BREAKING: 2016 Election Results (Clinton Win) Reportedly Posted To NBC FTP Server One Week Early

election-early-results2CRITICAL: REPOST FROM HNN

Reports surface the 2016 election results, including state by state results, have been posted on the FTP server used by NBC NBC affiliate WRCB TV in Chattanooga, Tennessee one week early

This news is still breaking and this certainly have a reasonable explanation such as their system is just being tested with dummy data.

Perhaps they are making pre-recorded news clips or are prepping for the “historic” coronation for Hillary.

However, after reading the story and verifying that the files  and results are indeed on the server thus we present them here.

(Links to original urls and archives of the original files provided below)

And here are the state by state results:


Original story Via SHTF

Mac Slavo
November 2nd, 2016

NBC affiliate WRCB TV in Chattanooga, Tennessee has inadvertently posted election night results. The results page appears to be similar to what mainstream news networks display on election night, including Presidential and Congressional results, the popular vote count, electoral votes, and percentage of precincts reporting.

The page, a screen shot of which has been sourced from internet archive site The Wayback Machine, is posted below and shows totals for the upcoming Presidential race. It announces Hillary Clinton as the winner.

As Jim Stone notes, the page was pulled directly from the content management platform utilized by major networks like NBC, CBS, ABC and Fox and appears to be a non-public staging area for news and election results.

The original page has since been reset.

(Click here for full size image)

Though the results information appears on an FTP server at, media companies like NBC’s WRCB TV utilize the platform, also know as “Frankly,” to power their news content. This can be verified directly a the WRCB web site by scrolling to the very bottom of the page footer which notes that it is, “Powered By Frankly.”

In addition to national results, Jim Stone has identified another page at the FTP server that appears to show the State-By-State Presidential election results. This page is also accessible in archive format at WayBack Machine with a line by line breakdown available at Stone’s website.

Of interest is that the State-By-State results indicate a Hillary Clinton win in states like Texas (42% to 40%), Florida (44% to 40%) and Pennsylvania (44% to 40%) which have all been identified as states Clinton must steal to win the election.

Do these latest election “results” confirm that the fix is in and the vote is rigged?

If so, then we are no longer looking at an election where our votes will count, but rather, a selection where the winner is determined by those who count the votes.

MSNBC Announces Clinton Win February 1st, 2016!


Too little, too late…

About Independent Press 458 Articles
Methinks I am a conspiracy theorist. Art thou? Thou block, thou stone, thou worse than senseless thing, for whilst thou slept didst this become a badge of honor. Informed dissent shall always prevail, wherefore art thou worthy, or art thou this unwholesome fool in the group conformity experiment herein?

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