Very annoying man’s body language, continued. Guess… from the brows, quivering lips, expressive, widened eyes… it is clear that this is joy! yes, joy! relief! complete relief there will be no espionage charges or indictment! Here’s the look on that Maddow dude when news came of the FBI reopening of the email investigation…
Clowns are scary. This one is just annoying.
Crazy annoying man’s self-reflection after Trump’s win. Way to go on objective and unbiased reporting there.
This is ridiculous & unacceptable and American people have a right to fair reporting in elections. #PodestaEmails23 pic.twitter.com/gGLwbWvAHb
— Brian Fraser (@bfraser747) October 30, 2016
@MSNBC LEAKS OUT THE WINNER TO THE CLINTON CAMPAIGN …..@wikileaks #PODESTA30 do they mean primary or general? DISGUSTING #EMAILID 47184 pic.twitter.com/jkNfpqBMPC
— #FUCKOFFHILLARY (@kadyalexis) November 5, 2016
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