Sorcha Faal

Trump Throws Globalist Elites Inbetween Fortress America And New Twenty-First Century Third Reich

The masterful moves being made by President Trump in this “New Great Game”, this report explains, shows him deliberately forcing China to rebuild Syria—a rebuilding that China can only undertake by moving in its own military forces to protect the valuable multi-billion-dollar construction projects it’s now signing contracts to build—which, in turn, will allow Trump to begin withdrawing US military forces from this region where they’ll no longer be needed—that will then make China, along with its own Middle East allies, the new protectors of peace in this region—a region that is actually well within China’s sphere of influence due to its over $900 billion Silk Road Project that will stretch from Asia to Europe—and whose oil and natural gas resources American soldiers having been dying by the thousands to protect over the past half century, are no longer needed by a United States who is now the world’s largest oil producer.    nb bbj […]

Sorcha Faal

Haunted Hill Halloween Horror Show Ignites Political Civil War In America—Trump Response Presages Bloody Outcome

A chilling new Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MoFA) report circulating in the Kremlin today noting Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov affirming that Moscow is not planning to establish a military alliance with China, says this affirmation supports the warning just issued by US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo stating that “our country must come to grips with the consequences of Communist China’s aggression, or risk serious threats to US national security”—consequences the socialist Democrat Party has shockingly responded to by blocking funding for the Pentagon which will run out of money on 21 November—and instead of defending their own nation, now sees these Democrats having just declared total political civil war on their own country and its peoples—a civil war ignited by what is best described as a “Haunted Hill Halloween Horror Show” that now sees the leftist US mainstream propaganda media fantasizing about President Nancy Pelosi taking power—was, in fact, a sham impeachment vote designed to illegally throw President Donald Trump from power that Democrat Party leaders had to order their members not to cheer about on live television—members that included Democrat Congresswoman Ilhan Omar (Who Sleeps with Her Political Staffer) and Democrat Congresswoman Katie Hill (Who Sleeps with Her Political Staffers)—as well as Democrat Congresswoman Katie Porter who wore a Batman Halloween costume while casting her vote to overthrow Trump—and after whose sham impeachment vote, saw Republican Party Congressman Louis Gohmert warning these Democrats that they “are about to push this country into a civil war”—a direct warning reference to the 1861-1865 American Civil War that divided all of this nation’s States against each other in the deadliest war in their country’s history—whose ending of was followed in days by the public assassination of Republican President Abraham Lincoln who won this war—a public assassination cryptically alluded to this week by President Trump when he said First Lady Melania “wouldn’t cry her eyes out” if he were shot—but in presaging (a sign or warning that something, typically something bad, will happen; an omen or portent) where America is truly heading, saw President Trump immediately after this sham impeachment vote, renouncing his citizenship in the Democrat socialist stronghold State of New York and making the Republican State of Florida his and his entire family’s new home—a citizenship renouncement cheered by socialist New York Governor Andrew Cuomo, who told President Trump “Good Riddance!” and New York City drag queen Blair Black, who, in celebrating Trump’s citizenship renouncement, Satanically simulated an abortion by stabbing his “pregnant belly” with a knife, pulled out and “dismembered a fetus”, then “drank its blood” in front of demonically cheering onlookers—but to their greatest peril, sees none of them remembering the historical fact that: “The Last Time Democrats Did This, They Eventually Were Hanged for Their Sedition”. […]

Sorcha Faal

Putin Refuses Meet With Western Leaders—Says American “Great Terror” Purge Must Finish Out First 

A somberly worded new Security Council (SC) report circulating in the Kremlin today noting that, for the first time in two decades, President Putin will not attend the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation summit due to held next month on 13-14 November in the South American nation of Chile, states that a meeting between Russia’s leader and his Western counterparts at this time makes no sense because of the ongoing socialist coup against President Donald Trump which makes any agreements made at this summit untenable as no one knows what type of government the United States will end up having—a coup that, in fact, near exactly mirrors the “Great Terror” purge unleashed between 1936-1938 against the peoples of Russia that saw feared and secretive “Show Trials” being used to destroy all the enemies of socialist-communism—and whose victory by these socialist-communists, enslaved in tyranny the entire Russian nation whose peoples were forced daily to endure all manner of leftist insanities—leftist insanities now being forced upon the American people who, over the past few weeks, have watched in stunned horror as 5-year-old boy child Nathan Putnam was branded a dangerous sexual predator because he kissed a schoolmate on the cheek and 84-year-old US Army veteran Stephen Nichols was brutally raided by police who took his guns away because a waitress said he questioned why a school guard left his post and students unprotected—leftist insanities being supported by socialist Democrat Party leader Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez who has just told the peoples living in the half-a-year dark Arctic Circle State of Alaska they must start heating their homes and running their vehicles on windmills and solar panels made in Communist China—who, in turn, supports radical communist Democrat Party presidential candidate Bernie Sanders along with her fellow socialist lawmaker Rashida Tlaib—the latter of whom, Tlaib, stood next to Sanders in a just released campaign video against the backdrop of empty store shelves—thus showing to the American people what awaits them should these demonic monsters ever take power away from Trump.   […]

Sorcha Faal

Trump Brings In From Cold Female CIA Spy Hillary Clinton Disavowed And Left To Rot In Prison

A fascinating new Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR) report circulating in the Kremlin today noting the Italian operation personally conducted by US Attorney General William Barr to retrieve the British intelligence linked cell phones in the possession of Trump-Russia collusion hoax originator Joseph Mifsud, states that being less well known about Barr’s operation was that he was accompanied to Italy by President Trump’s powerful and feared CIA Director Gina Haspel who brought back with her to America the disavowed CIA spy Sabrina de Sousa—who in spy terms was “left out in the cold” by former US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton whom CIA agent de Sousa said “abandoned her” because Clinton did not invoke diplomatic immunity on her behalf—further asserted that the CIA scapegoated her to deflect attention from those who authorized an illegal kidnapping operation—but upon his taking power, saw Trump coming to her aid after she begged for his protection—thus leading to CIA agent de Sousa declaring: “This administration has been absolutely awesome … if the Trump administration didn’t say anything, didn’t do anything, I’m very confident I would be in an Italian jail”.  […]

Sorcha Faal

Troops Mobilized After US Rips Up Last Remaining Treaty And Flies Nuclear Bombers To Russian Doorstep 

A tersely worded new Ministry of Defense (MoD) report circulating in the Kremlin today appearing to confirm that the current American hysteria campaign against their “enemy-of-the-moment” has caused this once normal nation to erupt into a full-blown pandemic of “Putin Derangement Syndrome”, states that 13,000 elite combat troops belonging to the Army of the Eastern Military District have just been mobilized to repel attacks on military facilities, in particular checkpoints of military installations, depots with munitions and fuel and lubricant materials, administrative facilities, command posts, headquarters and machinery parks—a mobilization deemed vital to national security after President Donald Trump signed a document to rip to shreds the last remaining war prevention treaty existing between the United States and the Russian Federation—which was followed by two US B-52H Stratofortress strategic nuclear bombers carrying out a simulated bombing of the Russian Baltic Fleet’s base in the exclave of Kaliningrad—the same Kaliningrad region of Russia that the highly influential strategic think tank Jamestown Foundation this past week published a report about recommending that NATO invade this sovereign Russian territory—an invasion President Putin has previously questioned the sanity of by his asserting: “I think all sober-minded people who really are involved in politics understand that the idea of a Russian threat to, for example, the Baltics is complete madness.  Are we really about to fight NATO?  How many people are there in the NATO countries?  About 600 million, correct?  There are 146 million people in Russia.  Yes, we’re the biggest nuclear power.  But do you really think that we’re about to conquer the Baltics using nuclear weapons?  What is this madness?”  […]

Sorcha Faal

“Kill Shot” Meant For Trump Ricochets And Hits Comey—He Says He’ll Move To New Zealand To Recover

Russian-Syrian military command permission for elite US Special Forces to over fly the Idlib Governorate in Syria resulted in a successful operation that eliminated from the battlefield ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi—a successful operation immediately followed by massive Russian air power raids in this region—which was quickly followed by India and the United States officially suspending all defense cooperation with each other—a suspension of defense cooperation between these two major nuclear powers partly based on Russian Defense Ministry spokesman Igor Konashenkov shockingly revealing that “tanker trucks guarded by US military servicemen and private military companies are illegally smuggling oil from fields in eastern Syria to other countries”—a criminal smuggling operation Russian military police forces and their armored vehicles are fast arriving in Syria to prevent—who are aided by Syrian government forces who control all of the access roads and electrical power the US military needs to continue its illegal oil smuggling operation—and in response to, now sees the US military saying that they are sending mechanized forces to protect their illegal oil smuggling operation in Syria—a recipe for World War III needing President Donald Trump to prevent—but who can only accomplish this feat by his destroying his shadow government Deep State enemies needing a major war to keep their crimes hidden—a destruction these malign warmongering socialist forces are actually making easier after a new US Federal Court filing stunningly revealed that Obama’s Director of National Security James Clapper ordered leftist Washington Post reporter David Ignatius to “TAKE A KILL SHOT” using highly-classified illegally leaked documents to destroy Trump—a “KILL SHOT” aimed at Trump’s National Security Advisor General Michael Flynn who was illegally set up by the FBI—is also a “KILL SHOT” that ricocheted into the lap of US Attorney John Durham who has just opened a criminal probe into who fired it, and why—and while on its way to Durham’s lap, saw this “KILL SHOT” ricocheting past the head of Obama’s FBI Director James Comey—the same former FBI Director Comey who, a few hours ago, declared that when Trump wins reelection next year—“I’ll be at my new home in New Zealand”. […]

Sorcha Faal

Experts Ponder Why Senator Romney Has “Amusing Peter” As Democrat Party Nears Extinction

Even the leftist Rolling Stone Magazine had to recoil back to sanity with their article titled “Everyone Is A Russian Asset” wherein they stated: “America laughed at Hillary Clinton’s remarks about Tulsi Gabbard, but her ideas fit perfectly in the intellectual mainstream…HILLARY CLINTON IS NUTS…She’s also not far from the Democratic Party mainstream, which has been pushing the same line for years”—which further explains why top American political analysts are now asking “Will The Democratic Party Exist After 2020 Election?”—and who gravely note: “Desperate in the denial of its demise, confronting its own shadow of corruption as the Democrats have morphed into a branch of the CIA – not unlike origins of the East German Stasi government”—as well as their stating—“It is no secret to the observant that since the 2016 election, the Democratic Party has been in a state of near-collapse, the victim of its own hubris, having lost their moral compass with unsubstantiated Russiagate allegations; those accusations continue as a futile exercise of domestic regime change”. […]

Sorcha Faal

“Operation Yellowhammer” Exposes Senator Romney-CIA Director Brennan “Omnishambles” Coup Plot

Bain Capital funded private British strategic intelligence and advisory firm Hakluyt & Company— whose links with former CIA Director John Brennan explain why the SIM cards in Professor Mifsud’s cell phones turned over to US Attorney General William Barr were provided by Hakluyt & Company—further explains why Russiagate hoax originator Professor Mifsud admitted he talked with Trump’s investigators in late 2017—and perhaps explains why now US Senator Mitt Romney has been discovered having a secret Twitter account using the name “Pierre Delecto” that he uses to slam his fellow Republican Party lawmakers and encourage the impeachment of President Trump—as one would expect every jilted teenage boy-child to do when not getting what they want—but does appear to be unseemly coming from an adult who should know better.  [ […]

Sorcha Faal

“Queen Of Warmongers” And “Prime Minister Black Face” Blamed For Fast Erupting Global Revolt 

Tulsi Gabbard herself to fired right back at Clinton with the withering words of truth: “You, the queen of warmongers, embodiment of corruption, and personification of the rot that has sickened the Democratic Party for so long, have finally come out from behind the curtain.”—but whose most poignant defense of Gabbard came from her husband Abraham Williams—who aside from his reminding everyone that Gabbard is a US Army Major combat decorated war veteran, shared a photo of her kneeling by the grave of one her fellow soldiers whose life was given for their country—a solemn photo Gabbard’s husband captioned with the words: “I just want to share this photo as a reminder of where @TulsiGabbard‘s loyalties lay. For anyone to smear my wife as an agent or asset of another country is offensive to all Americans, no matter where your political ideologies lay.”  […]

Sorcha Faal

Top Hillary Clinton US Navy Admiral Warned Preparing “JFK Head Shot Execution” Of President Trump

Retired US Navy Admiral William McRaven who organized Operation Neptune Spear to assassinate al Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden deep behind enemy lines in Pakistan—was labeled by Trump as “a Hillary fan”—yesterday wrote an article for the leftist New York Times newspaper titled “Our Republic Is Under Attack From the President” wherein he openly called for the military to overthrow Trump—thus exposing a catastrophic division between Trump and elements within his own military establishment not seen since the early 1960’s when President John F. Kennedy also battled against these same warmongering forces—but was a battle Kennedy lost on 22 November 1963 when his head was blown off in a public execution designed to show who was really in charge of America—a public execution which occurred on Kennedy’s 1,036th  day in power—and is the exact number of days Trump will have been in power when he sets foot in Chile next month. […]

Sorcha Faal

US Prepares After Feared Ancient Virus That Wiped Out Woolly Mammoths Unleashes Global Pandemic

At what first appears to be an average Security Council (SC) report circulating in the Kremlin today mundanely setting forth the agenda for next month’s meeting between President Putin and Chinese President Xi Jinping, begins becoming unsettling when the first item listed for critical discussion stunningly reveals that Beijing sees the current pork supply crisis as far more severe than the Hong Kong protests and the US-China trade war—and then falls into absolute terror because of an attached document prepared by the Federal Service for Veterinary and Phytosanitary Supervision (ROSSELKHOZNADZOR) warning that the never before seen Arctic oases erupting with plant life only 1,000 miles away from North Pole to the shock of their scientists is now bringing to the brink of extinction the Northern reindeer, 40,000 of which have perished since the last count in 2017—an extinction now being linked to an ancient RNA virus that was shockingly for the first time in history discovered in a Siberian puppy frozen in the permafrost for 14,300 years ago, and is now believed to have caused the extinction of over 150 million woolly mammoths—but whose being released into our modern world has unleashed a terrible pandemic killing pigs all around the world which even the United States is now rapidly preparing for—in China has wiped out 300 million pigs, over half of its total numbers—and, according to the World Organization of Animal Health, has spread to more than 50 countries.  […]

Sorcha Faal

Canada Grants Obama Political Asylum As World Turns Upside Down

A fascinating new Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MoFA) report circulating in the Kremlin today noting that on 19 October 1781 the largest military power in the world British Empire surrendered to the ragtag army of its North American colonists, who then went on to establish the United States, says the most enduring legend of this surrender was the British Army band playing the ballad “The World Turned Upside Down” whose lyrics include the phrase “If ponies rode men and grass ate the cows…Just what tune was in the air when The World Turned Upside Down?”—an ancient ballad that echoed with full and terrible force into our modern day world a fortnight ago when a likewise rag tag Yemeni army obliterated the bulk of the Western armed Saudi Arabian army killing and capturing over 2,500 Saudis soldiers—the stunning repercussions of which saw the Americans rushing troops to Saudi Arabia to save it from collapsing, the first of which they had to rapidly deploy from Syria—and that now has seen former Democrat Party President Barack Obama being granted political asylum in Canada in a secret agreement reached yesterday with Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau—a secret agreement Obama thanked Trudeau for by endorsing him in Canada’s upcoming election—is an asylum deal that will see Obama reunited with his younger sister Maya Soetoro-Ng who is already a Canadian citizen—and was expected to occur as Obama is the first President in modern history not to have built a Presidential Library to memorialize his time in office—and who is facing likely criminal charges for directing the coup plot against President Donald Trump. […]

Sorcha Faal

World Teeters On The Brink After Collapse Of US-Turkish Alliance Sees Nukes Headed To Saudi Arabia

A strategic Levant War Zone analysis report prepared for the Security Council (SC) by the Ministry of Defense (MoD) circulating in the Kremlin today incorporating just held military discussions between President Putin and Saudi King Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud, states the exaggerated claims being made that Turkish President Erdogan is “holding 50 US tactical nukes hostage” as President Trump pummels Turkey with sanctions, masks the even more foreboding prospect that the Americans are preparing to move their nuclear weapons out of Turkey and place them in Saudi Arabia—concerns of which were raised during the past 72-hours when the Pentagon announced it was sending thousands of troops to Saudi Arabia—not just ordinary American protection troops, but an entire force structure to establish a new Air Expeditionary Wing which will be able to accommodate large influxes of airpower over the long term—thus making this new Pentagon force structure in Saudi Arabia identical to the existing Incirlik Air Base where the US military stores its nuclear weapons at in Turkey—but one of which will have to eliminated in order for the other one to survive as the “still in crisis” US Air Force has neither the pilots nor the planes to maintain both.  […]

Sorcha Faal

Civil War Now Unstoppable After Official Declaration Made That “Rule Of God” Will Be Reestablished In America

A heart-pounding new Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MoFA) report circulating in the Kremlin today noting that when Abraham Lincoln ran for president in 1860 he didn’t campaign himself for his most important goals, as this was “deemed unseemly in the political climate of the 1860’s”, says he nevertheless won this contentious election wherein he garnered just 39.8% of the popular vote—and when running for reelection four years later, in 1864, saw the powerful mainstream Harper’s New Monthly Magazine calling Lincoln a “Filthy Story-Teller, Despot, Liar, Thief, Braggart, Buffoon, Usurper, Fiend, and Butcher”—all of which has just been played out to near mirror image perfection 48-hours ago when top Trump ally US Attorney General William Barr appeared on the campus of Notre Dame University to deliver what can only be described as a declaration of war against his nation’s godless socialist forces—and that aside from Barr decrying the ascendancy of secularism and vowing to do all he can to assure continued religious freedom for Americans—saw him outlining the boundaries of this looming conflict with the words “During the 20th century, the free society of the United States faced off against totalitarianism, standing up and defeating fascism and communism…In the 21st century, Americans face the question of whether citizens in a free society can maintain the moral discipline and virtue necessary for the survival of free institutions”—after which he warned Trump’s enemies that they were going to lose this civil war for the soul of their nation by his declaring: “Modern secularists dismiss this idea of morality as sort of otherworldly superstition imposed by killjoy clergy…But, in fact, Judeo-Christian standards are the ultimate utilitarian rules for human conduct”.  […]

Sorcha Faal

Elite Russian Airborne Troops Go On Combat Alert After NATO Abandons Its Own Ally Turkey

A tersely worded new Ministry of Defense (MoD) report circulating in the Kremlin today states that an elite parachute battalion from the 137th Guards Airborne Regiment under the command of Russian Airborne Forces (VDV) has been ordered to full combat alert status and given 24-hours to begin inter-operability training with special commando forces from the 38th Guards Air Assault Brigade of the Armed Forces of Belarus—all of whom will conduct their combat operations with long-range heavy-lift Il-76MD aircraft and Yak-130 fighter protection aircraft designed to insert into combat Mi-8 troop transport and Mi-24 gunship helicopters in wartime conditions—a combat order issued by President Putin under his Article 87 authority as Commander-In-Chief—and whose statement of fact in asserting this wartime authority warns “Turkey may not be able to contain militants from the Islamic State terror group (outlawed in Russia) active in northern Syria while conducting a military operation in the region”—a grave situation Turkey has been placed in by its own North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) who are not only refusing to come to the aid of their ally, calls are now shockingly being made to kick Turkey out of this Western military alliance all together.  […]