Dr. Fauci: “JFK killed by Covid-19”

In a hastily announced press conference, Anthony Fauci made the the stunning announcement that President John F. Kennedy was actually killed by Covid-19 and not by assassination. Later, while interviewed on CNN and MSNBC, he repeated the claim.

“I think the evidence is clear that the mystery is over as to the true cause of President Kennedy’s death,” Fauci stated grimly. “Evidence suggests that he was infected by the virus and that in the final stages, it made his head explode.”

At press time, Fauci was last seen being escorted back to Belleview Psychiatric Center, where he is presently interned for his delusion that he is a medical doctor.


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Methinks I am a conspiracy theorist. Art thou? Thou block, thou stone, thou worse than senseless thing, for whilst thou slept didst this become a badge of honor. Informed dissent shall always prevail, wherefore art thou worthy, or art thou this unwholesome fool in the group conformity experiment herein?