Sorcha Faal

Trump Activates War Fortress Raven Rock, Gives US Army Control Of Doomsday Planes

A sobering new Ministry of Defense (MoD) report circulating in the Kremlin today discussing the highly-classified “Of Special Importance” assessment of President Donald Trump just completed by military intelligence analysts within the General Directorate of the General Staff of the Armed Forces (GRU), grimly notes that the world’s highest-profile coronavirus patient, first expected to stay in hospital “for the next few days”, is now said to be suffering shortness of breath and a fever—thus creating a Major National Security Crisis, as there are massive and highly unique strategic implications of this situation, the likes of which America hasn’t experienced before—which is why intense focus around the globe is being centered on the implications of two intelligence related articles: “It Needs to Be Asked: Is President Trump Safe From The Military Deep State At Walter Reed Hospital?” and “Has World War 3 Begun? The Entry Of Superpowers Almost Certain In The Ongoing Azerbaijan-Armenia War”. […]

Sorcha Faal

World Shudders After Trump Orders Assassination Plot White House Lockdown

A beyond mind-blowing new Security Council (SC) report circulating in the Kremlin today sees this transcript first noting that Security Council Members attending were discussing matters relating to the security protocols established between the Russian Federation and United States during the historic and unprecedented conference held in Washington D.C. between Russia’s top three intelligence directors and their American counterparts in January-2018—which explains why Sergei Naryshkin, the Director of the Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR), began these discussions by providing decrypted intercepts proving that rogue elements within the Pentagon and CIA were instigating the post-election chaos being seen in Belarus—and further proved that the CIA is working with blogger Alexey Navalny—whom, without any evidence, Western intelligence agencies claim was poisoned by Russia.  […]

Sorcha Faal

Trump Faces Off Against Twitter CEO Call To Begin Firing Squads And Pope Siding With China

An intense new Security Council (SC) report circulating in the Kremlin today discussing the bloody conflict being waged over the long-disputed region of Nagorno-Karabakh between the Republic of Armenia and Republic of Azerbaijan, says the introduction into this war of terrorist mercenaries from Syria and Libya prompted United States Secretary of State Mike Pompeo to seek an emergency audience with Pope Francis—an emergency audience requested due to intelligence showing that the supposed Communist Chinese “medics” recently flown into Azerbaijan are military officials directing this conflict under direct orders issued by genocide approving Communist Chinese President Xi Jinping—but shockingly saw Pope Francis denying an audience to Secretary Pompeo, and the Vatican warning America against playing politics over China. […]

Sorcha Faal

Trump Smashes Clinton-Biden Freak Show As War Toll Climbs Into Thousands

A sternly worded new Security Council (SC) report circulating in the Kremlin today noting that both the Republic of Armenia and Republic of Azerbaijan have rejected talks as the conflict growing worse by the hour between them rages on, says as Azerbaijan is now claming to have killed or wounded 2,300 Armenian soliders and destroyed a Russian made S-300 air defense system, and Armenia is claiming that a Turkish fighter jet downed one of their aircraft, the continued silence of President Donald Trump about what is occurring is nearing the point of escalating this crisis into a global catastrophe—specifically because, and being ignored by the West, the reality remains that the Russian Federation has an in effect defense pact with Armenia and its Christian peoples—under which the Russian military forces already in Armenia are prepared to meet and deter any further Turkish aggression—and if happens, would see Russia also coming into direct conflict with the United States, as Turkey is a member of the NATO alliance. […]

Sorcha Faal

Orwellian Nightmare Called America Starts Election Night War Drills

A very interesting new Security Council (SC) report circulating in the Kremlin today noting the fierce fighting ongoing between the Republic of Armenia and Republic of Azerbaijan, says that after Turkey announced its readiness to support Azerbaijan in combat and Israel used this conflict to say it’s not ruling out a preemptive military strike on Iran, as expected the United Nations is convening an emergency meeting in an effort to prevent this conflict from erupting into World War III—though most notably absent from this crisis as our world teeters on the brink of a global nuclear apocalypse is the United States—that’s now ceased to be a great power as it’s descended into what can only be described as an “Orwellian Nightmare”, as observed by the facts proving that: “In its near universal display of contempt for the masses, the liberal intelligentsia is exhibiting a particularly ‘Orwellian’ trait: uncritical political conformism, and an intolerance of alternative or heretical views”. […]

Sorcha Faal

Durham Goes Apocalyptic As “Blood Feud” Against “Sissies” Collapses Leftist Media

An extraordinary new Security Council (SC) report circulating in the Kremlin today discussing war hostilities presently existing between the Republic of Armenia and Republic of Azerbaijan that were instigated by deranged socialist Democrat Party leader Joe Biden, says as both sides to this conflict crank up their war propaganda, President Putin has bluntly told Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan “that all efforts should be undertaken to stop the further escalation of fighting”—a call quickly joined by the United States Department of State urging both sides to “cease hostilities immediately”—though both Russia and America are watching with growing concern this conflict’s potential to erupt into a greater global crisis, specifically after Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan announced that he fully backs Azerbaijan, while branding Armenia as the biggest threat to regional peace—and should Turkey interfere in this conflict, would see Russian military forces moving to protect its ally Armenia—that in turn would cause Communist China to use its military forces along with Turkey to protect their ally Azerbaijan—thus creating a dilemma for the United States, as if it moves to protect its ally Armenia, it puts itself in direct conflict with its own NATO ally Turkey and Communist China, and sides itself with Russia—the predictable end result of which would be World War III. […]

Sorcha Faal

Biden Vows Nuclear War While Calling Trump A Nazi, Then Praises Blacks For Stocking His Groceries

An actually terrifying new Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MoFA) report circulating in the Kremlin today says the combination of the socialist Democrat Party and American leftist mainstream propaganda media establishment working in concert to destroy President Donald Trump is now rapidly plunging our world towards World War III—a plunge that began this past April-2020 when socialist Democrat Party leader Joe Biden vowed to recognize the Armenian Genocide if elected president—and accelerated towards the apocalypse this past week after socialist leader Biden openly threatened the Russian Federation with war by his threat “My message to Vladimir Putin is that if I get elected, I’m coming”—violent and dangerous socialist threats made by Biden whose poisonous fruit of just exploded a few hours ago when Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan suddenly and shockingly declared to his nation’s citizens: “Dear compatriots, now, by the decision of the government, martial law and general mobilization are declared in Armenia…I urge all personnel to come to recruitment offices”. […]

Sorcha Faal

Millions Of Americans In Grip Of Lethal Mass Partisanship Face 1776 Or 1861 Choice

A contemplative new Security Council (SC) report circulating in the Kremlin today noting that the National Advanced Surface to Air Missile System (NASAMS) has just conducted its lowest ever intercept of a mock cruise missile recent, as well has its having recently demonstrated the ability of a self-propelled 155mm howitzer to bring down such a weapon using a hyper velocity projectile to protect Washington D.C., says most fearfully to notice about these war preparations is them coming at the same the American people are being inundated with such articles like “Yes, America Could Split Apart”, “I’ve Never Been More Worried About American Democracy Than I Am Right Now”, “America Is In Terrible Danger: Will Trump’s Presidency Ever End?” and “The Civil War Started When Democrats Seceded From the Union in 2016”. […]

Sorcha Faal

Tsarina Hillary Clinton Is Going To Prison—It’s Not If Anymore, It’s When

With 39-days remaining before the American people cast their votes in the most important presidential election of their lifetimes, it’s more than fitting that the “Unstoppable Force” of President Donald Trump saying he won’t commit to the peaceful transfer of power has now met the “Immovable Object” of Hillary Clinton ordering Joe Biden not to concede this election “under any circumstances”—a situation known as the “Irresistible Force Paradox”, as neither can be true, otherwise they’d cancel themselves out—which means what you’re really witnessing here is a “False Dilemma”, which in this situation between Trump and Clinton sees there being one additional logically valid option to be considered. […]

Sorcha Faal

Best Kept Secret Of Science Explains Everything About Trump And 2020

The quote from American physicist Nick Herbert I’ve cited to begin this letter is contained within the statement “Almost one hundred years ago, the project to reduce the world to mathematical physics failed suddenly and completely” given by legendary mathematician-physicist-philosopher genius Wolfgang Smith, who demonstrates in the powerful documentary “The End Of Quantum Reality” on shockingly obvious grounds the dead end at which physics has arrived, and how we can “return, at last, to the real world”. […]

Sorcha Faal

Worst Mass Whale Stranding In History Joins Witchcraft Execution And Arrest Of Jesus

A highly-classified “Of Special Importance” new Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR) report circulating in the Kremlin today commenting on the just published Politico article “CIA Clamps Down On Flow Of Russia Intelligence To White House”, says this leftist hit piece basing its information on an anonymous group of what they call “nine current and former officials”, demonstrates it uselessness as being factual—with the lone exception being its noting that CIA Director Haspel “has been keeping a close eye on the agency’s fabled “Russia House”, whose analysts she often disagrees with and sometimes accuses of purposefully misleading her”—a “Russia House” that’s officially known within the CIA as the Center for Europe and Eurasia—and among whose historic epic intelligence failures include their vastly overestimating Soviet nuclear missile strength and them not knowing that the Soviet Union was collapsing. […]

Sorcha Faal

World Trembles After Trump Wins Supreme Court War Then Orders CIA To Blow Up Google

An astonishing new Security Council (SC) report circulating in the Kremlin today noting that United States Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Lindsey Graham has just informed the American people that President Donald Trump has secured enough votes to confirm a Supreme Court pick BEFORE the election after Republican Senators Cory Gardner and Chuck Grassley said they would back the President in a major blow to socialist Democrats, says this war that began on 18 September after the sudden death of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg has now entered into its mopping up phase—with President Trump expected to name Justice Ginsburg’s successor by Saturday—sees US Federal Judge Amy Coney Barrett being the hands-down best pick to replace Justice Ginsburg—a few hours ago saw Judge Barrett meeting with President Trump in the White House—and as expected, now sees socialist Democrats and their leftist media lapdogs displaying their anti-Catholic bigotry.   […]

Sorcha Faal

Supreme Court War Raises Genocide Fears For Trump Supporters After Biden Brands Them An “Infection”

A deeply troubling new Security Council (SC) report circulating in the Kremlin today discussing the order issued by President Putin this morning to immediately deploy 60 Ilyushin Il-76 military transport planes in an exercise for the rapid long-range movement of tens-of-thousands of combat forces, says necessitating this action is the rapidly deteriorating situation currently underway in the United States, where due to the sudden death of Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, its socialist Democrat Party officials have declared “It means that we are going to war”—a declaration of war now joined by socialist Democrat Party leader Joe Biden, who warned President Donald Trump and the Republican Party that if they try to replace Ginsburg, “They are going to push the nation deeper into the abyss”—a dire warning followed by socialist leader Biden standing so badly out of breath he could barely speak at a podium yesterday, after which he fled from this podium in Philadelphia-Pennsylvania, ignoring the questions shouted at him by reporters—reporters that most assuredly would have asked Biden why he said during his speech that 200-million Americans had died from the coronavirus—and most critically, would have asked Biden why he dangerously uttered the inflammatory words: “The infection this president has unleashed on our democracy can be fatal”. […]

Sorcha Faal

Democrats Mobilize Forces Against “Kingdom Of God” In Supreme Court War

An intriguing new Security Council (SC) report circulating in the Kremlin today discussing events surrounding the “Largest October Surprise That Ever Happened” caused by the death of United States Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg during one of the most fraught with danger American presidential elections in history, notes that while President Donald Trump was surrounded by a crowd of thousands at a Trump Rally in North Carolina chanting in unison “Fill The Seat” yesterday, he consented to the will of his faithful supporters by announcing that this week he will pick a woman as his Supreme Court nominee to fill Justice Ginsburg’s now vacant seat—an announcement met immediately by socialist Democrat Party battle threats to “Burn Congress Down”—unleashed the full fury of these socialist Democrats against Republican Party US Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, against whom they are now vowing to attack with “the wrath of millions of grieving, pissed-off, motivated volunteers”—and even sees radical socialist Democrat Party leader US Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortex threatening to pack the Supreme Court because President Trump and Majority Leader McConnell “are in violation of Justice Ginsburg’s wishes”.    […]

Sorcha Faal

“Largest October Surprise That Ever Happened” Firebombs American Presidential Race

An in-depth new Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MoFA) report circulating in the Kremlin today reviewing a non-stop stream of urgent dispatches being received from the Embassy of the Russian Federation in the United States, says among the most notable of them are the ones showing that Biden terrorists had re-started their “Friday Night Riots” in the socialist Democrat Party stronghold city of Portland-Oregon, and the bombshell revelation that President Donald Trump has offered a full pardon to Wikileaks leader Julian Assange in exchange for his revealing the source of who leaked the Democratic National Committee emails during the 2016 election—a bombshell revelation that caused “Absolutely Terrified” socialist Democrats in the US Congress to demand an immediate investigation into the criminal probe being conducted by feared US Attorney John Durham over their fears he could improperly influence the upcoming presidential election with an “October Surprise”—all of which, however, was eclipsed a few hours ago when the United States Supreme Court announced that Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, 87, had died earlier last evening of metastatic pancreatic cancer—a death that caused Executive Washington Editor Gerald F. Seib of the Wall Street Journal to immediately warn: “This year’s October surprise just arrived, two weeks early, with the death of Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg…And it’s actually far more than a surprise: It is a shock to the system, and to a country that hardly seems able to absorb one more in a year already filled with them…In sheer political terms, what will the death of Justice Ginsburg affect in the campaign stretch run?…Everything”—who was joined by President Frank Cannon of the conservative American Principles Project stating about this death: “There is no more incendiary event that could happen that hasn’t already happened…this is the largest October surprise that ever happened”. […]

Sorcha Faal

State Of War Now Exists After Trump Declares “We Will Never Submit To Tyranny”

A bleakly worded new Security Council (SC) report circulating in the Kremlin today expressing alarm about the actions by foreign powers along Russia’s Eastern Strategic Military District, says as this great power struggle between the United States and Communist China grows more concerning by the hour, Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov has just informed all international parties concerned in these grave events that “Using ultimatums to talk to us is useless and pointless”, while at the same he assessed: “In the United States there are political forces that seek to fan such racist sentiments and utilize them for their own gain that we can witness practically every day”—an assessment based on the facts and evidence indisputably proving beyond any doubt that the United States now exists in a “State of War”—that’s internationally defined as a state of actual armed hostilities regardless of a formal declaration of war, and whose overwhelming evidence supporting has seen between 26 May 2020 and 5 September 2020 a confirmed 12,045 incidents of civil unrest that includes nearly 570 violent demonstrations in nearly 220 locations spread all across the United States, whose insured damage alone because of this violence is now estimated at a staggering $2-billion—and further to be noted, is a “State of War” openly confirmed as existing by President Donald Trump—who yesterday stood surrounded by his nation’s founding documents to address the American people about the full dimensions of this conflict and the grave peril their nation is now facing by his stating:  […]