Devastating Internal Memo with Too Many Coincidences

“However, the number one factor in her decline has been exposure to her at the DNC.”




If Hillary’s cancelled rallies and lack of press conferences are not a result of poor health, then the only conceivable answer may be in this disputed but plausible internal memo. This unconfirmed internal polling from August 13, 2016, is curious in how, coincidentally, the Clinton campaign seems to have taken all the advice and warnings to heart. For example, Hillary’s lack of rallies, if not due to health issues, may be due to the following: “Hillary’s popularity numbers have crashed to fatal levels at 17-72 (11% undecided)… [72% unfavorable]. Hillary’s emails continue to be the largest source of her trust issues as well as concerns about her failing health. However, the number one factor in her decline has been exposure to her at the DNC. 72% of Democrats and 93% of Republicans find her voice “grating.” Independents are split (64-36 against her.)

internal-polling-hillaryPublic Policy Polling




OVERVIEW: Trump Dominates, Hillary Flat-lines.

DATA BREAKDOWN: The 3 day poll conducted in Florida contacted 715 voters across 63 counties. The results will need to be heavily cleansed before release. The lop level numbers are as follows:

74% Donald Trump
9%Hillary Clinton
3% Jill Stein
1% Gary Johnson
6% Undecided

In 2012 Florida broke 50.0% to 49.1% for Barack Obama. As of 2016. the official voter registration numbers stand at 4,396,609 Republican, 4,659,801 Democrat, a 263,192 Democratic advantage (a .06% advantage for the Democrats). Given this registration, the popular vote should be extremely close.

[pullquote]However, the number one factor in her decline has been exposure to her at the DNC. 72% of Democrats and 93% of Republicans find her voice “grating.” [/pullquote]Our top-level findings are:

1. Hillary’s popularity numbers have crashed to fatal levels at 17-72 (11% undecided).

2. Trump’s approval has increased dramatically with working minorities. He is up 12 points with African Americans and 32 points with Latinos. For minorities without employment, he is still underwater but has improved by 8 points.

3. Hillary’s emails continue to be the largest source of her trust issues as well as concerns about her failing health. However, the number one factor in her decline has been exposure to her at the DNC. 72% of Democrats and 93% of Republicans find her voice “grating.” Independents are split (64-36 against her.)

4. Trump is expected to win the election by 94% of Democrats—but only 34% of Republicans believe Mr. Trump most likely to win due to media messaging. Despite this, the-enthusiasm for Mr. Trump is high with a record 91% of registered voters declaring themselves likely” whereas a record low of 17% registered Democratic voters have declared themselves “likely” to vote in the next election.


App makers, social media are more in line with internal polling. This one, which uses over 100,000 users and zip codes, has Trump winning 64%to 36%.


In this one, Trump was leading 60% to 34% until four minutes later, when somehow Clinton flipped the results to 71% to 21%. How? CNN actually uses polling companies funded by the Clinton Global Initiative.


An unfavorable view of Clinton all around, broken down in another poll.


Hillary’s body language cannot conceal that she dislikes her audience. Up to 92% of our communication is non-verbal and most people seem to have caught on to her.


The next time you see Hillary speak, try to count how many times she points at the audience. People don’t like that.

What if Hillary had a rally and nobody came, said no one ever.
What if Hillary had a rally and nobody came, said no one ever.
About Independent Press 458 Articles
Methinks I am a conspiracy theorist. Art thou? Thou block, thou stone, thou worse than senseless thing, for whilst thou slept didst this become a badge of honor. Informed dissent shall always prevail, wherefore art thou worthy, or art thou this unwholesome fool in the group conformity experiment herein?

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