Sorcha Faal

Democrats Plot Horrifying “Hunger Games” Future For America And Its “Unruly” Citizens

An absolutely beyond horrifying new Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MoFA) report circulating in the Kremlin today noting Acting Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov castigating the United States for its reluctance to speak openly about bioweapons with other nations, states that the more than valid fears about the Americans’ plan to do with these weapons of mass destruction have been heightened by the growing signs their socialist Democrat Party is plotting to turn their nation into one resembling that seen in popular book and movie series “The Hunger Games”—which depicts a dystopia set in Panem, a North American country consisting of the wealthy Capitol and 12 poverity stricken Districts, and where every year, children from these 12 Districts are selected via lottery and forced into the Capitol to participate in a compulsory televised battle royale death match—a reducing of human life value to nothingness the American people remain unaware that their elite socialist Democrat Party leaders have already branded them with—as all of these elite socialist Democrats are devoted followers of Professor Woody Holton—a radical leftist professor of history at the University of South Carolina whose socialist guidebook “Unruly Americans And The Origins Of The Constitution” being followed by these elite Democrats dementedly claims that “the primary purpose of the Constitution was to make America more attractive to investment…And the linchpin to that endeavor was taking power away from the States and ultimately away from the people”—a call to take all power from these “unruly” American people that’s now been joined by the elite socialist indoctrination center called Harvard University having just published its Democrat Party masterplan titled “Pack the Union: A Proposal to Admit New States for the Purpose of Amending the Constitution to Ensure Equal Representation”—that describes a terrifying plan for the Democrats to take control of the US Congress and then pass legislation to reduce the size of Washington, D.C. to an area encompassing only a few core federal buildings and then admit the rest of the District’s 127 neighborhoods as States—which would give these socialist Democrats 254 additional US Senators and 127 more members in the US House—numbers that would overwhelm the rest of America and make Washington the singular power center of the United States—and in turn make its States nothing more than vassal districts to its socialist Democrat overlord controlled Capitol as “The Hunger Games” envisioned—and whose grim future for the American people living in these vassal districts, was this past week described by a field organizer for the leading socialist Democrat Party presidential candidate US Senator Bernie Sanders—who said that after President Sanders is inaugurated, all Trump supporters will be placed in re-education gulags. […]

Sorcha Faal

Opening Episode Of Season Four Of Trump Presidency Sees Bomb Fuse Lit On Dems And Leftist Media

A fascinating new Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MoFA) report circulating in the Kremlin today discussing the just completed arms control talks held between Deputy Foreign Minister Sergey Ryabkov and US Assistant Secretary of State Christopher Ford in Geneva-Switzerland, says their mutual “decision to continue the Strategic Security Dialogue and begin expert-level engagement on particular topics in the near future” was predicated upon American assurances being given regarding the long-term stability of their government—a government currently embroiled in a state of seeming chaotic uncertainty due to the looming impeachment trial of President Donald Trump set to begin in the US Senate next Tuesday on 21 February—a trial, however, US experts are likening to the opening episodes of season four of the Trump presidency he’ll rule over like the master showman he truly is—with the first episode of this high-stakes political made for television drama having seen Trump light a slow-burning fuse to a truth-bomb soon to explode in the faces of both the socialist Democrat Party and their leftist mainstream propaganda media lapdogs—a truth-bomb whose explosion of will finally reveal to the vast majority of the American people how both the socialist Democrats and leftist media have been manipulating them with lies—and whose true facts of about to meet the unblinking and unforgiving eyes of a worldwide television audience, Trump himself exposed with his declaration that this so-called impeachment trial is in all reality “an illegal partisan attempted coup”—with Trump further stating the truth to these liars: “By proceeding with your invalid impeachment, you are violating your oaths of office, you are breaking your allegiance to the Constitution, and you are declaring open war on American Democracy…You are the ones interfering in America’s elections…You are the ones subverting America’s Democracy….You are the ones Obstructing Justice…You are the ones bringing pain and suffering to our Republic for your own selfish, personal, political, and partisan gain”. […]

Sorcha Faal

Virginia Governor Trying To Disarm His States Black Citizens Blindsided By Trump

A mind-blowing new Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MoFA) report circulating in the Kremlin today noting with grave concern the State of Emergency just declared by Democrat Party Governor Ralph Northam of the Commonwealth of Virginia, in the United States, as his socialist forces push forward to strip this State’s citizens of their gun rights, warns that these gun stripping moves are indistinguishable from the Black Codes put into place in America over the past two centuries preventing African Americans from legally owning any type of firearm or weapon—laws used to oppress and control African-American populations, especially in the Southern States like Virginia—and as one would expect coming from a Governor Northam who supports the genocidal practice of murdering black babies the moment after they’re born and his having openly mocked his African American citizens by posing for pictures while wearing racist blackface makeup—but while trying to strip the guns away from Virginias black citizens, sees Governor Northam forgetting what happened in 2017—which was when President Donald Trump pushed and aided West Virginia Governor Jim Justice to switch his allegiance to the Republican Party from the Democrats—a political party switch critical to the nearly 90% of the counties in Virginia who have declared themselves to be sanctuary cities in response to the socialist Democrats anti-freedom agenda to strip their gun rights away—all of whom the West Virginia legislature has just invited by a resolution to join their State—the critical importance of which lies in the fact that although the United States Constitution says a new State must gain approval from the original State, this never occurred in the case of West Virginia—thus making it the only State in America created by a Presidential Proclamation—a proclamation signed in 1863 by Republican Party President Abraham Lincoln—and upheld in 1871 as being valid by the United States Supreme Court in their 6-to-3 ruling in the landmark case Virginia v. West Virginia— one of the first cases to “establish the principle that Congress may give implied consent, and that such consent may be inferred from the context in which action was taken”—the context in this instance being President Lincoln’s own West Virginia statehood proclamation words “there is still difference enough between secession against the constitution, and secession in favor of the constitution”—which simply means that if President Trump determines Virginia is violating its citizens’ constitutional rights, and these under socialist siege citizens seek redress of same, by proclamation he can move any of its counties and/or cities into West Virginia to end this threat.  […]

Sorcha Faal

FBI Gets Head-Whacked By Barr As Dem Panic Grows Over Mysterious Sealed Criminal Indictments

A compelling new Security Council (SC) report circulating in the Kremlin today noting President Putin’s call for the world’s five nuclear-armed states to work together to neutralize the threat of global war, says the first response coming in reply to this urgent request has been issued by nuclear-power nation leader British Prime Minister Boris Johnson with his call for the “Trump Deal” to be agreed upon to bring about peace with Iran—that nuclear-power leader President Donald Trump immediately responded to with his Tweet saying “Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, Boris Johnson, stated, ‘We should replace the Iran deal with the Trump deal.’ I agree!”—but are moves towards global peace shockingly slammed by Democrat Party Leader Nancy Pelosi ordering her socialist forces in the US House to block a resolution condemning Iran for murdering protesters—a shameful blocking of a resolution that would have placed an even brighter light on Iran to force it to return to a peaceful nation status—and whose only conceivable reason for socialist leader Pelosi blocking it would be out of sheer panic—a panic appearing to be justified after it was stunningly revealed yesterday that a US Federal Court is conducting a secretive sealed criminal indictment case relating to former Democrat Party Leader US Congresswoman Debbie Wasserman-Schultz—which brings back to the forefront the highly unusual nearly three dozen sealed criminal indictments that were added to the US Federal Court docket in Washington, D.C. since the start of 2018—none of which have yet to be explained, and weren’t part of the Muller Investigation that ended last March-2019 with no sealed criminal indictments being issued—though hints about what they’re related to have been percolating thorough the American body politic for months now—best exampled by Butler County-Ohio Sheriff Richard Jones warning Trump yesterday of FBI corruption and his stating:  “some responsibilities of the FBI need to be reallocated to the U.S. Marshals to balance power”—a warning immediately responded to by US Attorney General William Barr whacking the FBI upside the proverbial head and telling them “there will be no future counter-intel investigations into presidential campaigns without my approval”.   […]

Sorcha Faal

Democrat Party Breaks With Rest Of World To Support Iran Policy Based On War And Bloodshed

A critically worded new Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MoFA) report circulating in the Kremlin today noting Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov offering that Moscow is ready to contribute to launching dialogue between the United States and Iran if the sides show interest in this, says the events of this past week pushing the world the brink of the apocalypse demands such an action occurring much sooner than later—events that quickly escalated to near catastrophe when the US announced it had dispatched six of its B-52 strategic bombers to an Indian Ocean base within striking distance of Iran—but kept hidden from the American people by their lying leftist media, was that what the US Air Force had just approved them to carry are nuclear-tipped cruise missiles—all under the control of President Donald Trump who had previously warned that “the last person that wants to play the nuclear card believe me is me…but you can never take cards off the table either from a moral stand…from any standpoint and certainly from a negotiating standpoint”—which in this case, though, were not used because of Trump’s masterful moves in achieving a quickly negotiated peace with Iran—a negotiated peace necessitated by Trump’s ordering the assassination of an Iranian terrorist general that US Attorney General William Barr ruled definitively under US federal law “was a legitimate act of self-defense”—a legal ruling immediately followed by France, the United Kingdom and Germany triggering the Iran nuclear deal dispute mechanism because the Iranians were not abiding by its agreed upon commitments—all of which has now been astonishingly met by hundreds of Trump-supporting regime protesting Iranian students refusing to walk on either the American or Israeli flags—and even more remarkably, has seen top Iranian news broadcasters quitting their jobs on air and saying such things as: “It was very hard for me to believe that our people have been killed…Forgive me that I got to know this late…And forgive me for the 13 years I told you lies”—unheard of events beyond shockingly being ignored by the American socialist Democrat Party and its top leaders who are breaking from the rest of the entire world trying to bring peace to Iran—most important of them being Democrat Party Leader Nancy Pelosi declaring that she will not support these Iranian freedom protesters—a demented declaration fully supported by Pelosi’s fellow Democrats and their leftist mainstream media lapdogs who are all praising this now dead Iranian terrorist general—thus making it no wonder why President Trump sent out to his over 70-million followers a picture of Democrat Party Leaders Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer dressed as the Iranian mullahs they’re acting like.  […]

Sorcha Faal

Pelosi Threatens “One Way Or Another” Trump Will Not Be President Much Longer As Feared Assassin Freed

A heavily redacted highly-classified “Of Special Importance” new Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR) report circulating in the Kremlin today is expressing grave concerns over a shocking warning just issued by retired top CIA operative Kevin Shipp—who during his spy career was assigned as a protective agent for the Director of the Central Intelligence Agency and was the team leader protecting sensitive CIA assets from assassination—and who has just alerted the world that the Deep State “is in a state of shock” and “getting desperate to stop President Donald Trump” because “for the first time in their careers, they can be prosecuted for what they have done”—a fearful assassination warning near immediately followed yesterday by Democrat Party House Speaker Nancy Pelosi granting a rare nationwide televised interview wherein she ominously declared to her socialist forces “One Way Or Another, Trump Will Not Be President in Ten Months”—an unmistakable threat issued during the same week a supposedly disgraced former US Marine named Brandon Magnan was captured while penetrating multiple levels security protecting President Trump—but for this criminal offense committed against the life of Trump by a man having been previously convicted of multiple felonies, saw him stunningly being immediately released on bond—an outrage equaled in scope and magnitude with “the unidentified man with him” penetrating Trump’s security disappearing into a black hole of silence never to be heard or spoken about again.  […]

Sorcha Faal

Virginia Begins Massive Gun Grab Of Its Citizens—As Gunless People In New York Are Now Allowed To Rob Banks

A stunning “You Just Can’t Make This Stuff Up” new Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MoFA) report circulating in the Kremlin today discussing the just completed historic meeting between President Putin and German Chancellor Angela Merkel, states these leaders expressed perplexity as to why American socialist forces led by US House Speaker Nancy Pelosi destroyed its own case for the Trump impeachment—a nonsensical impeachment process neither Putin nor Merkel can understand anything about as it doesn’t make any sense because President Donald Trump didn’t break any laws—and now sees Pelosi turning this impeachment into a “woke event” to be prosecuted by women and those of colour—that joins these demented socialists with their deranged comrade counterparts in the Commonwealth of Virginia who this past week took over this State’s legislature—and upon taking power, then saw them immediately ordering that all journalists covering the Virginia Statehouse reveal what race they are—that these socialists then quickly followed by banning legally authorized concealed carry guns from the Virginia Statehouse building—a move made because of the fears these socialists have of the over 100,000 citizens of Virginia bombarding them with phone calls and emails to protect their Second Amendment rights—which these socialists then responded to by proposing a law to ban all of the shooting ranges their citizens have used for countless decades and another one making the owning of gun suppressers a felony crime—a noise suppression device for firearms near exclusively used by those having hearing impairments, has never been used in a crime in all of modern American history, and is due to the fact the US government regulates suppressers to the point that each owner of one goes through the strictest background check imaginable—facts and realities being ignored by these socialists whose total disarmament of the citizens in Virginia is what the Democratic Party envisions for all of America—now sees these socialist Virginia lawmakers further stating that any of their citizens supporting the Second Amendment have “mental issues”—thus leaving it no wonder that the Second Amendment supporting citizens in Virginia are now talking about civil war—but before they do so—they might want to examine the benefit of living in a gun-free socialist America—being best exampled in the socialist Democrat Party stronghold of New York that just enacted a law making it a minor misdemeanor to rob a bank if one uses a note instead of a gun—and after robbing a bank with just a note, sees those committing this misdemeanor crime being released as fast as police arrest them—a joyful socialist law being celebrated by New York State criminal Gerod Woodberry—who after being arrested and immediately released five times this past fortnight for robbing banks, gleefully proclaimed “I can’t believe they let me out”.  […]

Sorcha Faal

Trump Walks Mideast Tightrope To Achieve Historic Iran Peace Moves World Thought Impossible

An insightful new Security Council (SC) report circulating in the Kremlin today discussing critical agenda items for the talks in Moscow between President Putin and German Chancellor Angela Merkel, states that foremost among them is the rapidly deteriorating situation in France leading towards open revolution—a grave situation being belatedly recognized by the United States whose Secretary of State Mike Pompeo yesterday affirmed his nation “seeks constructive relations with Russia” as the entire globe continues to be rocked by repeated seismic events needing multi-national solutions versus blunt military and/or economic force—a reality well known by President Donald Trump, who spent this past week secretly using an encrypted back-channel fax machine via the Swiss Embassy in Iran to bring the world back from the brink of war—a war which threatened to explode when Oman’s Sultan Qaboos bin Said suddenly died yesterday—the only Sunni Muslim leader in the Arab world maintaining peaceful relations with Persian Shiite Muslim Iran—and whose death threatened to cause even more conflict between the US and Iran—that is until Trump personally urged Oman’s Minister of Heritage and Culture Haitham bin Tariq al-Said be sworn into immediate power—after which Haitham vowed to uphold his Persian Gulf country’s foreign policy he said was built on “peaceful coexistence and friendly ties with all nations”—then barely 7-hours afterwards, astonishingly saw Iranian Supreme Leader Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei ordering the swift release of Ukraine plane downing details showing that this aircraft was unintentionally shot down by Iranian missile forces—a stunning admission quickly responded to by the leftist American social media giant Twitter restricting the Supreme Leader’s account so this news could not be seen by the world—and whom the day prior, as well as the rest of the US leftist mainstream propaganda media, also kept hidden from the American people the bombshell news that Iran had invited into their country US government officials for this first time in this Islamic nation’s history—an historic invitation Trump accepted while he walked this Mideast tightrope to the amazement of a world believing such a thing was impossible—to include the leftist New York Times who grudgingly admitted the fact:  “Love or hate him, Trump has used military force less than any other president since Jimmy Carter”. […]

Sorcha Faal

Ukraine Plane Downed By Saudis Over Iran Morphs Into Psychological Warfare Weapon To Attack Trump

A striking new Ministry of Defense (MoD) report circulating in the Kremlin today noting Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu tasking the Russian military with monitoring the deployment of intermediate- and shorter-range missiles by the US and his stating “we need to carry out a profound analysis of potential military threats”, says this immediate order is intended to provide additional defensive protection measures for the all-weather low to medium altitude, short-range surface-to-air Tor Missile System that’s been in service since 1986—the first air defense system in the world designed from the start to shoot down precision guided weapons day and night, in bad weather and jamming situations, whose variants of are possessed by numerous militaries around the world—and which yesterday became the Western world’s Russian weapon cause célèbre—a controversial issue that attracts a great deal of public attention coming a few hours after the Foreign Intelligence Services (SVR) released a shocking report appearing to show that a Saudi Arabian nanoweapon downed a Ukrainian passenger plane over Iran on 8 January—that was followed within the hour by the Saudis signing a $650 million contract with a shadowy Silicon Valley technology-driven offsite construction company called Katerra—and near immediately thereafter, saw the leftist New York Times “verifying” without any proof or evidence a video they claimed showed this Ukrainian airliner being attacked with the Iranian variant of a Tor Missile System—a verification, however, that refused to even acknowledge the authenticated video showing this Ukrainian jet burning during its minute-long descent before crashing near Tehran—thus leading Iranian administration spokesman Ali Rabiei to declare that this “missile attack claim is a US psychological operation”—specifically to allow the leftist media to create a narrative around this jet crash to blame Iran, Russia and President Donald Trump—and against this blatant psychological warfare move, now sees Iran daring these accusers to show their intelligence—as well as Iran astonishingly granting unprecedented access to the West to visit the crash site and see all of the real evidence for themselves—to include their asking United States National Transportation air crash experts to come to their country, too.  […]

Sorcha Faal

Iranian Rockets Fly**Ukrainian Plane Explodes Over Iran**Quake Hits Iran Nuke Plant—Then Devils Horns Rise From Persian Gulf

A riveting new Security Council (SC) report circulating in the Kremlin today noting the unannounced surprise meeting held in Damascus-Syria yesterday between President Putin and his Syrian counterpart President Bashar al-Assad to discuss the “Iranian Chaos Theory Masterplan” initiated by President Donald Trump to bring about a lasting peace between the West and Islamic nations in the Middle East, states that Trump’s main agenda to destroy the regional power of Sunni Muslim terror supporting Saudi Arabia got a boost when Iran staged their missile launch charade a few hours ago against US bases in Iraq—that caused global oil prices to soar to the benefit of Iran and Russia—but wiped out billions-of-dollars of Saudi wealth after their Saudi Aramco stock sank 10%–a beginning of woes to be experienced by the Saudis whose Iranian supporting Shiite extremist organization, Hezbollah al-Hejaz, issued a statement calling for the revenge of General Soleimani’s death that includes their targeting Saudi rulers—and whose expectation of the Saudis being supported by the US as they battle for their kingdom’s survival looks more unlikely by the day—best exampled by the 3 January call held between US Secretary of State Michael Pompeo and Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman Al Saud—the American readout of which for domestic propaganda purposes had such statements as: “The Secretary thanked the Crown Prince for Saudi Arabia’s steadfast support and for recognizing the continuing aggressive threats posed by the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps Qods Force”—but whose truer meaning Saudi readout of shows the US is tired of supporting endless wars: “During telephone conversation, the latest developments in Iraq and efforts being exerted to defuse tensions in the region were reviewed, in addition to discussing what can be done to maintain peace and stability in the Middle East in this turbulent period”—all occurring near simultaneously with the explosion of an Ukrainian airliner taking off from the Tehran-Iran airport killing all 185 passengers and crew—and a magnitude 4.9 earthquake striking the Bushehr nuclear plant in Iran—with all of this chaotic turmoil then being fittingly met with a rare “Devils Horns” eclipse rising from the Persian Gulf and reaching down from the clouds to halo an airliner. […]

Sorcha Faal

Trump Initiated Iranian Chaos Theory Masterplan Sees Terrified Families Of Saudi Princes Fleeing To Europe

A grimly fascinating new Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MoFA) report circulating in the Kremlin today discussing Russia and China blocking yesterday a United Nations Security Council resolution condemning the attack against the US Embassy in Iraq, states that Russia’s Permanent Representative to the UN Vasily Nebenzya directly told his American counterpart supporting this resolution: “We were not discussing that yet, especially today, and you perfectly well understand that the prospects of such statement are zero”—a statement based on the fact of President Donald Trump having unleashed what can rightfully be described as a “Chaos Theory” masterplan to end his nation’s endless wars, which makes such a resolution pointless until a final endgame outcome can be visualized and achieved—and is a chaos theory style of leadership slammed by Trump’s enemies—most particularly because in the midst of this deliberate chaos Trump has initiated to achieve his final goal, nothing is what it appears to be—best exampled by those believing that the chain of events leading to Trump’s ordering the assassination of Iranian General Qasem Soleimani was begun about a fortnight ago, on 27 December 2019, when several American troops were wounded and a US contractor killed in a rocket attack on their base located in Kirkuk-Iraq—but whose true beginning of started a fortnight earlier when the United Nations was preparing to announce that they were “unable to confirm Iranian involvement” in the largest attack in history on a Saudi Arabian oil processing facility—an announcement causing an elite Saudi Arabian military officer training at a US base in Florida to open fire and kill 3 American military officers—which then caused the Pentagon to lock down the over 800 other elite Saudi Arabian military officers training at this base—and whose chaos theory ripples of have now reached Iranian Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei—who while tearfully weeping at the state funeral for General Soleimani, was met with numerous chants from millions of Iranian mourners—the most important of these chants being “Death to al-Saud”— a reference to the Saudi ruling family—and is why thousands of family members of Saudi princes are secretly fleeing Riyadh, Jeddah and Mecca airports for European countries today as they know what is coming next—with everything else occurring being able to be placed in the “theatre of the absurd” category whose logical construction and argument give way to irrational and illogical speech and to its ultimate conclusion, silence—best exampled by US-Iran war fears devolving into the farce spectacle of Chairman of the Iranian parliament’s National Security and Foreign Policy Commission Mojtaba Zonnouri threatened to strike 6,236 US targets, which is the number of verses in the Koran—that was quickly followed by Trump ordering 52 fully armed stealth fighter jets to do an “Elephant Walk” at their Hill Air Force Base in Utah, which is the number of American hostages Iran held in 1979. […]

Sorcha Faal

Attack Destroying Rare American Spy Planes Throws Missing Nuke Into Ready To Explode Middle East Cauldron

A gravely concerning new Security Council (SC) report circulating in the Kremlin today discussing the just completed covert mission to Florida-United States by (УДАЛЕНО) [English-“redacted”] to meet with top American military and intelligence leaders, states that the extreme urgency of the information received necessitated President Putin to schedule a meeting with Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan on 8 January, to be followed by another such meeting held with German Chancellor Angela Merkel three days later on 11 January—meetings whose main focus will be on an attack occurring in the early hours of 5 January in Kenya destroying some of America’s rarest spy planes, as well as its having left 3 American fighters dead—spy planes whose destruction of leaves a vast swath of the Middle East temporarily unable to have nuclear warheads detected—all coming barely a week after the Ministry of Defense (MoD), on 29 December 2019, warned that a mysterious fleet of drones operating out of the Francis E. Warren Air Force Base located in Cheyenne-Wyoming appearing over the vast Great Plains intercontinental ballistic missile fields located in Colorado and Nebraska were conducting a frantic search for a missing nuclear warhead—an MoD warning the US Air Force has just cryptically responded to by failing to confirm or deny the secret drone programme they have to keep prying eyes away from their nuclear missile silos—and in fear of what may soon be coming, saw Putin ordering the immediate destruction of Satan—which are the two most powerful nuclear weapons ever built in human history.   […]

Sorcha Faal

Trump Gambit To Destroy Saudi Arabia Sees Iran Raising Blood Red Shiite Battle Flag For First Time Since Middle Ages

An absolutely mind-blowing new Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MoFA) report circulating in the Kremlin today discussing the telephonic conference held between Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov and Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu a few hours ago, states that the gambit (a sacrificial action calculated to gain an advantage) now underway by President Donald Trump to remake the entire Islamic world begun with his ordering the assassination of General Qassem Soleimani, has rapidly accelerated into its second phase—a phase ignited less than 24-hours after Soleimani was killed when American “Deep State” supported and aligned Field Marshal Khalifa Haftar announced an all-out mobilization of his terrorist forces in Libya for what he declared is a JIHAD to confront and expel Turkish-NATO troops—troops the Turkish government approved in sending to protect the United Nations backed government of Libya—whose support is quickly needed as evidenced by Haftar’s forces having just attacked the Tripoli military school killing at least 30 of its officers—the blood of whom stains the hands of Saudi Arabia who is financing Haftar and his terrorists—which sees the Saudis now being in direct opposition to the United States who supports Libya’s UN-backed government—and though Trump can’t openly attack the Saudis, this doesn’t apply to an Iran able to destroy Saudi Arabia within a few days if it didn’t have to fear American retaliation—the same Iran that exchanged letters with the United States through a Swiss emissary immediately after Soleimani was killed—and after this exchange of letters, saw Iran televising to the entire Islamic world the raising over its most holy and sacred mosque the blood-red Ya la-Tharat al-Husayn battle flag—a battle flag not raised since the early Middle Ages—and that signals war has begun between Iran’s Shiite Muslims and the Sunni Muslims of Saudi Arabia.   […]

Sorcha Faal

America Seems Not To Know That War With Iran Is Impossible—Islamic Countries Simply Don’t Exist  

A thought-provoking new Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MoFA) report circulating in the Kremlin today discussing an official statement released by the government of the Islamic Republic of Iran stating that “the deputy head of the Hashed, Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis, and head of the Quds Force, Qasem Soleimani, were killed in a US strike that targeted their car on the Baghdad International Airport road”, says this gravely concerning event prompted Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov to call and remind his American counterpart US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo that “the assassination of Soleimani violates the norms of international law”—a reminder followed by Foreign Ministry spokesperson Maria Zakharova warning that Soleimani’s assassination “would only escalate regional tensions and make life worse for millions of people”—a fact apparently not known by the American people reading such headlines as “Fears Of All-Out War Grow After U.S. Kills Iran Gen. Qasem Soleimani” and “World War 3 Proof: Horrifying Reason Trump’s Iran Raid Really Could Spark Global Conflict”—a war that could never occur because Iran is not an actual country, nor are any other so-called Islamic nations—all of whose present borders, rulers and governments are imaginary Western constructs—and in reality sees all them being a part of what the Islamic faith itself calls Dar al-Islam—a term describing all Muslim peoples as one nation not bound by any borders—that stands opposed to those countries which do not have a treaty of nonaggression or peace with Muslims called Dar al-Harb—and were forever enshrined in Islamic law during the Umayyad Caliphate in the 7th Century—thus creating a world, that for the past over 1,300 years, has seen Dar al-Islam and Dar al-Harb being locked in perpetual war—with the objective of Dar al-Islam being to force Dar al-Harb into a state of Dar al-‘Ahd—a designation for peoples and/or nations that have a treaty of non-aggression or peace with Muslims—the last such example in history being the Armenian peoples who were the Dar al-‘Ahd of the Islamic Ottoman Empire in the early 20th Century—but upon the outbreak of World War I, saw the Armenian people breaking their Dar al-‘Ahd agreement by taking up arms against the Islamic Ottoman Empire—thus turning the Armenian peoples into Dar al-Harb whom the Muslims then slaughtered by the millions.   […]

Sorcha Faal

Hillary Clinton “Safe Harbor” Maneuver Ignites Israeli-Irish War Within Epstein Extermination Event

A riveting highly-classified “Of Special Importance” new Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR) report circulating in the Kremlin today updating factional maneuvering within the “Epstein Extermination Event”—a survival of the fittest conflict pitting under impeachment threat President Donald Trump and under indictment threat Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu against international criminal mastermind Hillary Clinton—states that Clinton’s sudden acceptance yesterday to be the chancellor at Queen’s University in Belfast-Northern Ireland has ignited a war between the globally feared Israeli assassination organization The Institute for Intelligence and Special Operations (MOSSAD) and the terrorist organization known as the Real Irish Republican Army (New IRA/NIRA)—a Northern Ireland terrorist organization whose top international pariah commander Gerry Adams was shockingly granted a visa by President Bill Clinton to visit the United States in 1994 over the objections of the entire diplomatic, intelligence and military establishments in America, and that overturned 200 years of British oversight on American policy towards Ireland—and whose New IRA terrorist forces will protect both of the Clintons should Hillary’s “Safe Harbor Gambit” fail—a desperate gambit being attempted by the Clintons to keep from being extradited to America from  Northern Ireland to face soon coming criminal charges—which is actually getting a boost as the European Arrest Warrant (EAW) that would normally be used to capture and extradite an American citizen from Northern Ireland will be lost as a result of the UK’s withdrawal from the EU—thus leaving the only governing law pertaining to the Clintons being the Extradition Act 2003 agreed upon and ratified between the US and British governments—which contains a provision declaring that “extradition shall not be granted if the competent authority of the Requested State determines that the request is politically motivated”—and beyond all doubt, the Clintons will use against Trump to keep him from extraditing them—but with both of the Clintons failing to note that this gambit places them in direct conflict with a MOSSAD that’s already discovered the New IRA has been training Palestinians on how to blow up Israeli soldiers, and are enraged over these Northern Irish terrorists having turned Ireland into the most extreme Israel-bashing country in the West—and of all the enemies the Clintons could have chosen to pit themselves against, MOSSAD is absolutely the worst one—most particularly because one of murdered child sex slaver Jeffrey Epstein’s closest associates named Steven Hoffenberg has revealed that Epstein was a celebrity spy for MOSSAD and was killed because he had become a liability for Israeli intelligence. […]

Sorcha Faal

2020 Marks End Of Most Mysterious Century In Human History Seeing Death As Only Major Advancement

A fascinatingly mind-blowing new Security Council (SC) report circulating in the Kremlin today noting the main 2020 domestic and international priority for President Putin will be the 9 May celebration marking 75th Anniversary celebration of the former Soviet Union’s victory over Nazi Germany in the Great Patriotic War (known in the West as World War II), says the remembrance of this event that claimed the lives of over 81-million human beings—26-million of whom were the Soviet-Russia citizens who died saving the world from Adolph Hitler and his Nazi German Regime—is the only major achievement of the century of time that began in 1920 and ended yesterday with the beginning of 2020—a sad reflection on all humanity that saw their greatest advancements in world history occurring between 1820 and 1920—but for reasons still remaining mysterious and unexplained, saw all human advancement grinding to a sudden halt nearly 50-years ago when what is called “The Golden Quarter” ended—a period of time that ran from approximately 1945 to 1971 where just about everything that defines the modern world either came about, or had its seeds sown—but since has seen only incremental improvements being made upon what came before.   […]