It is a leaked DNC document from 2016 that proves BLM riots are staged events. It is a document that details plans for a virus scare that would dissuade people from voting in person. It was a document detailing internal polling suggesting Clinton’s campaign had “metastasized” beyond repair and that extreme measures would be required to salvage it. The suggested option was to stage a UFO invasion using military holograms and psyops to cancel the election and install Hillary Clinton into power. Into this end, both Hillary and John Podesta made public claims about announcing the existence of UFOs. (PDF included.)
In light of recent events and months of BLM rioting and a pandemic lock down, it is chilling to realize that both were in a secret Democrat playbook from 2016 leaked by Wikileaks or Guccifer. The origins are uncertain, but what is certain are the parallels and the year it was released. Though eventually not chosen, both BlackLives Matter race riots and a virus scare were designed to discourage Trump voters from voting in person. Again, this was written four years ago, and it’s like the Democrats actually used Hillary Clinton’s playbook to take down Donald Trump this year.
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One option, in the “non-recommended” choices, involved the Zika virus…
Zipocalypse: Improved strains of ZIKV have been delivered and we have disseminated them to operatives. Unfortunately this will suppress women voters more than men (even as ZIKV2 is lethal in adults). This would hurt Hillary Clinton and Trump voters are willing to risk lethal pathogens to vote
Another option, in the “non-recommended” options was to stage a massive BLives Riot, which we can safely assume is a Black Lives Matter riot. George Soros, Clinton’s backer, has given this group millions of dollars The key risks to this approach were the following:
“Again, while staged civil unrest could prevent pockets of America from voting, the damage is too wide-spread. Command and control is dicey at this point as substantial numbers of employed minorities have defected to Trump.”
It appears that in 2020, the non-recommended options were unleashed in full force.