Sorcha Faal

Coup Plot Against Trump Officially Turns Criminal—Mueller Gang Becomes First Target

A fascinating new Security Council (SC) report circulating in the Kremlin today noting that United States Attorney General William Barr kept his word, as after his telling the American people during a live television broadcast on Thursday evening that “there will be a development on Friday” in the criminal probe being led by feared United States Attorney John Durham into the coup plot against President Donald Trump, says yesterday he made good by announcing that a criminal indictment had been filed against former FBI attorney Kevin Clinesmith—a criminal indictment the Wall Street Journal explains about in their opinion article “The FBI’s 2016 Abuse Turns Criminal” that bizarrely fails to inform any of its readers the truth about what is really occurring—as even though it’s true that Kevin Clinesmith was an attorney for the FBI, the crime he was charged with was committed while he was part of the investigative team being led by Special Counsel Robert Mueller—a crime detailed in the Information Charging Document filed yesterday by the United States Department of Justice with the United States District Court for the District of Columbia, wherein it documents that “on or about June 19, 2017” Kevin Clinesmith “did willfully and knowingly make and use a false writing and document, knowing the same to contain materially false, fictitious, and fraudulent statement and entry in a matter before the jurisdiction of the executive branch and judicial branch of the Government of the United States”. […]

Sorcha Faal

Rebel Military Leaders Call For Trump Overthrow—Barr Fires Back Durham Bombshell

An interesting new Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MoFA) report circulating in the Kremlin today discussing the telephonic conference held yesterday between Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov and his counterpart US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, says the US side indeed raised the issue of alleged collusion of Russian intelligence services with Taliban fighters in Afghanistan, with Minister Lavrov describing these statements as “dishonest speculations having nothing to do with reality”, and when he asked Secretary Pompeo to produce evidence that Washington had, “they provided as usual nothing”—and while this was occurring, saw a real threat emerging when American rebel military leaders retired United States Army Lieutenant-Colonel John Nagl and retired United States Army Lieutenant Colonel Paul Yingling sent a letter to Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff US Army General Mark Milley titled “All Enemies, Foreign and Domestic: An Open Letter to Gen. Milley” demanding that he overthrow President Trump—an overthrow demand based on these rebel military leaders’ claims that: “We do not live in ordinary times…The president of the United States is actively subverting our electoral system, threatening to remain in office in defiance of our Constitution…Mr. Trump’s electoral defeat, his assault on the integrity of our elections, his impending criminal prosecution, and his creation of a private army will collide on January 20…If Donald Trump refuses to leave office at the expiration of his constitutional term, the United States military must remove him by force, and you must give that order”. […]

Sorcha Faal

Trump Deploys “Reapers Of Death” While Preparing To Slam China With Financial Iron Curtain

A far-reaching new Ministry of Defense (MoD) report circulating in the Kremlin today noting the successful secret test carried out by the United States and Israel on their jointly produced anti-ballistic missile interceptor, says these Arrow missile defense interceptors have now been deployed to the secretive US Navy base in the Indian Ocean on the island of Diego Garcia—where in April saw this secretive island base receiving six United States Air Force nuclear armed capable B-52 heavy bombers—that were joined in the past 48-hours by three United States Air Force B-2A nuclear armed Spirit stealth bombers launched from Whiteman Air Force Base-Missouri, and that traveled across the Pacific Ocean using the callsigns Reaper 11, Reaper 12, and Reaper 13—a rapid deployment of these feared nuclear armed aircraft ordered by President Trump within 24-hours of Communist Chinese fighter aircraft crossing into Taiwan’s side of the strait during a high-level visit of US officials—all coming at the same time the South China Sea is on the brink of war and the world has been warned that Communist China and the United States are planning for conflict—a grim reality acknowledged by Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison, who just warned his nation that “a United States-Communist China war is no longer inconceivable”—and during the past few hours, saw United States Secretary of State Mike Pompeo further warning Europe: “What’s happening now isn’t Cold War 2.0…The challenge of resisting the Chinese Communist Party threat is in some ways worse…The Chinese Communist Party is already enmeshed in our economies, in our politics, in our societies in ways the Soviet Union never was”—warnings Communist China has now responded to by deploying bombers to one of its South China Sea islands for the first time while issuing a bold threat to the United States vowing: “We won’t back down in the South China Sea”—a vow coming at the same Communist China is preparing for President Trump to slam them with a financial iron curtain. […]

Sorcha Faal

Biden Ordered To Pick Black Woman For Vice President—Chooses Slave Owning Asian Instead

A gripping new Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MoFA) report circulating in the Kremlin today noting the statement made by Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov that the date of the summit of the five permanent members of the United Nations Security Council is yet to be set, says the reliance on this international body to solve global disputes, that’s already in disarray because of uncertainties surrounding whom the next American leader will be, has suffered another setback due to the bizarre action taking yesterday by socialist Democrat Party leader Joe Biden—the presumptive nominee of his party who was confronted this week by 100 top influential American black men ordering him that: “Failing to select a Black woman in 2020 means YOU WILL lose the election, we don’t want to choose between the lesser of two evils, we don’t want to vote the devil we know vs. the devil we don’t because we’re tired of voting for devils period”—an order Biden promptly ignored, and saw him instead choosing as his running mate the first Asian-American vice presidential contender—a person named Kamala Harris, whose mother, Shyamala Gopalan, emigrated to the United States from Tamil Nadu-India in 1960—and whose father Donald Harris, emigrated to the United States from British Jamaica in 1961, thus meaning that Kamala Harris is directly descended from one of the largest slave owners in Jamaica, and as fully acknowledged as true by her own father—is a racist family history belonging to Kamala Harris that’s justifiable in mentioning because the leftist media has already attacked top Republican Party leader US Senator Mitch McConnell because his ancestors were slave owners—though it remains uncertain how one should refer to Kamala Harris, as women no longer exist according to her own socialist ideology—all of which makes it understandable why astute political analysts in the US are now saying things like “Joe Biden actually finds a running mate who’s done more damage to minorities than himself”.  […]

Sorcha Faal

Trump Mysteriously Splits FBI Into Two Parts—Then Gives It Control Over Guantanamo

An interesting new Security Council (SC) report circulating in the Kremlin today revealing that Russia is the first country in the world to register a COVID-19 vaccine and mass production will soon begin, follows this revelation by noting President Donald Trump intends on inviting President Putin the next G-7 Summit due to be held after the American election scheduled for 3 November—two agenda items that are then followed by a mind-blowing discussion involving a Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR) document detailing recent activities relating to the international legal firm King & Spalding that’s headquartered in Atlanta-Georgia—an SVR document that begins by noting its investigative authority over King & Spalding Office Moscow because of its numerous Russian corporate clients—though this document specifically focuses on King & Spalding attorney Jason A. Jones—an attorney the SVR documents has spent the past few months traveling between Washington D.C. and the United States Army post Redstone Arsenal (RSA), where is located the Redstone Arsenal Army Education and Training Center—a US Army training center preparing to receive troops assigned to 34th Military Police Company Minnesota National Guard—about 150 of whom have just received orders to begin training at Redstone before being deployed to the United States Naval Station at Guantanamo Bay-Cuba—that’s otherwise known as Gitmo, and holds the highest valued prisoners in possession by the Americans—and is well known to attorney Jason A. Jones, as he was a member of the Guantanamo Bay Review Task Force, yesterday was named FBI General Counsel, and one of whose main duties will be to oversee the transfer of at least 1,500 FBI workers to Redstone Arsenal, with thousands of more FBI workers to follow—a mysterious splitting of the FBI that suggests they’ve now been given control over Guantanamo, and came on the same day President Trump gave a press conference where he chillingly warned: “They used the intelligence agencies of our country to spy on my campaign and they have been caught …They have been caught red-handed… IT’S THE POLIITICAL CRIME OF THE CENTURY…IT’S PROBABLY TREASON…It’s a horrible thing they did…Now lets see what happens to them”.  […]

Sorcha Faal

Trump End Game Moves Have Rumors Swirling That “Something HUGE Is About To Drop”

An intriguing new Security Council (SC) report circulating in the Kremlin today reviewing the end game moves being made this past week that saw President Donald Trump cryptically warning “I have a lot of very rich enemies out there…This might be the last time you’ll see me for awhile” and his then smashing the Taiwan “Red Line” to provoke war with Communist China, while during this same time, socialist Democrat Party leader Joe Biden had a medical team rushed into his home and hasn’t been publically seen since after one of his top campaign officials likened black people to monkeys, says most mysteriously being noticed is that when President Trump departed from the White House on Friday, and for reasons unknown, the entire staff of the White House lined up to wish him well—an event never before witnessed—and makes explainable the headline that just appeared saying” RUMORS SWIRLING: President Trump’s Recent Actions Indicate Something HUGE Is About To Drop”. […]

Sorcha Faal

China On Guard Against “Black Swan” While Fending Off “Gray Rhino” Watches Trump Smash “Red Line”

An in-depth new Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MoFA) report circulating in the Kremlin today discussing the just released United States Intelligence Community (IC) assessment showing that they believe the Russian Federation wants socialist Democrat Party leader Joe Biden to lose the 2020 election while Communist China wants him to win, humorously notes American journalist Robert Bridge saying about this: “Why shouldn’t Moscow denigrate doddery Biden and the xenophobic anti-Russia’ establishment?…In fact America should do so too!”—an actual reality based on the illicit scheme to clear Hillary Clinton and frame President Trump called the Russia Hoax—the lingering after effects of which saw United States Secretary of Defense Mark Esper saying yesterday “We are moving many troops further east, closer to Russia’s border, to deter them”, though his failing to let anyone know what exactly Russia is being deterred from doing—but to be on the safe side, did cause Russia to warn America that it will see any incoming missile as a nuclear attack that warrants a nuclear retaliation—and factually the US knows Russia poses no threat to it at all, which is why President Trump smashed the “Red Line” between the United States and Communist China a few hours ago when the highest level American delegation in 41-years landed in Taiwan—the grave consequence of is best described by Dr. David Monyae, the Director for the Centre for Africa-China Studies at the University of Johannesburg, who while stating that “at this particular juncture, China can best be described a country under siege similar to the early phase of the 1949 revolution”, further notes: “While commemorating the 40th anniversary of the “Message to Compatriots in Taiwan” at the Great Hall of the People on the 2nd of January last year, President Xi Jinping said, “China must be on guard against ’black swan’ risk while fending off ’gray rhino’ ”…Black swan refers to “unpredictable events” while gray rhino is a “highly probable, high impact yet neglected threat”—and in understanding, explains why satellite images are now showing Communist Chinese amphibious armored vehicles and mobile missile launchers gathering near the South China Sea—and further shows these vehicles are moving to coastal Chinese cities across from Taiwan, and whose missile launchers are in range to hit any Taiwanese targets.   […]

Sorcha Faal

Biden Plantation Claim That Black People Are Monkeys Shocks World

An interesting new Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MoFA) report circulating in the Kremlin today joins the world’s shock after former Governor Alejandro García-Padilla, the co-chair of Joe Biden’s campaign on the island of Puerto Rico, used the Spanish word mono to describe black Americans, that means monkey—a vile claim that followed socialist Democrat Party leader Joe Biden himself disparaging black people by stunningly saying “Unlike the African American community, with notable exceptions, the Latino community is an incredibly diverse community with incredibly diverse attitudes about different things”—that joins Biden having already said that if black people support President Trump “they ain’t black”—as well as Biden this past week screaming “are you a junkie” at a black reporter who asked him a question he didn’t like, and instead of apologizing for, yesterday saw Biden’s campaign saying this black reporter deserved this abuse—all of which President Trump responded to by stating: “Sleepy Joe Biden is no longer worthy of the Black Vote!”—but even more forcefully, saw famed American black civil rights attorney Leo Terrell firing back with the scathing words: “Joe Biden is unfit to be president and Joe Biden is a racist…Joe Biden has the mindset of a plantation owner…He thinks he knows how every black person thinks, how we walk, and should eat”. […]

Sorcha Faal

Trump Warns “This May Be The Last Time You See Me For A While” As Lebanon Admits Beirut Hit By Bomb

A mind-blowing new Security Council (SC) report circulating in the Kremlin today noting the Emergencies Ministry having established an airmobile hospital in Beirut able to receive 200 patients a day, says the shocking damage caused by the massive explosion crippling this city now sees Lebanon having reached a critical point that challenges its survival as a sovereign state—a grave situation discussed between President Putin and Lebanese President Michel Aoun—a discussion followed by Russia warning Israel it could face “dangerous consequences” if it continues targeting Syria with airstrikes—a first ever warning to Israel, as Russia’s military involvement in Syria is a declared “Holy War” to protect Christian peoples, not the Syrian regime, and is why no such warning has ever been issued before—but is now justified due to the facts showing that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu pointed out to the United Nations General Assembly forum the warehouse that exploded on 4 August 2020 as a Hezbollah arms depot on 27 September 2018—a fact followed this past January, which was when Israel struck the Syrian countryside with a new missile having a tactical nuclear component in its warhead that causes a smoke mushroom characteristic of nuclear weapons—an explosion the likes of which have never been before until 4 August when the exact Beirut warehouse Netanyahu pointed out in the UN exploded and took the city of Beirut down with it—a reality being gravely acknowledged by Lebanese President Aoun, who has just declared to the world: “There is a possibility of external interference through a rocket or bomb or other act”—and after being briefed on these facts and realities yesterday, saw President Donald Trump addressing a gathering of his top Republican Party officials and cryptically telling them: “I Have a Lot of Enemies…This May Be the Last Time You’ll See Me for a While”. [Watch video HERE at 1:15:30 time mark]  […]

Sorcha Faal

Medical Team Rushed To Biden Basement

A striking new Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MoFA) report circulating in the Kremlin today noting Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov marking the Hiroshima 75th Anniversary of the first in human history use of an atomic bomb in war with his stating: “There has been an alarming shift in doctrinal military and political policies towards the idea that it is acceptable to employ nuclear weapons as a means of warfare”, says the decades of constraints placed on the use of these weapons able to end civilization are continuing to be shattered in a United States becoming more chaotic and ungovernable by the hour—chaos that now includes the urgent bulletin just received from the Embassy of the Russian Federation USA revealing that late last evening a Secret Service (SS) medical team was rushed into the Wilmington-Delaware basement bunker of socialist Democrat Party leader Joe Biden for reasons unknown—that occurred shortly after the New York Times revealed that Deutsche Bank had complied with a subpoena and turned over records relating to President Trump—that was immediately joined with a press release issued from the Attorney General Office of New York State saying they will make a “major announcement of national importance” a few hours from now—that itself has led to such questions being asked as “Is NY AG announcement going to be the arrest of Donald Trump?” and statements being posted to Twitter like “#ConsequencesForTrump are coming- Trump is going to prison”—all of which has caused Russian national airline Aeroflot to abruptly cancel planned international flights until 31 August as this crisis sorts itself out. […]

Sorcha Faal

Trump Breaks “Taiwan Tripwire” After Israel Obliterates Beirut Port Following Pakistan Nuke Threat

A gobsmacking new Security Council (SC) report circulating in the Kremlin today says that hours after former Australian Prime Minister Kevin Rudd, who in acting in his position as President of the Asia Society Policy Institute released a final warning letter to the world titled “Beware The Guns Of August—In Asia”, fearfully stated “In the current political environment, the Trump administration could choose to escalate—by, say, allowing a U.S. naval visit to a Taiwanese port…The incendiary effect of such an action would be politically impossible for the Chinese leadership to ignore”, President Trump chose this exact incendiary path to escalation with Communist China by ordering the first high-level delegation of top American officials in over 40-years to go to Taiwan—a deliberate breaking of the “Taiwan Tripwire” by President Trump that leaves Communist China no choice but respond with military force—and to be noted, was a tripwire to war broken by President Trump just hours after Israel obliterated an ammunition warehouse belonging to Hezbollah terrorists in Beirut-Lebanon said to have been holding Iranian missiles with a massive blast so catastrophic, it killed hundreds, wounded thousands and has left over 300,000 people homeless—an attack President Trump only said about was caused by “A bomb of some kind”—though most critical to note about, was an attack that followed powerful Pakistan leader Abdul Rehman Malik releasing his war document titled “Setting The Stage; Kashmir, Ladakh and World War III”, wherein he chillingly warned: “The world must not forget that Israel is watching as a third party and it may jump in it once all these countries are made weak like in World War I…Let us not forget that India has already accommodated Israel to use all of its defence and hardware and the US is India’s preferred defence partner…If war begins, then expect Israel to play its last role to convert it into a victory for the US…In the given situation, Pakistan as a nuclear state cannot remain isolated if this war erupts and will have no choice except to be on the side of China”.  […]

Sorcha Faal

“Beware The Guns Of August” Final Warning Issued—United States-Communist China War Unstoppable

A grimly foreboding new Security Council (SC) report circulating in the Kremlin today assessing the grave warning just issued by world renowned Professor-Doctor Leonid Roshal that the COVID-19 virus pandemic is a “Dry-run for World War III”, with his stating “When I analyze the current situation, I understand that this is a rehearsal for biological warfare”, says now confirming this warning is currently in hiding Hong Kong-based virologist Doctor-Scientist Yan Li-Meng, who just shockingly revealed about the COVID-19 virus “I clearly assessed that the virus came from a Chinese Communist Party military lab…The Wuhan wet market was just used as a decoy”—both of which combined give a clear understanding as to why United States Secretary of State Mike Pompeo issued his 13 July 2020 war declaration that America will not recognize Communist China’s territorial claims in the South China Sea—a war declaration forcefully responded to a few hours ago by Communist China, who flat out told America that “the South China Sea is ours”, and warned President Donald Trump that “he risks triggering a disastrous confrontation if he refuses to accept the fact”—though in reality isn’t a disastrous confrontation, as this is now an unstoppable war between the United States and Communist China—an unstoppable war reality confirmed by former Australian Prime Minister Kevin Rudd, who in acting in his position as President of the Asia Society Policy Institute, has just released a final warning letter titled “Beware The Guns Of August—In Asia” that grimly states: “The question now being asked, quietly but nervously, in capitals around the world is, where will this end?…The once unthinkable outcome—actual armed conflict between the United States and China—now appears possible for the first time since the end of the Korean War…In other words, we are confronting the prospect of not just a new Cold War, but a hot one as well”.  […]

Sorcha Faal

“This Is America And It’s A War Zone” Cry Slams Into “There’s Not Going To Be An Election Night” Reality

A disquieting new Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MoFA) report circulating in the Kremlin today confirming that Russian intelligence and law enforcement officials are preparing to meet with their American counterparts, says the main focus of these discussions will be centered on how to best mitigate what is likely to be an outbreak of civil war in the United States in the coming months—a civil war whose dimensions of are currently unfolding in the socialist Democrat Party stronghold city of Portland-Oregon, where radical mobs are now burning Christian Bibles—and where after the Associated Press released a horrifying account of the mass violence occurring in this socialist city, it was followed last evening with socialist mobs targeting police with high-powered lasers and over 150 shots being fired at fearful residents, that led to one of them fearfully crying “This Is America And It’s A War Zone”—an actual war zone being prepared for by socialist Democrat Party leaders such as US Congressman Jim Clyburn, who after saying “Trump is Mussolini, riots are peaceful, and federal agents are terrorists”, then declared that “President Trump has no intention of peacefully transferring power if he loses the November election”—and to understand this declaration, one must know that it’s joined with socialist Democrat Party leader US Congresswoman Nancy Pelosi saying that “mail-in voting is essential for Americans health”—mail-in voting being forced on the American people by socialist Democrat Party stronghold States like Nevada, that in the dead of night a few hours ago, used a state of emergency to pass a law mandating mail-in voting and ballot harvesting in a move President Trump has vowed his forces will fight in court—a court battle urgently needed as the already going broke United States Postal Service has ended overtime and cut back services making it unable to handle tens-of-millions of mail-in ballots for this election, and has it being asked: “How many races will be called with thousands of ballots on the floor of local post offices?”—but is the exact strategy being employed by the socialist Democrat Party, as they need this election to be plunged into uncertain chaos so they can claim victory for themselves—a victory though, no one will ever be able to be certain of—and most certainly will not know about after this election is held on 3 November—which is why Brandon Finnigan, the founder of Decision Desk HQ, that delivers election results to media outlets, has just sounded an alarm explaining to the American people this grim reality: “I don’t think it’s penetrated enough in the average viewer’s mind that there’s not going to be an election night”.  […]

Sorcha Faal

Trump “October Surprise” Roswell And Durham Revelations Warned Will Plunge America Into Chaos

An at first seemingly ordinary Ministry of Defense (MoD) report circulating in the Kremlin today discussing the four major generals President Donald Trump has just nominated for promotion to lead the United States Space Force, becomes absolutely mind-blowing when this transcript reveals the contents of a document prepared by the General Directorate of the General Staff of the Armed Forces (GRU)—a document placing great significance on former National Security Agency (NSA) tech chief Bill Binney exposing that the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) fabricated all of its Russiagate evidence—that this document says explains why the George W. Bush Presidential Center has just had pay a ransom in exchange for the apparent destruction of stolen data—stolen data containing the most secretive files held by former President George W. Bush, that were hacked though protected by the world’s most formidable private computer security firm Blackbaud—thus leading the GRU to assert that this hack could only been accomplished by a nation state intelligence service like the NSA—the main objective of which the GRU concludes is part of what is called an “October Surprise” event US Attorney General William Barr this past week vowed to expose before the November election regarding the criminal probe being led by US Attorney John Durham into the coup plot to overthrow President Trump. […]

Sorcha Faal

Russia To Begin COVID-19 Vaccinations In October And Drop Mask Mandate Due To Hydroxy Cure

A compelling new Security Council (SC) report circulating in the Kremlin today discussing the latest stunning achievements overseen by the Ministry of Health (MoH), reveals that the clinical trials of a coronavirus vaccine developed by the Gamaleya Scientific Research Institute of Epidemiology and Microbiology are now over and paperwork is underway for the vaccine’s registration—is a vaccine that has created immunity in 100% of the volunteers who took part in its trials,  which from the first and second phase saw 100% of people developing immunity after day 21, and doubled after the second shot—and has begun a mass vaccination plan that will begin in October, with medical workers and teachers to be the first to be vaccinated—that will be joined by the Ministry of Health dropping the mandate for the wearing of masks, which joins the Russian Federation with the government of the Netherlands, whose Minister for Medical Care Tamara van Ark has just declared their nation will not mandate masks “Because from a medical perspective there is no proven effectiveness of masks, the Cabinet has decided that there will be no national obligation for wearing non-medical masks”—and of all the treatments making the COVID-19 virus less lethal to the Russian people than any other nation in the world, it was the April-2020 order issued by President Putin to treat this disease with the anti-malaria drug hydroxychloroquine.  […]

Sorcha Faal

Trump Election Delay Question Warned Soon To Meet American Invasion Of Communist China

A grimly foreboding new Ministry of Defense (MoD) report circulating in the Kremlin today says the rage and furor caused by President Donald Trump asking yesterday “Delay the Election until people can properly, securely and safely vote???” is entirely unjustified because this question isn’t being viewed in its proper context—a context that can only been seen when noticing that immediately following President Trump asking this question, Communist China ordered Hong Kong to cancel its fall election using the coronavirus as the excuse—both occurring at the same time India received its first French-built Rafale fighter aircraft as it prepares to join the war against Communist China—that Communist China responded to by announcing that its long-range bombers have now joined war drills in the South China Sea—that the United States responded to by quickly signing a joint air defense military cooperation agreement with Israel—all of which caused Communist Chinese military experts to publish their warning letter titled “US Could Attack China, Seize Disputed Islands In South China Sea Before 2020 US Elections”—wherein they stated the obvious reality that: “The signs are clear that the US may, to everyone’s surprise, attack Nansha (Spratly) islands and reefs…It is vital for the Chinese side to make military plans as early as possible to respond to the possible attacks from the US side”.  […]