Sorcha Faal

UN Chief Warning That “Wind Of Madness Is Sweeping Globe” Proves True After US Democrat Leader Has Mind Blown Out Of Her Head

An engaging new Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MoFA) report circulating in the Kremlin today noting the affirmation given by Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov that Russia will react to the massive US military exercise in Europe due in March, “but it will do so in a way that will rule out unnecessary risks”, says a world teetering on the brink of chaos and breakdown at the present time rules out even contemplating actions that could lead to further destabilization—especially at a time when the entire world is trembling in fear as the four plagues of Coronavirus, African Swine Fever, H5N1 Bird Flu and H1N1 Swine Flu are simultaneously marching their way across Asia—a catastrophe now joined by the “Biblical Proportion” growing plague of hundreds-of-billions of locusts devouring everything in their path from African to the Middle East—all coming at the exact same time United Nations Secretary General Antonio Guterres is gravely warning “A Wind Of Madness Is Sweeping The Globe”—winds of madness that, a few hours ago, reached Washington D.C., where President Donald Trump was delivering an “economic dazzling”  annual State of the Union Address to the American people described as a “grand slam”, and blew the mind out of socialist Democrat Party House Leader Nancy Pelosi—the same Pelosi who vowed yesterday that her US House of Representatives will vote this week on a sweeping bill to force all the American people to begin paying dues to unions they don’t belong to—a vow made while Pelosi was digesting the grim news that her Democrats “Might Have Screwed Up The Whole Nomination Process” because of their train wreck disaster called the presidential Iowa Caucuses, and her learning that another major employer is leaving her San Francisco district and taking thousands of high-paying jobs with them—all leading mind blown out Pelosi to shame herself before the entire world when she ripped up Trump’s speech on live television—a disgusting display of mindless rage the White House immediately responded to by saying: “Speaker Pelosi just ripped up: One of our last surviving Tuskegee Airmen. The survival of a child born at 21 weeks.  The mourning families of Rocky Jones and Kayla Mueller.  A service member’s reunion with his family. That’s her legacy”—who were followed by White House social media director Dan Scavino stating: “Nancy Pelosi destroyed a historical record tonight at #SOTU. The speech she ripped up was a one-of-a-kind record, signed by POTUS and full of stories of Bravery, Heroism and Patriotism. It belonged to the AMERICAN PEOPLE, not to her. What a disgusting display of raw partisanship!”—both of whom were quickly joined by top Fox News host Greg Gutfeld tweeting out: “I didn’t realize how fucking great that speech was until Pelosi ripped it up”, and popular conservative Seattle radio host Jason Rantz tweeting: “Imagine being 108 years old and still acting like you’re 9”—the latter being a sentiment shared by US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, who in trying to find someone to compare Pelosi to, settled on likening her to the tantrum throwing cartoon girl-child Lisa Simpson.  […]

Sorcha Faal

Trump Cheers After Hillary Clinton Rigs Vote In Iowa—Democrats Aren’t So Amused

An amusing new Security Council (SC) report circulating in the Kremlin today noting that it’s too early to talk about the timeframe and form of the anticipated nationwide vote on constitutional amendments, says it’s fortunate in these modern times that Russia has an election system where “all candidates have equal rights and equal responsibilities”, as opposed to the one in America where votes can be rigged seemingly at will—best exampled in the United States over the past few hours during the kickoff to its 2020 Presidential Election—a biennial electoral event for members of the Democratic and Republican Parties called the Iowa Caucuses—where, at 21:38 GMT+6 (9:38 P.M. local time) on 3 February, the Iowa Republican Party announced that an historic and record setting turnout resulted in President Donald Trump winning all of the party’s 37 delegates by his receiving 99% of caucus goers’ support—after which all eyes turned to the Iowa Democratic Party to see who won their caucus vote—seeing eyes, however, that were immediately blinded by the smoke coming from the “train wreck” of this Democrat caucus vote after Hillary Clinton “rose from her political grave to derail it”—a train wreck derailing caused by the mysterious software company named Shadow that created the application used to tabulate Democrat votes—whose company website provides scarce information on the people involved, other than to note that they formerly worked with the campaign of Hillary Clinton—and is owned by a company called Groundbase that was founded by Gerard Niemira, who worked for Hillary’s campaign during her 2016 failed election against Trump—with this mysterious company Shadow being further aided by Hillary’s campaign director in the 2016 election Robby Mook, as well Matt Rhodes, who was the campaign director in 2012 for the failed presidential bid of Mitt Romney—all of which shows that when you combine Hillary with any company having the word “shadow” in its name, sees this company being led by die-hard Hillary supporters, who joined themselves with a Trump-hating Romney whose secret Twitter name he uses is “Pierre Delecto”, and then allow them all to count the Democrat votes in Iowa—you’re guaranteed to get such headlines as “Dems Have a Cluster-Rama Up Here: Iowa Caucus Results Delayed Due to App Problems”, “You Only Have One Job, Iowa: Delay With US Democratic Party’s First Caucus Results Sparks Anger And Jokes Online” and “The Iowa Caucus Just Crashed And Burned And Democrats Will Never Hear The End Of It”—not to mention this debacle making the Trump camp gleeful as Democrats grapple with their Iowa mess—so gleeful, in fact, Trump’s campaign chief Brad Parscale comically pointed out the obvious with his Tweet saying “They can’t even run a caucus and they want to run the government”—who was followed by Donald Trump Jr. mockingly Tweeting the more than obvious question needing to asked about the Iowa vote: “Clinton the Winner?”. […]

Sorcha Faal

US Declares Public Health Emergency As Death Toll Hits 10,000—But None From Coronavirus

A troubling new Security Council (SC) report circulating in the Kremlin today noting Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin having signed a decree to place the Novel Coronavirus 2019-nCoV on the list of diseases posing a threat to citizens, joining it with 15 other diseases such as HIV, malaria, tuberculosis, Siberian plague, cholera and the plague, says this defensive health measure was appropriate after two Chinese citizens visiting Russia were discovered infected with this disease—an infection discovery of this disease that further prompted Russia to suspend all rail passenger services with China as the death toll in mainland China of this disease has overtaken SARS and experts are now warning that this coronavirus will likely become a pandemic—actions met by US Health and Human Services Secretary Alex Azar having declared this coronavirus to be a public health emergency in the United States where no deaths from it have been reported—a health emergency declaration, however, coming at the exact same time the US has documented a staggering 10,000 lives lost over the past few months due to an influenza virus—not just any influenza virus, but one of the rarest ones identified as Influenza Strain B/Victoria/2/87—that’s currently rampaging throughout the entire US, and has never caused a pandemic because it rarely changes or mutates—was last time seen in the US during the 1992-1993 flu season—which explains why the US doesn’t have a vaccine match for it this year, as no one saw it coming—the lone exception, however, being the American doctor-scientists at the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)—who in the weeks just prior to the start of the October to May 2019-2020 US flu season, on 12 September 2019, declared an unusual mortality event for Arctic ice seals—Arctic seals that were beginning to flood into their North American breeding grounds from Alaska to California after traveling through Far Eastern Pacific Ocean waters—and most critical to note because the influenza B virus is only known to infect humans and seals. […]

Sorcha Faal

Democrats Fearing Trump Revenge Make Shock Move To Surrender America To Britain

An insightful new Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MoFA) report circulating in the Kremlin today noting the American Democrat Party Establishment having just “Hit The Panic Button” as socialist presidential candidate US Senator Bernie Sanders overtakes former Vice President Joe Biden in national polls, says this internecine (mutually destructive) political warfare move crashes and burns into insignificance when measured against the thermonuclear one these Democrats deployed yesterday against President Donald Trump—a move that astonishingly saw rising Democrat Party establishment candidate Michael “Mini Mike” Bloomberg vowing to enact $5 trillion in new taxes that would reverse the tax breaks for large companies and small businesses who benefited from Trump’s 2017 tax overhaul—tax breaks which saw these large companies and small businesses returning to American the trillions-of-dollars of wealth they had kept overseas because of high taxes—and when returned because of Trump, saw the US economy reaching historic new heights—but if allowed to be destroyed, would see these trillions-of-dollars flowing right back out of America again—the destination of would, most assuredly, be Britain, who this past week severed its ties to the European Union—a severing of EU ties that now sees Britain remaking itself again as the shape of its society and economy, and its place in the world, are very much up for grabs—and is a Britain that’s has already declared upon leaving the EU, they “will be a huge tax haven in the middle of Europe”—thus meaning that these Democrats are actually preparing to surrender the entire US economy to Britain—a surrender these Democrats are offering to Britain as they know what Trump has planned for them next—further clues about which were revealed this past week when feared US Attorney John Durham appointed a new chief to his criminal division, who happens to be Assistant US Attorney Sarah Karwan, an expert on financial fraud and public corruption—that will now see Karwan working with Durham to uncover the origins of the coup plot against Trump—a plot whose origins in Britain can be quickly investigated to their fullest as British police and intelligence officials are no longer constrained by the EU, and can now search through US data without asking a judge—all of which leads one to ask why these demented Democrats ever thought in the first place they could take on Trump and win—a Trump whose unyielding ferocity against his enemies was put on full display, yet again, right in the middle of his impeachment trial this past week—and was when, two days ago, on 31 January, Trump sent a memo to US Secretary of Defense Mark Esper cancelling an Obama-era policy forbidding the use of anti-personnel landmines—landmines that Obama only permitted the US military to use to protect the border between North and South Korea—but which Trump knows are, also, landmines ready-made to protect the volatile US-Mexican border.  […]

Sorcha Faal

Trump Targets California With “Game Changer” City Block Nuke Missile Test 

A foreboding new Ministry of Defense (MoD) report circulating in the Kremlin today examining findings related to the long-duration Tu-160 strategic nuclear armed bombers over flights of the Arctic, notes these flight crews having registered an unannounced ballistic missile test firing from within this region on 29 January—a test firing preceded by an alert message emanating from the United States Navy Ohio-Class ballistic missile submarine USS Tennessee (SSBN-734), that left its homeport at Naval Submarine Base Kings Bay in Georgia-USA in late December-2019 to begin patrol exercises in Arctic waters—and was a test seeing this submarine launching a ballistic missile using the North Pole route to reach its State of California target destination, where upon reentering the atmosphere, its streaking through the sky caused concerns among this State’s citizens unknowing of what was occurring—but instead of these American citizens being concerned about this missile’s reentry into their skies, should more rightly see them becoming panicked—because, for the first time in history, the USS Tennessee set sail with the “Game Changing” new and controversial low-yield W76-2 nuclear warhead—a warhead that detonates on the ground to create a fireball just over 490-feet wide, wherein everything is incinerated—which designates it as a type of “city block” weapon device unsuitable for nuclear armed great-nation warfare—as in this type of warfare, nuclear weapons would vaporize entire cities and large-scale military bases—thus leading to the question as to whom President Donald Trump, who ordered this nuclear weapon to be rapidly developed and deployed, is intending to use it against.  […]

Sorcha Faal

China In Full Meltdown After Children Infected With Mysterious Virus Fall To Knees Crying “Jesus Is Our Lord”

A mind-blowing new Ministry of Health (MINZDRAV) report circulating in the Kremlin today noting the handing over by China this morning a sample of the genome of the mysterious novel coronavirus 2019-nCoV to the medical-scientific team dispatched to the Russian Consulate General in the southern Chinese city of Guangzhou by Federal Medical-Biological Agency Director Veronika Skvortsova, astonishingly states that the tens-of-millions of Chinese citizens on lockdown to prevent the spread of this coronavirus isn’t at all what it appears to be—suspicions about which began to be raised this past week by Ministry doctor-scientists examining the R0 value (pronounced “R naught”) of this coronavirus—a mathematical term that indicates how contagious an infectious disease is, and is also referred to as the reproduction number, as an infection spreads to new people, it reproduces itself—and for this mysterious Chinese single-stranded RNA genome coronavirus sees its R0 value being somewhere around 1.5 to 3—which places its infectious rate at one near equal to the single-stranded RNA genome coronavirus known as the common cold that has an R0 value of between 2 and 3—thus causing a pivot to the mortality rate of this mysterious coronavirus to see if that could explain such a massive lockdown of people—but was quickly ruled out as this particular coronavirus has a relatively low mortality rate, and as of this date, only 106 people have died from a pool of 4,630 confirmed cases worldwide, and many of the casualties were older peoples having serious underlying medical conditions such as diabetes and heart disease—facts which then caused Ministry doctor-scientists to examine societal conditions in China in their search for greater understanding of what is really occurring—an examination that quickly discovered Chinese leaders have gone into full meltdown mode closing all of their nation’s movie theaters and all of its schools—places of mass concentrations of Chinese children, who upon the outbreak of this mysterious coronavirus, initial social media posts breaking through this nation’s internet “Bamboo Curtain” were said to be suddenly falling to their knees by the thousands and crying out “Jesus Is Our Lord” while seeing heavenly visions—an actual crime in a China that rips down posters of Jesus and replaces them with pictures of their President-For-Life Xi Jinping—that most incredibly, though, does provide a strong clue as to what may be actually occurring—as what is happening in China today has as its historical counterpart the events which occurred over 800-years-ago in Middle Age Europe during the 13th Century—where after a new non-segmented RNA virus the English peoples termed “mezils” began infecting children—tens-of-thousands of these children declared themselves “Warriors for Jesus” and began their ill-fated crusade marchs through Europe to the Holy Land to free it from the Muslims—thus giving a deeper and historic explanation to the word coronavirus itself—as it’s derived from the ancient Latin word “corona” meaning “Crown or Halo”.   […]

Sorcha Faal

Mysterious “Tic-Tac UFO” Vimana Craft Slices Through Rare US Air Force Communications Plane In Skies Over Afghanistan

A highly-classified “Of Special Importance” new Ministry of Defense (MoD) report circulating in the Kremlin today states that at 12:27 hrs GMT+4.5 on 27 January 2020, a newly launched surveillance satellite under the control of the Space Troops of the Aerospace Force logged the occurrence of an “unidentified aerial phenomena” event emanating from the Tibetan Plateau region of the Himalayas—an event which saw a mysterious Vimana-like aircraft rapidly accelerating from the highest mountains on Earth to reach Mach-10 speed (7,672 miles per hour) as it circumvented the globe to its underwater destination in the Irish Sea off the coast the United Kingdom—a near exact occurrence to the November-2018 event that saw expert pilots reporting the spotting of “supersonic” UFOs over the Irish Sea—an Irish Sea many UFO experts have long believed contains a “secret alien base” lying off the coast of Northern Wales—and in yesterday’s event, saw this mysterious aircraft entering the skies over Afghanistan where, at 13:10 hrs GMT+4.5 (1:10 PM local time), it “sliced” through and destroyed a US Air Force E-11A Battlefield Airborne Control Node aircraft, of which there are only four in existence—the second known such destruction of an American military aircraft operating in the skies of Afghanistan that follows the 2017 attack on a US Predator Drone taken down when one of these mysterious crafts targeted it with a laser weapon—a mysterious craft the US military has admitted the existence of and the public has labeled as a “Tic-Tac UFO”—one of whose US Navy pilots described them as “not behaving by the normal laws of physics”—further information about, though will not be forthcoming as the US military has just cryptically declared it will say nothing more about these mysterious crafts as to do so “would cause exceptionally grave damage to US national security”—a declaration standing opposed to a United Kingdom whose naval forces control the waters of the Irish Sea—and who within a few hours of this mysterious craft downing the US Air Force aircraft in the skies over Afghanistan, made a shock announcement that, for the first time in history, they’re making all of their once top secret UFO files public. […]

Sorcha Faal

Schiff Horrified As Russia-Ukraine Peace Upends Their Lies

An irony-filled new Security Council (SC) report circulating in the Kremlin today noting President Putin and Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky having established a working and effective contact between themselves, states that Moscow’s continued efforts to aid Ukraine in bringing peace to its “frozen conflict” eastern provinces further upends the mountain of lies spewed last week by socialist Democrat Party House Impeachment Manager US Congressman Adam Schiff about his “imaginary war” between Russia and Ukraine during the hoax trial of President Donald Trump in the US Senate—lies spewed by Schiff to exaggerate beyond all meaning the actual “Destructive Codependency” existing between Russia and Ukraine over the language rights and religious freedoms of Ukrainian-Russian citizens imprisoned in a Ukraine they no longer want to be a part of—but are explainable lies when one notices that Schiff is “a dangerous warmonger funded by the largest American weapons makers desperately trying to increase their blood-profits by selling US taxpayer funded arms to Ukraine”—all explainable, too, when one further notices the violent socialist Democrat Party that Schiff is a leader of—violence put on full and shocking display when Democrat Party House Leader Nancy Pelosi held a ceremony to sign the impeachment papers being used by Schiff with “golden pens meant to look like bullets hand delivered to her on silver trays”—though while embracing violence, yesterday saw Schiff “going full snowflake” and his fellow Democrats “losing their sanity” after Trump posted a Twitter message saying: “Shifty Adam Schiff is a CORRUPT POLITICIAN, and probably a very sick man. He has not paid the price, yet, for what he has done to our Country!”—Democrat insanity replied to by top White House official Stephanie Grisham who said “Schiff was having a little bit of a mental issue” when he claimed Trump threatened him—a “mental issue” no doubt caused by Schiff watching in horror as the television audience of his impeachment trial hoax continues to plummet at the same time Trump’s approval numbers have hit a record high—which has now been joined by the news that stories about Schiff’s impeachment during the first three days of his House impeachment hearings held last year that resulted in 32.5 million interactions (likes, comments, shares) on social media, have collapsed to only 17.8 million interactions on impeachment stories during last week’s US Senate trial—an en masse American people tune-out of Schiff’s lies best explained by popular US conservative author and filmmaker Dinesh D’Souza, who just said about these lunatic socialist Democrats and their impeachment hoax: “What’s striking here is the total lack of self-consciousness…These fanatics convince no one but they persist in their fanaticism…It’s like listening to someone in a madhouse try to convince you he’s Napoleon…“I’m short. I’m great. So you see? The evidence is overwhelming”. […]

Sorcha Faal

Trump Trial Hoax Veers Towards World War III After Schiff Warns Russia Is Preparing To Invade America

An alarming new Security Council (SC) report circulating in the Kremlin today discussing the just completed 100-kilometer (62 miles) forced march multiple launch rocket system drills carried out this week by the Central Military District’s large artillery unit stationed in the Kemerovo Region in southwestern Siberia—says this combat drill being conducted to confront, if need be, the about 20,000 pieces of military equipment and supplies and 20,000 US troops being deployed from the United States to the borders of Russia in the largest such war move in 25-years, should be immediately expanded to include all land, air, naval and nuclear forces under the command of the Ministry of Defense (MoD)—a grave move towards World War III necessitated by socialist Democrat Party House Impeachment Manager US Congressman Adam Schiff “launching himself into a crazed Putin-Russia tantrum” yesterday after the legal team defending President Donald Trump in a hoax impeachment trial presented their opening remarks—a “crazed tantrum” which follows by days Schiff warning at this hoax trial that Russia is preparing to attack and invade the US mainland—both of which are insane delusions causing Schiff to now be labeled as the “Warmongering Stooge Of The Deep State”—but do defy Schiff’s past friendly relations with Russia—best exampled in 2013 when Schiff held two fundraisers for his reelection campaign with Russian-Ukrainian arms dealer Igor Pasternak—in 2016 when Schiff flew with the Ambassador of the Russian Federation to the United States Sergey Kislyak to the CNN-sponsored Aspen Security Forum—and in 2017 when Schiff gleefully accepted an offer of foreign dirt on Trump offered by what he thought were top Russian officials—but were actually pranksters out to prove how hypocritical Schiff really is when it comes to American politicians using foreigners to dig up dirt on their opponants.   […]

Sorcha Faal

Impeachment Hoax Collides With “This Time I’m Petrified” Pandemic Warning

A gravely concerning new Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MoFA) report circulating in the Kremlin today noting Russia’s biggest travel companies have suspended sales of tours to China due to the novel coronavirus outbreak, in line with earlier recommendations issued by the Federal Agency for Tourism (ROSTOURISM), says coinciding with this move was the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists shock announcement that the Doomsday Clock has been moved closer than ever to its end point of global annihilation, and is now just 100 seconds to midnight—a Clock established in 1947 as a metaphor for threats to humanity from unchecked scientific and technical advances, most particularly nuclear war—and whose advancement towards oblivion comes at the same time the world’s two most powerful nations, the United States and China, are themselves reeling out of control—as in China its government has suddenly increased this mysterious viruses death toll by over 60% that’s led to over 70,000 screens going dark as China has just closed every single one of its movie theaters—a defensive move due to researchers warning that over 250,000 more people in China will be infected with this mysterious virus in 10-days—and whose epicenter of is the region surrounding the Wuhan National Biosafety Laboratory that is the only lab in China designated for studying dangerous pathogens like SARS and Ebola, that US biosafety experts warned about in 2017 over their fears that a virus could “escape” this facility—a warning well known about by the world’s top virologist Doctor-Scientist Guan Yi of the University of Hong Kong’s State Key Laboratory of Emerging Infectious Diseases, the discoverer of SARS who a few hours ago grimly declared about this mysterious virus: “This Time I’m Petrified”—a sentiment no doubt being shared by the citizens of the United States who are, likewise, petrified—but not because of this mysterious virus rampaging across the world, as they are being forced to watch in horror as the socialist Democrats in their country try to destroy it—a destruction masquerading as the impeachment trial of President Donald Trump to throw him off the ballot of the 2020 Presidential Election before he can be reelected—an actual coup overthrow attempt best described as “Trial By Stupid” because its socialist Democrat prosecutor House Impeachment Manager Adam Schiff can’t stop himself from attacking the US Senators judging this case—the latest example of which occurred when Schiff wrapped up his deluded presentation by angering Republican Senators with a fake news report claiming an anonymous Trump “confidant” had said any Republican Senator who voted against Trump would have their heads on pikes—an outright lie that “caused audible gasps to be heard throughout the US Senate chamber”—gasps most importantly coming from powerful Republican Senator Susan Collins, who shook her head angrily, mouthed the words “That’s not true!”, then crossed her arms over her chest in protest for the rest of Schiff’s speech—with Collins being joined by Republican Senator Lisa Murkowski saying about Schiff: “that’s where he lost me”—and Republican Senator James Lankford speaking for all of this colleagues and indignantly stating: “The whole room was visibly upset on our side…that’s insulting and demeaning to everyone to say that we somehow live in fear and that the President has threatened all of us”. […]

Sorcha Faal

UN Crisis Meet To Consider Geneva Convention War Crime Charges Against Democrats For Mindless Torture

An intriguing new Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MoFA) report circulating in the Kremlin today noting the United Nations welcoming President Putin’s initiative to organize a meeting between the leaders of the Five Permanent Members of the Security Council to discuss global problems, posits that the first discussion item on this agenda must be an assessment of the warning just issued by socialist-globalist multi-billionaire George Soros saying: “The 2020 American Election Will Determine Fate Of The World”—an election trying to be derailed in the US Senate impeachment trial of President Donald Trump where its socialist Democrat Impeachment House Manager Adam Schiff “lectured the American people to tell them their vote doesn’t count, then told them ballot boxes can no longer be trusted”—after which Schiff glared at the US Senators judging this impeachment trial and shockingly mocked them with the words: “I also want again take this opportunity to thank the senators for their long and considerable attention over the course of the last two days…Of course it doesn’t hurt that the morning starts out every day with a Sergeant at Arms warning you that if you don’t, you will be in prison”—despicable words said by Schiff attacking both decency and democracy that, in turn led Chairwoman of the Council of Federation Valentina Matviyenko to suggest these socialist Democrats be another discussion item among global leaders as the mindless brainwashing torture they’re subjecting the American people to in this impeachment scam is a war crime prohibited by the Geneva Convention—and is exactly what the New York Post has just accused these Democrats of doing with their impeachment charade, too.  […]

Sorcha Faal

West Virginia Starts Legal Process To Free “Peoples And Territories” From Socialist Dictatorship Commonwealth Of Virginia

January 23, 2020 West Virginia Starts Legal Process To Free “Peoples And Territories” From Socialist Dictatorship Commonwealth Of Virginia By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers A grimly worded new Security Council (SC) report circulating in the Kremlin today commenting on United Nations Secretary General […]

Sorcha Faal

“Schiff Lies” And “Nadler Cries” As Senseless Murder Begins Trump Impeachment Death Toll Count

disturbing new Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MoFA) report circulating in the Kremlin today discussing the cutting down in Davos-Switzerland of globalist-socialist ideology, while celebrating economic nationalism, barely 18-hours ago by President Donald Trump in what is being described as “One Of The Best Speeches Of His Presidency”, states that more than words will be needed to kill off this failed socialist ideology that’s now turned both dangerous and deadly—best exampled yesterday when a French socialist controlled-court sentenced intellectual Renaud Camus to a suspended 2-month prison term for his daring to tell the truth and say that mass immigration into Europe represents an invasion—an actual thought-crime conviction followed an ocean away, and a few hours later, by deranged Florida socialist maniac Mason Toney senselessly stabbing to death his pro-Trump boss William Knight, and then mockingly covering his victim’s body with an American flag—a senseless killing that begins what can be rightfully called the “Trump Impeachment Death Toll” whose numbers are sure to grow in an American nation now setting a new standard for political polarization and is currently under siege by “the predetermined end of a partisan crusade”—words that describe the socialist Democrat Party battle-to-the-death war to remove Trump from the 2020 Presidential Ballot as they’ve openly admitted they can’t beat him in this election—is a socialist crusade to destroy Trump by impeaching him from power, however, that’s just hit a stone wall called the United States Senate—where yesterday its Republican Party majority quickly sailed through the rules for this impeachment after modifying its trial day length from 12 to 8 hours a day—but not before socialist Democrat Party House Intelligence Leader Adam Schiff lied to the US Senate telling them he gave Republicans equal time during his sham hearings when no such thing happened—shockingly told the US Senate that Trump mounting a legal defense is evidence of guilt—and while lying to the US Senate, saw new evidence being discovered proving that Schiff illegally leaked classified information, as well as new documents being discovered showing that he mischaracterized and distorted key evidence—atrocities against the rule of law followed by socialist Democrat Party House Judiciary Leader Jerry Nadler issuing a threat to the US Senate and crying: “So far, I’m sad to say, I see a lot of senators voting for a cover-up…Voting to deny witnesses and obviously a treacherous vote,..A vote against an honest consideration of the evidence against the President…A vote against an honest trial…A vote against the United States”—a threat immediately responded to by White House Counsel Pat Cipolline, who turned to Nadler and snapped: “This Is the United States Senate…You’re Not in Charge Here!”—that then caused Chief Justice of the United States John Roberts to intervene and tell both Nadler and Cipolline: “I think it is appropriate at this point for me to admonish both the House Managers and the President’s counsel in equal terms to remember they are addressing the world’s greatest deliberative body…One reason it has earned that title is because its members avoid speaking in a manner and using language that is not conducive to civil discourse”—a critical reminder issued by Chief Justice Roberts as he well knows this conflict isn’t only about these socialists trying to destroy Trump, but their trying to destroy the American presidency, too—thus making it understandable why the National Republican Senatorial Committee has just sounded the clarion call “The Senate Exists for Moments Like This”.   […]

Sorcha Faal

Democrats Explode In Rage After Trump Inspired “Church Of Holy Hell” Spectacle Limited To Short Run

A troubling new Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MoFA) report circulating in the Kremlin today expressing dismay over events in Libya spiraling out of control at the same world leaders gather in an effort to prevent this crisis from causing a major war, the government of Lebanon nearing collapse as its citizens are in open revolt, the government of France facing a popular uprising described as either a frozen conflict or revolution, the International Monetary Fund slashing its global GDP forecast as the world’s shipment of goods continues its epic plunge, and worst of all the World Health Organization calling an emergency meeting after China confirmed that a mysterious new virus has killed four people and is being spread person-to-person, states that left absent from aiding in the solving of these growing catastrophes is the United States—the most powerful nation in the world top Republican Party US Senator Lindsey Graham is now warning has been hijacked by socialist Democrat Party House Leader Nancy Pelosi who he says has “orchestrated the church of holy hell” against President Donald Trump—a reference to the Pelosi initiated hoax impeachment of Trump countered a few hours ago by Republican Party Senate Leader Mitch McConnell with his filing of a document titled Organizing Resolution—a 4-page document that outlines the US Senate impeachment trial of Trump—which begins today, will allow the Democrats to present their case against Trump during two 12-hour days on 22-23 January, followed by Trump’s defense being given during two 12-hour days on 24-25 January to present their counter case—followed by US Senators being able to submit written questions to US Chief Justice of the United States John Roberts, who in turn will ask them to either Democrats or Trump’s attorneys during two 8-hour days on 27-28 January—after which, on 29 January, US Senators will vote on if they want to have witnesses appear before them—is a schedule McConnell created that “shows he’s not playing games” as he moves to extricate his nation and its citizens from this actual travesty of justice—but predictably is a limited schedule that has “sparked a new outcry from socialist Democrats”—most particularly Democrat Party Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer who Tweeted out: “After reading his resolution, it’s clear Sen. McConnell is hell-bent on making it much more difficult to get witnesses & documents and intent on rushing the trial through  On something as important as impeachment—Sen. McConnell’s resolution is nothing short of a national disgrace”—that Schumer followed by declaring: “It’s clear Senator McConnell is hell-bent on making it much more difficult to get witnesses and documents and intent on rushing the trial through…Any senator that votes for the McConnell resolution will be voting to hide information and evidence from the American people”—both of which are impossible to understand as just 24-hours earlier, US House Judiciary Chairman Jerry Nadler, the Democrats’ top impeachment prosecutor of Trump in this US Senate trial, gave a nationwide television interview and proclaimed: “We have a very rock solid case…The case we have if presented to a jury would be a guilty verdict in about three minutes flat”—and is the same Nadler who “has suggested that, if a trade is needed to secure witnesses, the Democrat managers handling this impeachment will not agree to any witnesses if Hunter Biden is part of the deal”.   […]

Sorcha Faal

US Military Issues “Active War Zone” Declaration For Virginia—Begins Practice Bombing Runs—Jams All GPS Signals—Orders Halt To All Flights

A gravely concerning new Ministry of Defense (MoD) report circulating in the Kremlin today states that the “enhanced communications measures” to “avoid unintended incidents” ordered established by President Donald Trump near immediately after he took office in 2017, have been activated on this date to inform Security Council Chairman President Vladimir Putin that that the regions surrounding the Commonwealth of Virginia have been declared by the United States Department of Defense (DoD) to be a potential “Active War Zone”—a declaration followed by a global Notice To Airmen (NOTAM) warning stating: “FDC 0/4707 ZDC PART 1 OF 3 VA..AIRSPACE RICHMOND, VA..TEMPORARY FLIGHT RESTRICTIONS. JANUARY 20, 2020 LOCAL. PURSUANT TO 49 USC 40103(B)(3), THE FEDERAL AVIATION ADMINISTRATION (FAA) CLASSIFIES THE AIRSPACE DEFINED IN THIS NOTAM AS ‘NATIONAL DEFENSE AIRSPACE’. ANY PERSON WHO KNOWINGLY OR WILLFULLY VIOLATES THE RULES CONCERNING OPERATIONS IN THIS AIRSPACE MAY BE SUBJECT TO CERTAIN CRIMINAL PENALTIES UNDER 49 USC 46307”—is a NOTAM warning joined by another one issued by US Navy Carrier Strike Group Four (CSG4) declaring that they will be jamming all GPS signals surrounding Virginia and its neighboring States in the Southeast region of America from 19-24 January—all of which are defensive war measures to protect the US Navy F-18 fighter-bomber aircraft who have just completed their live bombing drills in Florida as they prepare to engage their domestic targets in the United States itself.   […]

Sorcha Faal

Secret Service Removes Top Deep State Operative From White House While Leftists Threaten To Jail Anyone Voting For Trump

A cautiously upbeat new Security Council (SC) report circulating in the Kremlin today discussing the decision this week to continue boosting investment in US debt securities after furiously dumping them over the past two years, notes that the affirmation by the American economic organization S&P of Russia’s stable outlook BBB-rating based on the new government’s plan to maintain macroeconomic policy continuity and to broadly comply with its conservative fiscal rule is but one part of this turnaround—as the most important factor considered to begin reinvestment in the US debt security market is based on the long-term viability of its government—a long-term viability strengthened two days ago on Friday, 17 January, when the Secret Service escorted and threw out of the White House top National Security director Andrew Peek, who’s now been “placed on administrative leave pending an investigation concerning security matters”—an ouster coming shortly after the United States Senate took full control over the “shampeachment” of President Donald Trump—an actual coup attempt initiated by Obama Regime holdovers in the White House National Security Council—and with Peek’s shocking and sudden White House ouster, proves that this Deep State coup-leader has been under surveillance since this coup attempt began—a sudden ouster plunging the socialist Democrats and their leftist mainstream media lapdogs into such a fit of rage, they’re now threatening to jail any American citizen who votes for Trump—and as these maniacs have so blared with their NBC News warning headline “It May Be Illegal To Vote For President Trump And The Government Should Take Action”.  […]