December 17, 2019
Clinton Judge Hands Showman-In-Chief Trump Full Orwellian Ruling Weapon To Use In Fast Looming Landslide Election Victory
By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers
A riveting new Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MoFA) report circulating in the Kremlin today noting that Christmas celebrations in Europe have become a violent, bleak, homogenized and commercial disappointment as heavily-armed soldiers, violence, sky-high prices, a Santa Claus gender war and no mention of the Nativity greets its over 500 million citizens this morning, warns the future for these beleaguered peoples is about to turn even bleaker in the days ahead after British Prime Minister Boris Johnson announced a few hours ago that he will outlaw any further delays in removing Britain from the socialist-led European Union—a removal Johnson further vowed will see Britain departing from the EU customs union and single market “in all circumstances”—all coming on the same day Johnson’s new parliament was sworn into power just four days after their achieving an historic election massacre of British socialist forces so complete it now sees socialist European Union leaders retreating in terror into their bunkers of protectionism—but an ocean away in America, sees its socialist forces choosing to ignore this unstoppable tidal wave of history to continuing marching themselves in lock-stop towards oblivion—best exampled yesterday when socialist Democrat Party President Bill Clinton appointed US Federal Judge Emmet Sullivan went “Full Orwellian” on President Donald Trump’s former National Security Advisor US General Michael Flynn to deny him the evidence he needed to defend himself against the lying charges the FBI made up against him—a socialist ruling so insane to normal justice, top American trial attorney Robert Barnes said about it “You cannot be allowed to see the evidence you think proves your innocence because you cannot prove that evidence would prove your innocence without seeing it first. Ha-ha. Welcome to federal criminal justice”—is a socialist ruling that also comes during the same week Department of Justice Inspector General Michael Horowitz released his withering and scathing report documenting FBI crimes against Trump so terrifying US Attorney John Durham has opened a criminal investigation to bring the FBI and its former top officials to justice—is a socialist ruling coming at the same time the majority of the American people are saying the FBI broke the law to investigate Trump—and even worse for these socialists, sees this unjust ruling coming at the same time a staggering new poll is showing that 92% of Americans say they are fearful that their human rights are under attack and they are now in significant danger—grave concerns being confronted head on by their “Showman-In-Chief” leader President Trump, whose absolute fearlessness against these socialists sees him actually “fighting impeachment one piece of merchandise at a time” with his selling items mocking this charade against him—and who yesterday posted a video from a generation ago proving that FBI crimes against innocent peoples like Trump and Flynn is nothing new at all—and wherein it shows a now deceased man named Richard Jewell whom the FBI and leftist mainstream media hounded to death and destruction, all while knowing he was completely innocent. [Note: Some words and/or phrases appearing in quotes in this report are English language approximations of Russian words/phrases having no exact counterpart.]
According to this report, while this Orwellian socialist court ruling against General Flynn gives President Trump yet another weapon to use as he sails towards his inevitable 2020 re-election landslide victory so certain in coming that Deep State bureaucrats have just registered their first drop in morale since 2014, the current state of political insanity now occurring in America is being best displayed by two Harvard University constitutional law professors—the first being rightest Professor Alan Dershowitz, who correctly pointed out that the United States Supreme Court pulled the rug out from under the hoax impeachment of Trump, as it is the ultimate arbiter of conflicts between the legislative and executive branches when it comes to congressional subpoenas—and the second being leftist Professor Laurence Tribe, who has just thrown out an “off-ramp lifeline” to socialist Democrat Party leader Nancy Pelosi telling her to impeach Trump, but then withhold it from the US Senate so they can’t clear Trump of the made up charges against him.
Fearfully watching this socialist insanity, this report notes, is leftist Brookings Institute think tank member Shadi Hamid—who after digesting the words issued by Wall Street Journal editorial board member Kimberly Strassel that “Great Britain Is A Warning for US Progressive Politicians”, penned a warning article to his fellow socialists titled “Impeachment Could End Badly-Democrats May Regret The Dynamics That The House’s Actions Will Set In Motion”—wherein Hamid stated:
Most of the people whom I like or trust believe—and believe rather strongly—that what Trump has done rises to a crime…but impeachment runs the risk of hijacking the debate in the Democratic primary, as well as further embittering Trump’s supporters and souring them on the democratic process.
A full-blown impeachment trial distracts Democrats from their natural strengths: channeling Americans’ anger against massive inequality and economic injustice and moving Americans toward what I’ve described as the “economics of meaning” in which economic or class critiques are a means to focus anger, create meaning, and build solidarity.
Being lost in leftist Shadi Hamid’s warning to his fellow socialists about the impeachment of President Trump, this report continues, is anything having to do with reality—as where he and the socialist friends he trusts only need to “believe” that Trump did something wrong, ordinary and sane peoples require such things as “evidence” and “proof” before deciding anyone’s guilt—thus exposing the logical fault in his argument that “embittered Trump supporters” will sour on the democratic process—with the real truth being that all Trump’s supporters want is a free and fair democratic process these socialists are denying him—all of whose voices are being echoed today by a British firefighter union activist named Paul Embery, who in telling his nation’s Labour Party socialists why they lost his vote, and those of all of his friends and neighbors for the first time in any of their lifetimes, simply stated:
So there we have it.
It turns out that the British working-class was not, in the end, willing to throw its weight behind a London-centric, youth-obsessed, middle-class party that preached the gospels of liberal cosmopolitanism and class war.
Who’d have thought it?
Well, me for a start. And plenty of others who had been loyal to the party over many years and desperately wanted to see a Labour government, only to be dismissed as ‘reactionaries’ who held a ‘nostalgic’ view of the working-class.
It barely needs saying that these election results are an utter catastrophe for Labour.
For the party to have failed to dislodge the Tories after nearly a decade of austerity and three years of political chaos is bad enough. But for the so-called Red Wall to have crumbled so spectacularly underlines the sheer scale of the failure.
Labour’s meltdown in these places will come as no surprise to anyone who was paying attention and wasn’t blinded by ideology or fanaticism.
Some of us had long warned that working-class voters across post-industrial and small-town Britain were becoming increasingly alienated from the party. But we were banging our heads against a brick wall.
We sounded the alarm bells again earlier this year when, in the local and European elections, Labour haemorrhaged support in several working-class communities across the north and Midlands.
But the woke liberals and Toytown revolutionaries who now dominate the party didn’t listen to us.
They truly thought that ‘one more heave’ would bring victory.
They believed that constantly hammering on about economic inequality would be enough to get Labour over the line.
In doing so, they made a major miscalculation: they failed to grasp that working-class voters desire something more than just economic security; they want cultural security too.
One of the first persons in the world hearing the “alarm bell” being rung to warn these socialists of what was to come because of their abandonment of ordinary working peoples wanting economic and cultural security in favor of every “woke” issue and “politically correct” outrage imaginable, this report concludes, was Donald Trump—who in 2016, raced from his New York City penthouse like a political firefighter to douse the raging socialist inferno that was consuming his nation’s ordinary working peoples—tens-of-millions of whom raced to him for protection and placed him into power in the most historic election ever witnessed in American history—and whom today reigns as this nation’s Teflon Trump whose unwavering and devoted supporters lovingly call their “Showman-In-Chief”—and who is actually thriving while wading through the swamp waters of impeachment his socialist enemies have poured all around him—an impeachment hoax Trump has now weaponized to boost his messaging and historic fundraising, as this was the inevitable outcome of a system run by socialist elites everyone knew was coming—and which still sees these clueless deranged socialists unable to understand one of Trump’s most famous statements of the 2016 election: “I could stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot somebody and I wouldn’t lose any voters”—a statement horrifying to these socialists unable to understand what he meant—but was explained most recently to a leftist fake news CNN reporter, who after asking a Trump supporter if she’d still support him if he shot someone, saw him being confused into panic where she fired back “Why did he shoot him?”—a question all normal peoples would ask—but not to include socialist arsonists.
45th President of the United States Donald J. Trump
December 17, 2019 © EU and US all rights reserved. Permission to use this report in its entirety is granted under the condition it is linked to its original source at WhatDoesItMean.Com. Freebase content licensed under CC-BY and GFDL.
[Note: Many governments and their intelligence services actively campaign against the information found in these reports so as not to alarm their citizens about the many catastrophic Earth changes and events to come, a stance that the Sisters of Sorcha Faal strongly disagree with in believing that it is every human being’s right to know the truth. Due to our mission’s conflicts with that of those governments, the responses of their ‘agents’ has been a longstanding misinformation/misdirection campaign designed to discredit us, and others like us, that is exampled in numerous places, including HERE.]
[Note: The WhatDoesItMean.com website was created for and donated to the Sisters of Sorcha Faal in 2003 by a small group of American computer experts led by the late global technology guru Wayne Green(1922-2013) to counter the propaganda being used by the West to promote their illegal 2003 invasion of Iraq.]
[Note: The word Kremlin (fortress inside a city) as used in this report refers to Russian citadels, including in Moscow, having cathedrals wherein female Schema monks (Orthodox nuns) reside, many of whom are devoted to the mission of the Sisters of Sorcha Faal.]
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