Cloak and Dagger

Russia Declares “State Of War Now Exists”: Orders “Masterchain” Destruction Of America

“The signing of new sanctions against Russia into law by the US president leads to several consequences. First, any hope of improving our relations with the new US administration is over. Second, the US just declared a full-scale trade war on Russia. Third, the Trump administration demonstrated it is utterly powerless, and in the most humiliating manner transferred executive powers to Congress. […]

Cloak and Dagger

Trump Counterattack Begins: “No One Knows Who Will Survive”

Interestingly, this report details, the motivations underlying the Obama-Clinton “Deep State” plot to overthrow President Trump lies in the perverse practice of top American intelligence, foreign ministry and military officials leaving government service to take multi-million dollar positions in private companies—all of whom live extravagant lifestyles unable to be paid for by their US government pensions, and that President Trump had vowed to destroy. […]

Cloak and Dagger

Russian Puts All US Diplomats Under “Strict Surveillance”, Orders 755 To Leave Country 

According to this report, in a retaliatory move against the United States this past week, the Security Council ordered the FSB to begin “seizure proceedings” against two US owned properties in the Moscow Oblast—one of which, a US diplomatic warehouse, was discovered to have in it a significant number of scientific and laboratory equipment whose “purpose and usage” has yet to be explained by the Americans. Raising the concerns of the FSB relating to what was contained in this US warehouse, this report explains, is that it coincided with a US Air Force Modification/Amendment Notice titled Synovial Tissue / RNA Samples (Solicitation Number: FA3016-17-U-0164) that requested immediate genetic testing of the Russian population—and whose Notice exactly states: “…all samples (Synovial tissue and RNA samples) shall be collected from Russia and must be Caucasian.  The Government will not consider tissue samples from Ukraine.” […]

Abraham Lincoln

Trump Becomes Lincoln As New Civil War To Free America From Slavery Begins

An astonishing new Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MoFA) report circulating in the Kremlin today (reading as if it was written in 1860 instead of 2017) reveals that America’s Republican Party President Donald Trump has engaged in full assault upon his nation’s Democratic Party “slave masters” that echoes what that countries first Republican Party President Abraham Lincoln did in the mid 19th Century—where Lincoln, just like Trump today, had to battle these Democratic Party monsters to free the United States from the cruel yoke of slavery, but at the cost of a Civil War that left over 1 million dead. […]

Cloak and Dagger

Critical Update: Trump Threatens to End Health Payments Unless There’s an Overhaul

According to this report, in a clear case of ignoring the old adage that “sometimes your neighbor’s history warns you which path never to follow”, American leftist-communistic forces have attempted to force upon the people of the United States a nationalized healthcare system—just like the Soviet Communists did in Russia beginning in 1917 when they destroyed the existing healthcare structure in Imperial Russia that worked for everyone, and replaced it with a nationalized system that failed everybody. […]

Cloak and Dagger

Secret Ordo Illuminatus Religious Commandments vs. Reality

So the secret Ordo Illuminatus religious commandments have been exposed, and they’re not too different from the days of Adam Weishaupt in the late 1700s. Strange how many are self-evident realities, primarily the role of fake news, courtesy of the legacy media’s for-profit and therefore biased model. For the master plan to work, humans must adopt a binary system of truth vs. falsehood, which is being done by Facebook and Google to weed out the “fake news” they peddle from the establishment media that as a for-profit model, have no incentive to tell the truth. […]

Cloak and Dagger

World War I, RMS Titanic, And The “Nitrogen Bomb” That Will Kill Us All

In order to merge the banking structures of these two nations, though, the United States first had to first establish a central bank that through the printing of money (fiat currency) would enable it to finance a war against the German Empire.

The American bankers and tycoons attending this Spring 1912 meeting in London had an agenda of how to create a central bank structure in the United States—and whose attendees were John Pierpont (JP) Morgan (the richest man in America), Henry Frick (American industrialist and business associate of J.P. Morgan), Milton Hershey (of Hershey chocolate fame), Benjamin Guggenheim (one of the richest men in America), Isidor Straus (American multi millionaire co-owner of Macy’s (with his brother) and former US Congressman), John Jacob Astor IV (one of the richest men in America) and John Mott (one of America most influential evangelists). […]

Cloak and Dagger

Veteran Intelligence Officers Prove DNC Leak Doctored to Incriminate Russia

SUBJECT: Was the “Russian Hack” an Inside Job? Executive Summary: Forensic studies of “Russian hacking” into Democratic National Committee computers last year reveal that on July 5, 2016, data was leaked (not hacked) by a person with physical access to DNC computers, and then doctored to incriminate Russia. Key among the findings of the independent forensic investigations is the conclusion that the DNC data was copied onto a storage device at a speed that far exceeds an Internet capability for a remote hack. Of equal importance, the forensics show that the copying were performed on the East coast of the U.S. Thus far, mainstream media have ignored the findings of these independent studies. […]

Cloak and Dagger

New US Law To Remove Trump From Power And Declare War On Russia “Will Be Met By Force”

Under the US Constitution that provides for a tripartite (3 part) form of government equally dividing state power among the Executive Branch, Legislative Branch and Judicial Branch, this report explains, President Trump is the federal official primarily responsible for the relations of the United States with foreign nations—but should this new law pass this week, it would remove all such powers from the Executive Branch giving them, instead, to the US Congress—who shockingly in the final version of this bill takes Executive Orders signed by President Barack Obama and makes them law.

In 2014, this report notes, President Obama signed Executive Orders 13660, 13661, 13662, 13685, 13694 and 13757 imposing sanctions on Russia, which the Executive Branch has the power to do—but for the first time in American history, the US Congress, as the Legislative Branch, takes these Executive Orders signed by Obama and orders President Trump not to ever remove them—thus effectively negating his ability to conduct foreign policy. […]

Cloak and Dagger

Trump Moves To Destroy CIA As US Forces Flood Into Syria Under Russian Protection

An intriguing Ministry of Defense (MoD) report circulating in the Kremlin today states that for the first time since President John F. Kennedy sought to destroy the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) over its disastrously failed Bay Of Pigsplot to overthrow the Cuban government in 1961, President Donald Trump has, likewise, moved against the CIA in destroying its Islamic terrorist “private army” in Syria—while at the same time US military forces continue to pour into this region under Russian air force protection. […]

Cloak and Dagger

Russian Lawyer Who Met Donald Trump Jr. Survives Murder Plot Linked To US Senator McCain

A shocking new Federal Security Service (FSB) report states that the 11 July murder-suicide of former Ministry of Internal Affairs Colonel Anatoly Solomakhin that the Investigative Committee (SLEDCOM) had originally attributed to a “lovers crime” has taken on “critical/significant” importance after a Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR) review of this officials emails revealed that he had received from a US Senate staffer of Senator John McCain a photograph showing the Moscow residence of Natalia Veselnitskaya—who is the Russian lawyer presently embroiled in a controversy involving her June 2016 meeting with Donald Trump Jr. […]

Cloak and Dagger

Russia Stunned After Obama’s Private Interpreter Revealed To Be At Donald Trump Jr. Meeting

According to this report, of the now estimated 8 people to have attended this meeting between Trump Jr. and Veselnitskaya in June 2016, was Anatoli Samochornov—who until last week was listed as a Project Managerfor the US State Department’s Meridian International Center, and one of whose “central/main” duties was acting as an “interpreter at high level UN and private sector meetings for the Secretary of State and other VIP’s”. […]

Abraham Lincoln

Hacked Government Emails Details “Fake News” Plot Destroying US

“Television determines the agenda…the methods that I am talking about create a world view, something that’s called a “reality”…a reality is created for us….and if we see this reality the way it is brought to us by television, then we act in accordance with this reality. Chaos is the key word…all of it is done to create a stable association in our minds…it is an old mythologem — Chaos as a protoplasm from which the gods will then create the world…and it absolutely does not matter how much the real picture corresponds with the media picture. An overwhelming majority of television viewers have never been and will never travel there. And they make their judgment based on the television picture and not on what happens in reality”. […]

Cloak and Dagger

Russian Lawyer At Heart Of Trump Probe Revealed To Be James Comey’s “FBI Snitch”

To the “true/real” facts regarding Natalia Veselnitskaya’s being allowed to enter the US, however, FSB analysts in this report detail, was that while she was negotiating the “snitch deal” between Petr Katsyv and FBI Director Comey, she too was recruited to be an FBI informant—and as evidenced by her receiving a lucrative contract from the McCain Institute arranged by one of its senior directors named David Kramer who was a former US State Department official—and that just 8 days after her meeting Trump campaign officials, David Kramer arranging for her to meet with the Obama regimes former Ambassador to Russia Michael McFaul. […]

Cloak and Dagger

Islamic Terrorists Strike Heart Of America, Blow US Marine KC-130 Aircraft Out Of Sky

Of the greatest concern to the SVR regarding the blowing up of this US Marine KC-130 aircraft over the heart of America, this report concludes, is that Venezuela is now cooperating with ISIS against the Americans—and was gravely noticed earlier this year when Venezuela was discovered to be selling its passports in Iraq to anyone who wanted one—including Islamic terrorists fleeing the battlefields of both Syria and Iraq. […]