Sorcha Faal

Terror Strikes Democrat Party After Top Clinton Money Man Brutally Suicided

A stunning highly-classified “Of Special Importance” new Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR) report circulating in the Kremlin today discussing the investigation into the claim made by exiled Chinese dissident Guo Wengui that the Chinese Communist Party “allocates $2-billion a year to pay off the Roman Catholic Church in the Vatican for its silence concerning Chinese atrocities”, says confirmation of this claim being true has just been released by the mysterious Distributed Denial of Secrets (DDoS) organization run by “The Collective”—that yesterday released on its North America-United States of America torrent stream a massive data file titled “BlueLeaks” containing highly sensitive information such as ACH routing numbers, international bank account numbers (IBANs), and other financial data they “obtained” from the National Network of Fusion Centers run by the United States Department of Homeland Security (DHS)—international bank and financial information that shows US intelligence agencies has been documenting how mainstream Democrat Party groups having been uniting with radical leftist organizations—one of whose most prominent names contained in these files being Steve Bing—the grandson of the of late New York real-estate tycoon Leo Bing and the son of former Dr. Peter Bing, who served in the Democrat Party administration of President Lyndon Johnson—and over the years has given tens-of-millions to the Democrat Party, most particularly to his close personal friends former President Bill Clinton and Hillary Clinton—is currently best known for being one of the elite leftist Hollywood movie celebrities calling for police to abolished while hiding behind their private security forces—but within hours of these files being released yesterday, were private security forces that didn’t stop Steve Bing from being thrown out a window and plunging to his death—a death being laughable called a suicide, as one is supposed to believe that mega-wealthy and politically protected leftist Hollywood elites in their 50’s always choose this type of death—which is why SVR intelligence analysts have designated it as a “message murder” sent to socialist Democrats, no doubt courtesy of the former “honey pot” assassin Gina Haspel—who is now the feared Director of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA)—and immediately after Steve Bing was “dispatched” yesterday, saw Director Haspel streaming online for new CIA recruits, and last year said her goal was to make her spy agency “an employer of choice for all Americans”.   […]

Sorcha Faal

Russian Leaders Mysteriously Enter Military Cathedral For Apocalypse Prayer Service

Our most reliable sources within the Kremlin are reporting today that an extraordinary never-witnessed event occurred this morning when President Putin abruptly ended today’s Security Council (SC) meeting then left with all Security Council Members in a convoy traveling to the Ministry of Defense (MoD) main cathedral outside Moscow called the Resurrection of Christ Cathedral of Russia’s Armed Forces—whereupon entering, all of Russia’s top political and military leaders attended a prayer service held by His Holiness Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and all Russia—not a normal prayer service, but the rarest of ones known as an “Apocalypse Prayer Service”, whose meaning of greatly differs from the Western Church (aka Roman Catholic Church), and we’ll explain later in this report—and in telling the Russian people about this rare event, saw the Kremlin press office simply stating: “Russian President Vladimir Putin has arrived in the Cathedral of the Resurrection of Christ in the Patriot park in Kubinka outside Moscow, which is the main cathedral of the Russian Armed Forces”.   […]

Sorcha Faal

China Readies Surprise Attack On America—Will Recognize Hillary Clinton Emergency Government

A gobsmacking new Security Council (SC) report circulating in the Kremlin today noting Permanent Member Sergei Naryshkin (who is also the Director of the Foreign Intelligence Service and the Chairman of the Russian Historical Society) warning Western globalist-socialist forces that they are mistaken to believe that the world can be ruled from Washington, with his exactly stating: “The most important lesson from the past is that if any country tries to rule the world all by itself this will undoubtedly end in disaster”, says the grave events occurring over the past 24-hours have openly exposed the dangerous endgame these malign parties are attempting to rapidly achieve—events that include the United Nations shockingly coming to the defense of radical ANTIFA terrorists mounting a rebellion in America,the European Union Parliament rushing to the defense of the radical racial hatred organization Black Live Matters and Communist China launching an all-out cyber attack on Australia to bring that nation’s government to its knees—with the latter being the prelude to a “surprise Pearl Harbor attack” that Communist China is preparing to launch against the United States to cripple its electrical grid—a crippling attack the American people are ill prepared to endure, as evidenced by 83% of them admitting they’re stressed over their nation’s future, and psychologists now warning these people would be crushed by a second coronavirus wave—and when occurring, will allow socialist Democrat Party leader Hillary Clinton to establish an emergency government in the midst of this chaos to rule over America, which Communist China, the United Nations and the European Union will immediately recognize as being legitimate—an emergency government these socialist forces will need legal and military support to achieve—which is why President Donald Trump is rooting out from the Pentagon all disloyal forces and United States Attorney General William Barr just fired US Attorney Geoffrey Berman and announced that the Chairman of the Securities and Exchange Commission Jay Clayton will replace him—the latter action being the most critical as US Attorney Berman was preparing to aid this coup by making up false charges against President Trump, and which Clinton’s emergency government would reward him for by making him the new US Attorney General—which explains why US Attorney Berman is now in open revolt and illegally refusing to accept his dismissal—with it further to be noticed that joining Clinton’s emergency government would be former socialist US Secretary of State John Kerry, who has just warned that if President Trump is reelected there will be a revolution, and former socialist National Security Advisor Susan Rice, who herself just stunningly quoted Russian communist revolutionary leader Leon Trotsky on what she plans to do with all of President Trump’s supporters when she gets back in power: “Throw them into the dustbin of history!”.  […]

Sorcha Faal

Putin Issues Last Warning Plea As At Least Four Biblical-Like Cataclysms Predicted To Strike World

A compelling new Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MoFA) report circulating in the Kremlin today noting that Egypt and Ethiopia are on the verge of war as the Nile River crisis escalates, while at the same time Communist China is rapidly escalating military tensions with its nuclear-armed neighbor India, has detained two Canadian citizens for spying in retaliation for Canada having snatched a top Huawei executive on behalf of the United States, and at this moment is waging a massive cyber attack on the entire nation of Australia, says these latest events being added to a world already spinning out of control pale in comparison to the new research just released by top international financial institution Deutsche Bank—research that predicts that at least four biblical-like cataclysms may soon befall our planet, with the fallout likely to be worse than the continuing coronavirus healthcare crisis—and as socialist forces are toppling historic statues and erasing the history of World War II, sees President Putin giving a stark warning plea about playing games with history if civilization intends on surviving.  […]

Sorcha Faal

Shock Raid Discovers Democrat Party And Black Lives Matter Are Secretly Funding Islamic Terror

A troubling new Security Council (SC) report circulating in the Kremlin today discussing the grave concerns raised by Executive Director Lise Kingo of the United Nations Global Compact having proclaimed that the coronavirus pandemic is a “fire drill for the climate crises”, and her admitting that there were “very, very clear connections” linking the current health crisis, climate change issues and the Black Lives Matter protests that have spread across the globe, notes these concerns were what prompted the Federal Security Service (FSB) to launch shock raids across four Russian regions over the past 24-hours against cells of the banned extremist Islamic group Tablighi Jamaat—shock raids carried out by elite FSB commandos and Interior Ministry forces, who captured a large amount of banned materials, data storage devices, communication means and debit cards, while detaining cell leaders and members—most crucial to be noted about were the debit cards worth hundreds-of-thousands of US Dollars sent to this terrorist group by its American branch known as the Minnesota Jamaat that’s located in Brooklyn Park-Minnesota—are debit cards that were given to the Minnesota Jamaat by a socialist Democrat Party organization known as ActBlue—the same ActBlue that’s been discovered gathering millions-of-dollars for Black Lives Matter and siphoning off from these monies for itself—and is a Black Lives Matter organization supporting anti-Christian and anti-life socialist ideologies that have caused violent political suppression and the mass murder of millions—and with the socialist Democrat Party and Black Lives Matter now joining forces with Tablighi Jamaat, the world is now exposed to a terror threat of unimaginable proportions—specifically because the estimated over 80-million followers of Tablighi Jamaat around the world have been told “not to worry as the coronavirus would not touch the Muslims”—and because of caused the largest spike of coronavirus cases in India—and due to Tablighi Jamaat links to Al Qaeda, Taliban and Kashmiri terrorists, makes them the perfect weapon to use against an already destabilized United States.   […]

Sorcha Faal

Durham Breakup Of Plot To Assassinate Trump Causes Top Department Of Justice Officials To Flee

A concerning new Security Council (SC) report circulating in the Kremlin today discussing the sudden fleeing this past week from the United States Department of Justice (DoJ) of three of its topmost officials, Assistant Attorney General Jody Hunt, Criminal Division Director Brian Benczkowski and Solicitor General Noel Francisco, notes that each of them were former Bush Regime officials in the DoJ brought in by former US Attorney General Jeff Sessions—an Attorney General Sessions whom President Donald has “branded a traitor”, and concurred with by the Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR), who’ve long designated Attorney General Sessions as being a “Deep State” actor secreted into the White House to destroy President Trump—a destruction of President Trump an absolutely mind-blowing highly-classified “Of Special Importance” appendix prepared by the SVR attached to this report asserts included his being assassinated—but whose plot to carry out this assassination was discovered and broken up by the feared United States Attorney John Durham—not just any assassination plot, but one shockingly being orchestrated by former Bush Regime officials—chief among them being Kevin Sullivan, who was the White House Communications Director for President George W. Bush—who also is a graduate from Iona College where he befriended Joseph Ryan—the same Joseph Ryan that retired with rank of sergeant from the Greenwich-Connecticut police department last August-2019—a Greenwich-Connecticut that’s one of America’s richest cities, and for decades has been the home base for the Bush family—and on 12 February 2020, saw US Attorney Durham criminally charging Joseph Ryan for his providing weapons to a convicted felon—a 25-year-old convicted felon named Malique Martin, whom yesterday US Attorney Durham announced was sentenced to prison for firearms dealing and providing bullets that could pierce a bulletproof vest—a prison sentence court records show involved numerous sealed motions and complaints, which means Martin is cooperating with US Attorney Durham—and most critical to note about, is an investigation US Attorney Durham has been leading into a shadowy far-right organization known as the “Boogaloo Movement”—an actual terrorist organization comprised of numerous active and former US military soliders the SVR has documented were being protected from within the DoJ—but no longer, as since Joseph Ryan was captured by US Attorney Durham, many of the operatives within the “Boogaloo Movement” have either been captured or killed.   […]

Sorcha Faal

“Scum Of Earth” Explosion And Deadly Chinese Clash Follow “Death Angel” Appearance In American Skies

A foreboding new Ministry of Defense (MoD) report circulating in the Kremlin today explaining the decision to emergency equip the elite Pskov Guards Air Assault Division with over 40 BMD-4M airborne infantry fighting vehicles and BTR-MDM Rakushka armored personnel carriers before the end of the month, says the “powder keg” environment currently existing in the world mandates that such defensive measures be rapidly implemented—a “powder keg” environment that literally exploded a few hours ago when North Korea blew up the liaison office in Kaesong used for talks with South Korea and declared: “The world will clearly see what severe punishment our people will mete out to the South Korean authorities and how they wipe the human scum off the earth”—while at the same time, three Indian soldiers were killed after clashing with Communist Chinese forces in a border battle—both of which events followed by hours the US Air Force sending into the skies over America for the first time ever one of its most secret aircraft MoD intelligence analysts have nicknamed the “Death Angel”—which is a strangely modified Boeing 737-700 with a civilian registration, but an Air Force owner, that first flew in 2013, but seven years later still wears its green zinc chromate coating that it was delivered with—is manned by a crew that wears civilian clothing—is now openly landing at civilian airports, instead of military bases—has been making numerous test flights in US military protected test zone waters while knowing its being tracked by public radar systems while trailing its instrumented cone—identifies itself as STING38 on radar—that’s understandable to the MoD analysts who’ve long suspected that this aircraft has been testing an electronics package able to emit a unique electromagnetic pulse (EMP) targeting the cellular frequencies of US and Canadian carriers from ranges of just a few city blocks to across the entire North American continent—that makes it no surprise when during one of the test flights made yesterday by this mysterious STING38 aircraft, widespread cell service outages were reported occurring throughout all of America—most notable about in King County-Washington where the in rebellion city of Seattle is located, and whose officials sent out a notice stating: “King County is currently experiencing intermittent technical issues with some wireless telephone services. If you are in Seattle and your 9-1-1 call isn’t going through, you can try text to 9-1-1 or call 206-625-5011. DO NOT call 911 to simply test the system”.  […]

Sorcha Faal

Threat To Trump From American Military Establishment Thrusts World To Brink Of Unthinkable

 General Stanley A. McChrystal—who after leaving the US Army formed his own company named the McChrystal Group—whom the socialist Democrat Party then paid multiple millions-of-dollars to topple President Trump—and General McChrystal and his McChrystal Group are attempting to achieve by using this DARPA information warfare tool they’ve renamed Defeat Disinfo that utilizes artificial intelligence and network analysis to map everything said about or by President Trump on social media—then attempts to intervene by identifying the most popular counter-narratives and boosting them through a network of more than 3.4 million influencers across America—that pays users with large followings to take sides against President Trump—and all occurring without the American people having any idea at all about how they’re being manipulated. […]

Sorcha Faal

Bewildered Socialist Rioters In America Retreat In Terror After Life In Prison Threat Becomes Reality

A rather brief, but intriguing new Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MoFA) report circulating in the Kremlin today noting the assessment made by President Putin that the riots occurring in the United States show a deep crisis in the country, says his further laying the blame for this violent chaos against the socialist Democrat Party as they try to topple President Donald Trump was succinctly stated with his statement: “What has happened is the manifestation of some deep domestic crises…When he won, and his victory was absolutely obvious and democratic, the defeated party invented all sort of bogus stories just to call into question his legitimacy…It seems to me that the problem is that group party interests in this case are placed above the interests of the entire society and the interests of people”—a statement of fact made by President Putin concurred with by Deputy Director Dmitry Suslov of the Center for Comprehensive European and International Studies at the Russian Higher School of Economics (HSE), who himself assessed the outcome of this violent chaos by stating: “The protests are unlikely to ensure Donald Trump’s failure, since he has a grip on his electorate…On the contrary, the protests deepen the divide in American society with regard to cultural values…The Democratic Party is dramatically shifting to the left in the wake of these protests”. […]

Sorcha Faal

Democrats Can’t Explain Why People Risk Their Lives To Enter America But Fled Nazi Germany

A compelling new Security Council (SC) report circulating in the Kremlin today discussing the advisory just issued by Health Minister Mikhail Murashko saying that a second wave of the novel coronavirus pandemic in Russia is possible if new cases of the virus are imported into the country from abroad, notes the issue of foreign carriers of this disease is also being shared by the Trump administration that’s looking to link travel from Mexico to growing cases of coronavirus in the United States—a cause of particular concern in America as it’s had to ramp up mass expulsions of migrants as border crossings rise at its southern border with Mexico, and saw them carrying out more than 20,000 summary expulsions of migrants last month as unauthorized border crossings increased by the thousands, despite strict US coronavirus restrictions and lockdowns in Mexico and Central America—an expulsion policy that has prompted many migrants in northern Mexico to undertake more perilous border crossings into the US, and caused Texas immigration attorney Taylor Levy to warn: “I’m seeing families, small children taking more and more risky routes through really dangerous terrain because now they are trying to enter undetected”—a warning that prompted Security Council Member Valentina Matviyenko to ask for an immediate explanation as to why people are risking their lives to enter America, as history has always proven people flee from dictatorial racist nations, with her citied example being the military dictatorship of Nazi Germany which hundreds-of-thousands of its minority citizens fled from during the 1930’s—that then saw Security Council Secretary Nikolai Patrushev attempting to give Member Matviyenko the answers she sought—answers this transcript shows Secretary Patrushev read directly from Yandex (Russia’s Google-like information search engine), but saw him not being able to find anything ever published by the Democratic Party or its mainstream media allies in America that explains why people would risk their lives to come into a United States these socialists daily proclaim is a racist nation—though in a great twist of socialist irony, Secretary Patrushev was able to discover that both these Democrats and their media allies are, in fact, fully supporting a new Nazi-like nation just established in America—a new nation calling itself the Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone, or CHAZ for short, that’s captured by armed force an area in the midst of Seattle-Washington described as being “a Mad Max movie mayhem come alive”—is ruled over by a self proclaimed “Warlord”, though his hold on power is tenuous after his homophobic Tweets were discovered—has built a border wall around itself and is now conducting deportations—has planted food gardens to make itself sustainable, and did so by placing cardboard on the ground, scattering dirt on it, then planting seedlings in it while still in their plastic pots—after which they placed in front of it a sign reading “This garden is for black and indigenous folks and their plant allies”—which in reality is the very definition of racism.  […]

Sorcha Faal

France Makes Antarctica Power Grab Then Launches Nuclear Ballistic Missile Towards United States

A stunning new Ministry of Defense (MoD) report circulating in the Kremlin today states that at 0137 Moscow Standard Time GMT+3 this morning, the High Command of the Aerospace Forces detected the launch of a multiple-warhead thermonuclear ballistic missile emanating from the Atlantic Ocean off the coast of Finistère-France whose trajectory saw it heading for the eastern coastal region of the United States—identified as a M51 submarine-launched “Oceanic Nuclear Warhead” ballistic missile that carries six to ten independently targetable TN-75 miniaturized thermonuclear warheads each having 110-kilotons of explosive power (Little Boy nuclear bomb dropped on Hiroshima-Japan was 15 kilotons)—was test fired launched by the French Triomphant class nuclear ballistic missile submarine Le Téméraire—was immediately responded to by a US Air Force RC-135R Cobra Ball launch surveillance aircraft that scrambled from its base in Puerto Rico—which itself was quickly met in the air over the Caribbean Sea by a French Navy Falcon 50 Surmar maritime surveillance aircraft—though most critical to note about, all occurred less than 24-hours after France made a sudden power grab by extending its Antarctica maritime space by 151,323 kilometers (94,028 miles) yesterday—an extension vastly expanding the French claim on the continent of Antarctica called Adélie Land—that is part of the French Southern and Antarctic Lands—otherwise known in the French language as Terres Australes et Antarctiques Françaises—or simply TAAF.  […]

Sorcha Faal

“This Is Not A Game” Trump Threat Met With Biden “I Promise You” Military Overthrow Vow

A troubling new Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MoFA) report circulating in the Kremlin today expressing concern over the group of retired American generals who are waging an information warfare campaign against President Donald Trump, sees this concern rising to the level of alarm after socialist Democrat Party leader Joe Biden made an “I Promise You” vow declaring that he was “absolutely convinced” that the US military would escort President Trump from the White House “with great dispatch if he refuses to leave”—an incendiary and unprecedented vow to use military force to remove a US President having no precedent in history, and predicated upon the absurd hypothetical notion Trump would refuse to accept an election loss, which in itself is another absurd notion—though to be noticed, is a vow that followed President Trump himself threatening to take back the parts of Seattle-Washington captured and now being held by armed socialist terrorists—a threat President Trump began by warning radical socialist Democrat Party Washington State Governor Jay Inslee “This Is Not A Game”—followed by President Trump then declaring to this radical socialist governor “Take Back Your City NOW. If You Don’t, I Will”—a threat Governor Inslee, who earlier yesterday claimed he didn’t know that parts of Seattle were occupied by armed anarchists, responded to by telling President Trump to “stay out of Washington State’s business”—though in fact and law it’s very much the business of President Trump, as what’s occurring in Seattle is an armed insurrection—specifically because these socialist terrorists have seized a 6-block area of Seattle securing it with armed patrols, and who are now threatening to take over more areas as they begin shaking down local businesses for money to support their crimes—money these socialist terrorists desperately need after the homeless people they left in their occupied area stole all of their food—but is the least of their worries as they’re all about to meet the US federal police and prosecutors who’ve already thrown scores of socialist terrorists into prisons over these past couple of weeks—all of whom are being directed and led by the National Security Council—on which President Trump has just achieved an historic first by his having placed on it more female than male leaders—women who are not only top national security experts, but are mothers who know how to deal with unruly children throwing temper tantrums.   […]

Sorcha Faal

Torch Of Lady Liberty Extinguished By Raging Socialist Mobs Taking Over America

A thought-provoking new Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MoFA) report circulating in the Kremlin today noting the explosion of highly addictive for its paranoia and disassociating side affects “End of the World” leftist mainstream media driven “fear porn” occurring in the United States, cites as one of the many examples of this a headline reading “How Trump Could Use Political Chaos to Upset the Election”, whose article screams in terror: “Trump might be worried about going down in 2020…But we must not allow him to take our democracy down with him”—a democracy best symbolized the high-held torch of freedom held by the iconic Statue of Liberty—that shortly after President Donald Trump took office in 2017, the socialist Nation of Change organization demanded be shipped back to France over their fears of  how far Trump would go in his politically incorrect new form of Americanism—a “new form of Americanism” yet to be evidenced by President Trump, who’s spent the past 3 ½ years strictly abiding by the US Constitution while enacting his policy agendas—but when it comes to who is actually trying to “take democracy down” and create a “new form of Americanism”, it’s these socialist “fear porn” purveyors—with the Nation of Change itself proving this true with their just published article “A Mass Uprising Is Here, Protect It From The Ruling Class” that declares: “We must continue to protest, be non-compliant with the power structure, defy the opposition’s tactics, support each other’s needs, and build alternative structures”—the exact opposite of what a democracy is, where ideas of various kinds are presented to citizens who vote on them, and nothing is done by force—thus proving that what these socialist mobs now taking over America truly want is the power to destroy everyone and everything they oppose—best exampled by these socialist mobs now firebombing homes flying the American Flag, and yesterday evening in the Democrat Party stronghold city of Richmond-Virginia, where a socialist mob numbering in the thousands tore down a statue of famed European explorer Christopher Columbus, spit on it, then threw it in a lake—with one of them posting a joyful message afterwards saying: “Yeah sex is cool but have you ever seen a toppled Christopher Columbus statue with a burning American flag get dragged into a lake?”—a dishonorable end one surely knows might soon be the fate of the Statue of Liberty and her torch of freedom, too. […]

Sorcha Faal

CIA Assassins Attack US Air Force Plane Carrying ANTIFA Terrorist Leaders

A mind-blowing highly-classified “Of Special Importance” new Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR) report circulating in the Kremlin today, and appearing to provide a reason why riot and looting activities suddenly ceased in the United States this past week, says that at approximately 18:20 GMT +3 on 8 June in Baghdad-Iraq (6:20 pm local time), a team of Special Activities Center (SAC) commando-assassins from the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) attacked and caused to crash a C-130 Hercules cargo plane belonging to the US Air Force as it was landing with 7 crew members and 26 passengers—a fiery crash the “official cover story” claims was caused when this plane crashed into a wall while landing—an official cover story disputed by the SVR that tracked this plane after it departed from the Joint Base San Antonio (JBSA) military facility located in San Antonio-Texas, traveled to Kuwait and then attempted land in Baghdad—an SVR that was also tracking the movement of these CIA commando-assassins, who arrived at Joint Base San Antonio a few hours after this C-130 Hercules departed from there—and shortly after arriving, saw US Army intelligence operative Jared Esquibel Harless from the 470th Military Intelligence Brigade at Joint Base San Antonio being discovered dead along with his wife and four children at their home that was rigged to explode—an unmistakable “message massacre” that after which saw these CIA commando-assassins breaking into two teams—the one that flew to attack the C-130 cargo plane the SVR believes was carrying escaping ANTIFA terrorist leaders, and the other flying to California—where they tracked down, wounded in a gun battle and captured US Air Force Staff Sergeant Steven Carrillo, who is a member of the elite US Air Force Phoenix Raven Security Unit (aka “The Murder Crew”), of which there are only 150  members—was a gun battle that saw Sergeant Carrillo killing a California police officer and wounding two others while using explosives—with Sergeant Carrillo further being linked to the assassination of US federal officer David Underwood, who died in a hail of bullets fired at him on 25 May when ANTIFA rioting broke out in Oakland-California—and when captured, Sergeant Carrillo was caught on police radio broadcasts saying: “This is what I came to fight…I’m sick of these goddamn police”.   […]

Sorcha Faal

“You Reap What You Sow” Drama Sees Elmer Fudd Disarmed And Prince Andrew Nearing Arrest

A somberly worded new Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MoFA) report circulating in the Kremlin today noting how the United States has supported destabilizing ideas and dividing groups against each other around the globe for decades, says it was more than correct for Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova to observe about the American riots: “By sowing chaos abroad, they’ve got chaos at home…everything they’ve been embedding into the world’s consciousness…they’re reaping it now”—a world’s consciousness that’s now had thrown into it the demented socialist forces in America disarming the beloved Looney Tune cartoon figure Elmer Fudd of his shotgun so he can no longer hunt down his nemesis Bugs Bunny, as well as the United States Department of Justice by-passing Buckingham Palace and filing a “mutual legal assistance” request to the British Home Office demanding Prince Andrew be handed over to answer for the crimes he committed with child sex slaver Jeffery Epstein—both occurring in world where the British people are ignoring the coronavirus quarantine because they know it’s rubbish, and enraged Italians are abandoning their masks while denouncing the pandemic as a scam—while in America itself, and after disarming Elmer Fudd, its socialist forces have become real life “Loony Tunes” characters demanding such things as all fictional television police shows be immediately cancelled and ordering people to decolonize their bookshelves by removing all books written by white authors—the latter of which is causing it now to be warned “we’ve reached the book burning phase of 2020 riot wokeness”. […]

Sorcha Faal

Socialists Throw 2020 Back To 1960’s And 1980’s—But Outcome Favoring Trump Remains The Same

An illuminating new Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MoFA) report circulating in the Kremlin today discussing issues relating to the Norilsk Nickel crisis, the world’s near only source for palladium, a rare earth metal that is becoming rarer by the day, welcomed the statement made by United States Secretary of State Mike Pompeo yesterday saying: “Despite disagreements, the United States stands ready to assist Russia to mitigate this environmental disaster and offer our technical expertise”—a statement Secretary Pompeo followed by his then comparing Communist China’s policy with regard to Hong Kong to the actions of Nazi Germany during World War II—a highly significant comparison of Communist China to the National Socialist German Workers Party (commonly referred to in English as the Nazi Party) made by Secretary Pompeo when viewed in the light of the Black Lives Matter movement gaining momentum worldwide—specially because the socialist tactic of using racial division to sow discord and create chaos was invented by the Nazis, who then deployed it around the world using their Waffen-SS foreign volunteers and conscripts—are best known as “Himmler’s Black Legion” for their being led by one of the most powerful men in Nazi Germany and a main architect of the Holocaust named Heinrich Himmler—whose loyal Nazi forces in America were a white supremacist terror organization known as the “Black Legion”—whom the Nazis deployed in the US during the early years of World War II in a bid to discredit, and hopefully defeat President Franklin Roosevelt—a deployment that saw Black Legion forces being used to ignite the deadly 1943 Detroit Race Riot to cripple US war production—and though failing, saw this socialist racial tactic then being used by the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics to sow discord in America—who during the 1960’s fomented, secretly funded and supported mass protests in the United States in a bid to destroy Republican Party leader President Richard Nixon—and during the 1980’s fomented, secretly funded and supported mass protests in the United States in a bid to destroy Republican Party leader President Ronald Reagan—the end results of which saw President Nixon being elected to office in 1968, and winning 49 out of 50 States in his 1972 reelection—while President Reagan was elected to office in 1980, and won 49 out of 50 States in his 1984 reelection, too—thus proving, beyond all doubt, that whether it be 1960’s or 1980’s type mass protests these socialists are igniting in an attempt to destroy Republican Party leader President Donald Trump, the facts show history is favoring him, not them. […]