China Targets US Warship While UN Calls For Western Destruction And Socialists Demand Families Be Abolished
An interesting new Security Council (SC) report circulating in the Kremlin today examining the rapidly emerging ideological bloc forming within the midst of the currently ongoing “Coronavirus Pandemic War” causing it to be warned that Russia and the United States are rushing into a new arms race as they run out of time for a realistic arms-control deal, says most fearfully being noticed is its similarity to the Tripartite Pact that joined the socialist-fascist powers of Nazi Germany, Italy and the Empire of Japan who unleashed World War II—and in this modern day version of sees Communist China, International Globalists and American Socialists joining forces to wage war on the entire world—a Communist China who is now pointing out the risks of the US military biolabs located in nations that once belonged to the former Soviet Union, and in the past few hours expelled by military force from what it claims are its territorial waters the US Navy guided missile destroyer USS Barry while warning President Donald Trump: “This US provocative action seriously violated international law and related norms, seriously violated Chinese sovereignty and security interests…We urge the US side to focus on epidemic prevention and control on its homeland and immediately stop military actions against regional security, peace and stability”—a war move quickly joined by International Globalists at the United Nations who said this pandemic must be used to deindustrialize the entire Western world—who were followed by American Socialists demanding that this pandemic be used to abolish families, start injecting all American men with female hormones and force all US citizens to begin eating bugs—all joined by horrifying echoes arising from the Nazi German Empire of the 1930’s after socialist Democrat Party leader New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio shockingly called for the immediate mass arrest of all Jewish peoples. […]