and MBS were meeting in secret at the suites in the Mandalay Bay Hotel, owned by MBS, to discuss the mass arrest of the perpetrators of the 9/11 terror attacks, these sources say.
Both Trump and MBS were evacuated safely and the arrests have now begun in a way that can no longer be denied by the corporate propaganda media, multiple sources confirm.
As the arrests were taking place, Trump had a secret meeting in Vietnam with Russian President Vladimir Putin and Chinese President Xi Jinping. Here is what a CIA source, who had eyes and ears at the meeting, had to say.
“There is a lot more than the ‘the sideline meetings and brief handshakes’ that the media has portrayed. The three world leaders (Trump, Putin, and Xi Jinping) met off the record. President Jokowi [of Indonesia] was there as well (as a representative of the Soekarno M1 gold holdings). Trump was informed that next month, Putin and/or the Russian Central Bank will
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Update.. 842 sealed indictments in 24 districts from 10/30 through 11/10.
There are 94 district courts in the U. S…. I have not searched them all. https://t.co/Tuobi8eXdi pic.twitter.com/EtYQf06XDQ
— StormWatcher 🌪 🐇 🇺🇸 ✝ (@damartin32) November 12, 2017
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